• 六月以来受命飞过德克萨斯州厄尔·本得地区

    Since June 1st they have been authorised to fly over El Paso and the Big Bend region of west Texas.


  • 教堂位于莫斯科红场,据说它设计成像篝火火焰一样

    Located on Moscow's Red Square, St. Basil's is said to be designed to resemble a bonfire's flames.


  • 教堂独特尖顶塔楼圆顶斗拱耸立在莫斯科的红场

    The distinctive spires, cupolas, domes, and arches of St. Basil's Cathedral soar over Moscow's Red Square.


  • 我们下午4:30到达额尔·巴索机场后受到了亲朋好友的热烈欢迎。

    We got into El Paso at 4:30 p. m. and were greeted by our friends and family.


  • 毗临红场巴索教堂宏伟的克里姆林宫,过去俄罗斯宫殿

    The red is holy, and the church, which is used in the kremlin palace of Russia.


  • 著名大教堂委托伊凡雷帝红场1555年和1561年之间边缘

    The famous St. Basil's Cathedral was commissioned by Ivan the Terrible and built on the edge of Red Square between 1555 and 1561.


  • 到1886年10月底这座雕像重新组装起来,正式赠送给美国人民

    By the end of October 1886, the statue had been put together again and it was officially presented to the American people by Bartholdi.


  • 圣何塞市外,南卡罗来纳州哥伦比亚得克萨斯州厄尔·巴索市的离婚率也较低。

    After San Jose, divorces were least likely to occur in Columbia, South Carolina and el Paso, Texas.


  • 厄尔·区域大多数日子安静边境巡逻处对这个占据边境268英里地方戏称的那样。

    It's quiet most days in the El Paso sector, as the border Patrol dubs this 268-mile slice of the border.


  • 美国边境巡逻队的特工厄尔巴索座边境开枪杀死了一名15岁的墨西哥男孩。

    United States border-patrol agents shot and killed a 15-year-old Mexican youth at a border-crossing bridge in El Paso.


  • 厄尔·两英里长的边界线上,边境巡逻车随时待命准备追拿任何越过围墙的人。

    Along a two-mile stretch of the border just outside El Paso, five border Patrol vehicles wait, ready to give chase should anyone manage to get past the fence.


  • 厄尔·市的阳光医疗中心(DelSolMedical Center)名列第二营运利润率高达45%。

    Del Sol Medical Center in el Paso snared second place with an astronomical 45% operating margin.


  • 俄国物理学家提出微波放大器激光产生高强度辐射能原理,并为此于1964年获得诺贝尔

    Basov: Russian physicist. He Shared a 1964 Nobel Prize for developing the maser and laser principle of producing high-intensity radiation.


  • 南非进口大部分必需品,并将本国货币定为兰特。除此之外,莱托还许多在南非工作那里收到救济用汇款

    It imports most of what it needs from South Africa, pegs its currency to the rand and gets life-saving remittances from the many Basotho working there.


  • 斯坦德莱巴索大厦温暖舒适的书室里,一边吃着上等的美国咖啡面包 卷奶油,一边讲了上面一番话。

    Thus Standley, in the warm pleasant library at Spaso House, over excellent American coffee and white rools and butter, said this.


  • 他们花钱参观深圳一个主题公园世界窗”,那里以缩小比例仿建世界各地的旅游景点特色莫斯科大教堂

    They pay to visit Window of the World, a theme park in Shenzhen that features miniaturized tourist sights, like Moscow's St. Basil's Cathedral.


  • 然而的确千真万确,它就发生14岁时候,那时,我准备德克萨斯州休斯顿经由厄尔巴索前往加利福利亚路上

    This is certainly what happened in my life. When I was 14, I was hitchhiking from Houston, Texas, through El Paso on my way to California.


  • 餐厅创办人乔恩·巴索(JonBasso)今天这位和缓巨人致敬他说这位全州摔跤冠军不是扮演滑稽造型那么简单。

    Restaurant founder Jon Basso paid tribute to the gentle giant today, saying there was a lot more to the former state wrestling champion than the caricature he played.


  • 显然错误:在德尔里奥厄尔之间,还是一个活物的,尽管它是蚊子这个幸存者,在旁边,在我周围,在我身上,“吱吱吱吱吱”。

    Obviously, I had made a mistake: there was a living soul between Del Rio and El Paso, one only mosquito, The Survivor, just beside me, around me, on me, zzzzz.


  • 干酪是在墨西哥城购买的,之前坐长途公车便宜旅行穿越萨卡特卡市,斯杜兰戈奇瓦瓦市直边境厄尔巴索,远远两千里

    I'd bought the cheese three days ago in Mexico City before the long cheap bus trip across Zacatecas and Durango and Chihuahua two thousand long miles to the border at El Paso.


  • 我们所有非常非常短暂时间这个地球上某人评价这个世界,他如何离开这个世界的,可以告诉你们布莱尔·里弗朋友

    "We all have a very, very brief time on this earth, and the measure of a man is how he leaves the world after he's been here, and I can tell you Blair River was my friend," Basso said.


  • 一句巴索谚语说“Bochakepalesa.”(Youthisflower.),中文也将人生青春时期称为“花样年华”,均表达了共同的认识:青年国家的未来和希望。

    There is a Basotho proverb Bocha ke palesa , in English it means Youth is flower. The Chinese people has a similar expression, which is HuaYang NianHua-"age of blossoming flowers".


  • 后来伯顿带来只京犬,给它起名叫伊恩”。

    Then one day Burton showed up with a Pekingese, named E'en So.


  • 这个任务成果但是后来格达那些日子里,拉班··记录了一生旅行

    The mission bore no fruit, but in his later years in Baghdad, Rabban Bar Sauma documented his lifetime of travel.


  • 一位职业整形外科医师为“第二意见”策略

    Dr Barrasso, an orthopaedic surgeon by training, calls this the "second-opinion" strategy.


  • 离开墨西哥几天,玛丽·列斯听说母亲房子已经洗劫了

    A few days after she left Mexico, Valles Garcia learned her mother's house had been ransacked.


  • 告诉记者说,西非共同体领导人发出了明确信息最后机会

    Guillaume Soro told reporters that the message of ECOWAS leaders is clear and this is Mr. Gbagbo's last chance.


  • ·特的最新发现显示了微生物们惊人的“语言天赋细菌不但彼此谈话交流同时偷偷地监听他们人类宿主发出的信号

    But it's Bjarnsholt's latest discovery that reveals microbes' gift for language: the bacteria aren't just talking amongst themselves, but also quietly listening in on signals sent by their human host.


  • ·特的最新发现显示了微生物们惊人的“语言天赋细菌不但彼此谈话交流同时偷偷地监听他们人类宿主发出的信号

    But it's Bjarnsholt's latest discovery that reveals microbes' gift for language: the bacteria aren't just talking amongst themselves, but also quietly listening in on signals sent by their human host.


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