• 布鲁塞尔会议上,塞浦路斯外交官们由于阻碍结束孤立北部欧盟工程而犯了众怒

    In Brussels, Cypriot diplomats' obstruction of EU projects designed to end the isolation of the north cause anger.


  • 周一美元欧元跌入历史新低,欧洲官员布鲁塞尔会议抱怨,欧洲经济肩负着过分的经济重压

    Monday the dollar against the euro dropped to a record low, European officials have complained in the meeting in Brussels, the European economy is shouldering too much economic pressure.


  • 国际乳品专家YnteHeinSchukken最近辉瑞公司布鲁塞尔会议上作出的预言之一。

    That's just one of the predictions expressed by international dairy expert Ynte Hein Schukken at a recent Pfizer meeting, in Brussels.


  • 事实上,执行和评估标准不仅会考虑英国的实际情况,会参考欧洲理事会布鲁塞尔会议上的做法预计10月份将会出台法规草案)。

    In fact their calibration will depend not on Britain alone but also on work being done in Brussels for the European Council (a draft law is expected in October).


  • 为期两天布鲁塞尔会议将于周四结束最近冰岛德国银行破产以及信贷危机带来恐慌情绪,该次会议目的对此采取明确措施

    The two-day meeting in Brussels, ending Thursday, is intended to solidify new measures in the wake of bank failures and credit crises from Iceland to Germany that brought near panic.


  • 上周一打算参加布鲁塞尔举行欧盟财长会议讨论为向葡萄牙希腊提供紧急援助的议题。

    On Monday he had planned to attend a meeting of European Union finance ministers in Brussels on Monday to discuss the bailouts of Portugal and Greece.


  • 布鲁塞尔华盛顿伦敦纽约日内瓦,到处都会议

    There are conferences in Brussels, Washington, London, New York and Geneva.


  • 布鲁塞尔会议上,他们表达对于当地如此之人民伤亡数目所感到的惊骇之情。

    At a meeting in Brussels, they said they were appalled by the high number of civilian casualties in the fighting.


  • 是否增加欧盟纾困资金可能成为周一布鲁塞尔召开的财长会议的议题之一。

    Among other ideas, which could be discussed when finance ministers meet in Brussels on Monday evening, is an increase in the European Union rescue fund.


  • 超过300位的科学家参加了布鲁塞尔举行的会议讨论目前为止的他们研究成果,这些科学家们大型强子对撞机所在日内瓦欧洲核子研究所工作

    More than 300 scientists working at the European Organisation for Nuclear research (CERN) near Geneva, where the LHC is based, are meeting in Brussels to discuss their research to date.


  • 法国星期一布鲁塞尔召集欧盟会议重点讨论有二十七个成员国组成欧盟在俄罗斯未来关系方面应采取什么步骤

    France has called an EU meeting Monday in Brussels to focus on what steps the 27-member bloc will take in terms of future relations with Russia.


  • schauble先生本来举起大斧,可是因不得不中途退出布鲁塞尔欧洲危机会议,所以也没起到作用。甚至有传闻可能不再留在议会

    It is no help that Mr Schauble, who would wield the axe, was forced by illness to leave the euro crisis meetings in Brussels, sparking speculation that he might not long remain in office.


  • 布鲁塞尔会议代表行业提出了讨论,希望可以eBay一样达成某些共识

    I have been having discussions in Brussels on behalf of the industry so that some sort of common sense should prevail, as it does on sites such as eBay.


  • 假如上周日布鲁塞尔召开会议改变那些关于欧元规定下次发生危机它们也能改写。

    If the rules of the euro can be rewritten on a Sunday night in Brussels once, they can be rewritten next time there is a crisis.


  • 欧盟国家布鲁塞尔举行会议讨论使用一切必要方法援助抵缅甸。

    European Union countries, meeting in Brussels, talked of getting aid to Myanmar by whatever means necessary.


  • 与此同时欧洲联盟正在布鲁塞尔举行一次首脑会议重点讨论金融危机

    Meanwhile, the European Union is holding a summit in Brussels, focused on the financial crisis.


  • 布鲁塞尔柏林举行会议至关重要

    The meetings in Brussels and Berlin will be crucial.


  • 欧盟将于周四10月28日时候布鲁塞尔举行各国首脑会议

    THE European Union holds a meeting of heads of state and government in Brussels on Thursday 28th October.


  • 巴马宣布了阿富汗战略后,克林顿夫人123号、4号于布鲁塞尔外长会议北约盟友一个简短的说明。

    After Mr. Obama announces his Afghanistan strategy, Mrs. Clinton will brief NATO allies at a meeting of foreign ministers in Brussels on Dec. 3 and 4.


  • 这次出访包括出席3月5布鲁塞尔举行北约外长会议日内瓦会见俄罗斯外长拉夫罗夫以及土耳其首都安卡拉短暂停留

    The trip also includes a March 5 NATO foreign ministers meeting in Brussels, a Geneva meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and a stop in Ankara.


  • 我们需要10月中旬召开欧盟布鲁塞尔首脑会议来开这个

    A start needs to be made at the European Council meeting of the heads of state and government in Brussels in mid-October.


  • 布鲁塞尔举行会议欧盟各国领导人呼吁伊朗迅速激励方案做出正面回应

    European Union leaders meeting in Brussels are calling on Iran to respond quickly and positively to the incentives offer.


  • 2005年6月22日80多个国家外长参加伊拉克问题国际会议布鲁塞尔欧盟总部举行

    On June 22, 2005, the International Meeting on the Iraqi Issue attended by more than 80 foreign ministers of state was held in the headquarters of European Union (EU) in Brussels.


  • 欧元区财长布鲁塞尔召开会议会议讨论核心问题塞浦路斯西班牙债务危机而不是希腊的债务危机,近几年来还属首次。

    Eurozone finance ministers are meeting in Brussels where for the first time in years the central issue is not the debt crisis in Greece but in Cyprus and Spain.


  • 布鲁塞尔一次银行会议非正式会议期间表示,大众应该冷静应对,市场反应更为冷静

    "I think we have to be calmcalmer than the markets certainly," Praet said on the sidelines of a banking conference in Brussels.


  • 布鲁塞尔一次银行会议非正式会议期间表示,大众应该冷静应对,市场反应更为冷静

    "I think we have to be calmcalmer than the markets certainly," Praet said on the sidelines of a banking conference in Brussels.


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