• 有40加蓬选民还是首都利伯维尔布库比说,比赛

    About 40 percent of Gabon's voters are in the capital Libreville where Boukoubi says the race is tight.


  • 巨人得分二人搭档亚当彻恩伯特∙鲁尓领队。

    The Giants are led by the scoring duo of Adam Courchaine and Gilbert Brule.


  • 尤利乌斯·凯撒以人所共知·朱尼厄斯·鲁特斯为首脑的一伙谋反者谋杀了

    Julius Caesar was murdered by a group of conspirators famously headed by Marcus Junius Brutus.


  • 贝尔法河地区,老人坐在咖啡馆角落里,着那些梳着灰发年轻人吹牛

    At Belcourt and Bab-el-Oued, old men seated in the depths of cafes, listening to the bragging of young men with plastered hair.


  • 潜水员乘坐着黛西号双人小型潜水器,在法国海岸边缘同行潜碟雅克斯托海船卡里索号一部分

    Two divers off the coast of France peer into Denise, a small two-man diving saucer that is part of Jacques Cousteau's oceanic ship Calypso.


  • 过去,雅.卡胡纳一家曾以别人土地上当雇工维生,免费分发土地消息他们带来了希望

    Jacoba Cahuana's family had survived as laborers in other people's fields, and news of land distributed free of charge gave them hope.


  • 在为鲁格尔智而写的即将发表文章中,沃尔夫冈·普罗斯认为欧元区危机暴露一项冷酷的现实,德国欧洲重要最强大的力量

    As Wolfgang Proissl argues in a forthcoming paper for Bruegel, a think-tank, the euro-zone crisis has exposed the cold reality that Germany is the power in Europe that counts the most.


  • 另一指挥官。本。穆,阿富汗作战,并在关塔那摩服过刑。

    Another top commander, Abu Sufian bin Qumu, is a former guantanamo detainee who also fought in Afghanistan.


  • 洛克在《关于史蒂夫一切》中的搭档莱德利·评为最差银幕搭档。

    Bullock and "All About Steve" co-star Bradley Cooper also Shared the Razzie for worst screen couple.


  • 赞对援助机构向达达难民营其它地方急需援助的提供粮食等援助表示赞赏。

    Cousin lauded efforts by aid agencies to deliver food and other supplies to people desperately in need, at Dadaab refugee camp and elsewhere.


  • 佐治亚州的贝斯·伯被洛杉矶老年医学研究所誉为世上活的最长莱宁只他晚出生26

    Breuning was 26 days younger than Besse Cooper of Georgia, whom the Gerontology Research Group in Los Angeles lists as the world's oldest person.


  • “除了皮肤癌其他所有皮肤病都会压力加剧,”纽约蒙蒂菲奥里医疗中心皮肤科医生医学博士帕拉梅·佳维茨

    "Almost every skin disease except for skin cancer gets worse with stress, " says Pamela Jakubowicz, M.D., a dermatologist at Montefiore Medical Center in New York.


  • 萨拉姆认为伯格的收费计划看起来纯粹惩罚手段,而诺夫则通过费用平衡使纽约的捷运乘客公交乘客得到真正实惠

    Salam points out that Bloomberg’s plan was seen as pure punishment. Komanoff’s proposal would balance the fees with real benefits for New York’s subway and bus riders.


  • 名潜水员乘坐着黛西双人小型潜水器,在法国海岸边缘同行。这潜碟搭载于著名航海家雅克·斯托海船里索号。

    Two divers off the coast of France peer into Denise, a small, two-man diving saucer that is part of Jacques Cousteau's oceanic ship Calypso.


  • 雅各现在的领导人的堂弟巨大的贡献,公司的兴旺很大程度上是他们亲自创造的。

    Jacob and his cousin Marcus, today’s generation, wield enormous influence, but their prosperity is largely of their own making.


  • 直觉地基因科学看成是一个数据计算问题

    Mr Brin instinctively regards genetics as a database and computing problem.


  • 网站这些行为澳大利亚科技达人尼克里·洛维克在博客曝光引爆了广大网民愤怒情绪。

    The website's practices were exposed by Australian technology blogger Nik Cubrilovic and have provoked a furious response across the Internet.


  • 公司先生出资,约十来名员工分散全球各地。

    The company, which is financed from Mr. Jacobsson's pocket, has a dozen or so employees scattered across the globe.


  • 苏格兰柯加洛威野生动物保护公园只刚刚出生4个星期的双胞胎粉红小熊猫接近摄像机镜头,正眨巴、眨巴大眼睛看这个世界呢!

    One of the two 4-week-old twin red pandas gets close to the camera at Galloway Wildlife Conservation Park near Kirkcudbright in Scotland.


  • 里斯托尔大学这项研究报告的主要作者乔? :“规律的锻炼对身心健康益处良多一点现在众所周知了。”

    Lead author Jo Coulson, from Bristol University, said: "It's generally well-known now that there are many physical and mental health benefits that can be gained from regularexercise."


  • 里斯托尔大学这项研究报告的主要作者乔?:“有规律锻炼身心健康益处良多一点现在众所周知了。”

    Lead author Jo Coulson, from Bristol University, said: "it's generally well-known now that there are many physical and mental health benefits that can be gained from regular exercise."


  • 公元前1000年左右,坐落于今日苏丹境内施王朝尼罗河沿岸辛贝喀土穆之间的流域繁盛起来。

    Inthe first millennium BC, the kingdom of Kush flourished around the twogreat bends of the river Nile between Abu Simbel and Khartoum, in whatis now Sudan.


  • 华尔街日报》报道,这家总部位于加利福尼亚蒂诺公司正在实验无线充电技术,将于2012年的下下一代iPhone中应用。

    The Cupertino, Calif.-based company is experimenting with wireless charging to debut on its next-next-generation iPhone to release in 2012, according to the Wall Street Journal.


  • 近日 Groovy 1.7,该版本语言本身进行了优化,同时增强了程序

    The Groovy language, version 1.7, was recently released supporting refinements to the language itself as well as library enhancements.


  • livecd工具提交以便将其包括Fedora附加存储中,到Fedora 7合并核心存储

    The livecd tools have been submitted for inclusion in Fedora's extras repository, which will be merged with the core repository by the time Fedora 7 is released.


  • livecd工具提交以便将其包括Fedora附加存储中,到Fedora 7合并核心存储

    The livecd tools have been submitted for inclusion in Fedora's extras repository, which will be merged with the core repository by the time Fedora 7 is released.


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