• 市场客户代表销售保持密切联系沟通提高客户满意度

    Keep close contact and communicate with marketing customer representative and sales people to improve customer service satisfaction.


  • 经过市场调查市场客户喜欢何种采暖方式我们就采用何种采暖方式

    After market research, if the market customers like some heating methods, we were on our way to provide that.


  • 任何生产问题上报高级业务经理,任何客户相关的问题上报给当地市场客户总监高级业务经理。

    Escalate any production issues to the Senior Engagement Manager and client related issues to the local market Account Director and Senior Engagement Manager.


  • 作为数字生产部门担任部门业务核心职务也是确保当地市场客户的项目顺利运行的最重要的职务。

    As part of the Digital Production Department, you play a central role in the business and are pivotal to the smooth running of the local market account.


  • 严整产业链结构完善的管理体系先进技术设备优质产品高效的客户服务国内外市场客户广泛好评。

    Strict and industry chain structure, a sound management system, advanced technology and equipment, quality products, efficient customer service, won wide acclaim at home and abroad customers.


  • 本文系统研究了体育休闲市场客户构成,分析体育休闲客户消费特点有针对性地提出体育休闲客户培育策略

    The paper analyzes the customers'structure of sport recreation market and the con-sumption characteristics of the different customer groups. It suggests the ways for fostering customers.


  • 分析发现,移动通信市场客户需求增长高速性移动通信业务本身边际成本刺激移动运营商频繁推出业务套餐的主要动因

    The analysis indicates the high growth of the demand in the market and the low marginal cost of the business are the main factors for the operators to recommend suite business frequently.


  • 当今银行面临着巨大压力挑战,面对竞争和挑战,银行的重点是做好市场客户细分有效挖掘客户需求提供客户差异化服务

    We must focus on client segmentation, identify customers 'needs effectively and provide customers with difference services in the face of competition and challenges.


  • OrderPriority作业首先提取'Building '市场客户客户然后ORDERS中提取关于他们下的订单的信息。

    The OrderPriority job first extracts the customer keys for those customers who are in the 'Building' market segment, and then extracts information about orders placed by them from the orders table.


  • 约翰第一个任务正在市场推出新游戏客户创建一个促销活动

    John's first assignment was to create a promotion campaign for a client who was putting a new game on the market.


  • 作为一名首席经纪人股票市场很多经验。我每天客户打交道而且享受人们一起工作

    As a head broker, I have a lot of experience in the stock market, I deal with the clients on the daily bases, and I enjoy working with people.


  • 此外我们最大市场——美国东北部城市进行调查客户表示他们看重 Dura-Socks时尚外观多种颜色可用性

    Furthermore, our customers surveyed in our largest market, northeastern United States cities, say that they most value Dura-Socks' stylish appearance and availability in many colors.


  • 总是高端市场根据研究,它员工态度有关——他们真的专注提供良好客户服务

    It's always been at the higher end of the market, but according to my research, it was to do with the attitude of the employeesthey were really focused on giving good customer service.


  • 市场调整意味着现有客户提供更多的花样转向不同市场老年人市场

    Market modification also means searching for increased usage among present customers or going for a different market, such as senior citizens.


  • 此外一趋势本身自成一体了,即企业次级市场提供服务能力激发了客户越来越多的专业产品的需求。

    Moreover, the trend feeds on itself, a business's ability to serve sub-markets fuels customers' appetites for more and more specialized offerings.


  • 市场营销重点在于销售产品服务通过广告来吸引客户同时客户建立关系

    Marketing focuses on selling your product or service, attracting customers through advertising, and also building relationships with customers.


  • 保护客户数据能力市场价值关键董事会代表股东市场价值负责

    The ability to guard customer data is the key to market value, which the board is responsible for on behalf of shareholders.


  • 现在需要一个专门设计市场平台自由职业者客户联系在一起

    What's needed now is a marketplace platform specifically designed to bring freelancers and clients together.


  • 广告客户可以全国范围内地区市场甚至那些市场中的特定地点使用

    An advertiser can use it nationally, by region, by markets, and even by specific locations within those markets.


  • 作为交换,客户保证高于市场价格收购每一动物牛崽提供与欧盟类似直达客户电子身份识别系统

    In exchange, he guarantees an above-market price for each animal and a calf-to-customer electronic ear tag ID system like that used in the European Union.


  • 市场为导向的策略分为客户导向,以竞争对手为导向部门间协调。

    The market-orientated strategy divides into customer orientation, competitor orientation, and interfunctional coordination.


  • 战略决策必须依据战略情报其中包括洞悉客户市场竞争对手行为

    Strategic business decisions must be informed by strategic intelligence, which includes insight into customer, market and competitor behaviour.


  • 此外,面向新的市场客户合作伙伴找到合格在线服务供应商

    It also features the new Dynamics Marketplace that allows customers and partners to find qualified service providers online.


  • 倾听他们声音亲自融从事市场中去征求客户反馈

    Listen to them. Get out into the markets you serve, and ask your customers for feedback.


  • 除了通过透明度不高的场外大宗商品掉期市场客户处理大笔交易之外,银行本身也是大型大宗商品交易商

    Besides handling large volumes of trades for clients via the opaque over-the-counter commodity-swaps markets, they are also large commodity traders in their own right.


  • 直销市场员工客户成员家庭成员,以及任何团体慈善直接相关

    Direct market to the employees, clients, members, family members, and any group that is directly associated with your charity.


  • 突出创业人那些着迷于而且尽力的学习他们创业市场客户等等的人。

    The founders that stand out are those that obsess over learning as much as they can about their startups, the market, customers, etc.


  • 银行创业计划中,包括市场客户数据以及整个行业详细分析报告。

    As part of the business plan that you present to the bank, you should include a detailed analysis of the market, the customer base, and the broader industry.


  • 其他面向本国市场中国客户购买新机器

    Other Chinese customers, which make fittings for the domestic market, are still buying machines, he says.


  • 其他面向本国市场中国客户购买新机器

    Other Chinese customers, which make fittings for the domestic market, are still buying machines, he says.


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