• 他们铲子沙滩上

    They were playing on the beach with their buckets and spades.


  • 特迪转向莫娜,脸上些许困惑

    Teddy turned to Mona with a look of mild confusion.


  • 他们6个手提箱伦敦

    They had come up from London loaded down with six suitcases.


  • 贝克尔带着四个谈话要点出访以色列

    Baker is coming to Israel with four major talking points.


  • 重新焕发的活力投入了工作

    He has approached his job with renewed vigour.


  • 回答时带着冷漠神态

    He answered with an air of detachment.


  • 伦纳德带着令人消除怒气微笑走近了

    Leonard approached with a disarming smile.


  • 这位69牧师带着些皮肉逃脱了

    The 69-year-old clergyman escaped with superficial wounds.


  • 他们抢救出来的财物到了礁石

    They climbed up on the rock with their salvage.


  • 憎恶去看待毒贩子

    He regarded drug dealers with loathing.


  • 说话带着特有热情

    She spoke with characteristic enthusiasm.


  • 我们必须带着同情谅解来处理这个问题

    We must tackle the problem with sympathy and understanding.


  • 的角色是个次要人物,热情去表演

    Hers was a minor part, but she played it with gusto.


  • 敲门打开了门,一些羞怯走了进去

    He tapped on the door, opened it, and entered with a certain diffidence.


  • 他们笨重的行李气喘吁吁地来到门口

    They came panting up to his door with their unwieldy baggage.


  • 带着那架忠心耿耿照相机欧洲周游多年

    She spent years touring Europe with her trusty old camera.


  • 一家创办带着宏大理念崇高理想的银行。

    It was a bank that started out with grand ideas and lofty ideals.


  • 可以准备盒饭你们峡谷一日游的路上吃。

    Packed lunches can be arranged to take with you on day trips into the valley.


  • 不得不带着僵硬笑容度过那晚余下的时间。

    I had to go through the rest of the evening with a fixed smile on my face.


  • 声音孩童般,带着英格兰西南部的那种抑扬顿挫.

    Her voice is child-like, with a West Country lilt.


  • 可是我们现在得正开心,不是吗?”戏谑的微笑申辩着。

    "But we're having such fun, aren't we?" he protested with a teasing smile.


  • 今年所有苹果了。侄女侄子今天上午就要折梯出去一些

    This year all the apples are all red. My niece and nephew are going out this morning with step-ladders to pick some.


  • 面色苍白、皮肤呈深色有权威性带着可能期待位诺贝尔得主那种庄严。

    He is pale, dark, and authoritative, with the gravitas you might expect of a Nobel prize winner.


  • 带着我们的小渔船。

    We took our little fishing boat with us.


  • 问题来开会讨论。

    Come to the meeting with questions to discuss.


  • 带着钱出了门。

    Bill went out of the house with the money.


  • 带着饼干跑进隔壁房间。

    She ran into the next room with the biscuit.


  • 来的时候总是带着阳光。

    She always brought brightness with her when she came.


  • 小雪兔”回来了

    She returned with little Snowhopper.


  • 无可争辩的,鸟类带着这种疾病

    It is indisputable that birds are harbouring this illness.


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