• 他们都照办了巴尔禄经手,送到长老那里。

    Which also they did, sending it to the ancients, by the hands of Barnabas and Saul.


  • 了十四巴尔上耶路撒冷去了弟铎同去

    Then, after fourteen years, I went up again to Jerusalem with Barnabas, taking Titus also with me.


  • 这事传到耶路撒冷教会中,打发巴尔纳提约基雅去。

    And the tidings came to the ears of the church that was at Jerusalem, touching these things: and they sent Barnabas as far as Antioch.


  • 巴尔伯却留在安提约基雅施教别的许多宣讲道理。

    And Paul and Barnabas continued at Antioch, teaching and preaching, with many others, the word of the Lord.


  • 好利节,南德冈的男人来到巴尔那里女人嬉戏。

    On Holi, men from Nandgaon come to Barsana to play holi with the women there.


  • 根据女佣供述那个假期尔曾在某个晚上贝登古尔大叫,当时他们赴宴一个聚会正在口红

    According to the maid, during the same holiday Banier shouted at Bettencourt one evening when they were about to go out to a party and she was putting on lipstick.


  • 根据这项协议,这些画作贝登古尔的家里直到去世,之后将被移交尔。

    Under the agreement, the paintings will hang on Bettencourt's walls until her death, when they will be transferred to Banier.


  • 查克·洛尔告诉希望克里斯汀·巴伦斯基作为德的母亲返回这个春季档出现。关于听说过吗?

    TVLINE | Chuck Lorre told me that he hoped to have Christine Baranski (the Good Wife) back this spring as Leonard's mother. Have you heard anything on that?


  • 一位女佣告诉调查员,2006年塞尔度假期间,“不断骚扰贝登·古尔女士,她给支票。”

    A maid told investigators about a holiday in the Seychelles in 2006 when "Mr Banier was harassing Madame Bettencourt to write him a cheque."


  • 2005年,耶尔萨州长由于指控洗钱遭到逮捕,当时州长因此开始掌舵

    When the Bayelsa state governor was arrested on money-laundering charges in 2005, Mr Jonathan, then deputy governor, found himself at the helm.


  • 查克·洛尔告诉希望克里斯汀·巴伦斯基作为德的母亲返回这个春季档出现。

    TVLINE | Chuck Lorre told me that he hoped to have Christine Baranski (The Good Wife) back this spring as Leonard's mother.


  • 接受调查的时候,否认做过任何违法的事情,贝登·古尔长期以来一直在“资助”他的艺术创作

    Questioned by investigators, Banier denied having done anything illegal, saying that Bettencourt had for a long time been "sponsoring" his artistic endeavours.


  • TVLINE |查克·洛尔告诉希望克里斯汀·巴伦斯基作为德的母亲返回这个春季档出现。

    TVLINE | Chuck Lorre told me that he hoped to have Christine Baranski (the Good Wife) back this spring as Leonard's mother.


  • 很快尔便成为贝登·古尔位于伊(巴黎西北郊富人区——译者注)宅常客

    Banier was soon a regular visitor to the Bettencourt mansion in Neuilly, an affluent suburb of Paris.


  • 新作《纤维中的马哈巴·哈拉特》中,麦克唐先生为阿姆·巴尼故事添加最新的资料,加上了关于迪卢柏2002年逝世章节以及随后位兄弟穆柯西尼尔之间世仇

    In his new work, "Mahabharata in Polyester", Mr McDonald brings the story up to date, adding chapters about Dhirubhai's death in 2002 and the subsequent feud between his two sons, Mukesh and Anil.


  • 心理学家普拉巴·谢米尔多·斯特斯为进一步统一以前各有关研究文献观点,多伦多大学开展了一项后续性实验。

    To tighten the focus on those early findings, psychologists Prathiba Shammi and Donald Stuss conducted a follow-up study at the University of Toronto.


  • 这本书拖沓不像的那本古尔德。

    It drags, unlike Bazzana's Glenn Gould book.


  • j . I.罗代尔、伊娃·巴尔女士阿尔伯特·霍华德有机发烧友们一起,诺斯·伯勋爵农田视为天然生态系统反对使用化学肥料农药

    Joined by fellow organic pioneers like J.I. Rodale, Lady Eve Balfour and Albert Howard, he championed farms as natural ecosystems, and railed against chemical fertilizers and pesticides.


  • 拉曼·桑、威尔考克斯印度冰川学家萨义德·以邱巴尔·哈斯正在协同工作计算炭黑冰川融解所造成损失

    Ramanathan, Wilcox and an Indian glaciologist Syed Iqbal Hasnain are working to figure out the impact of black carbon on glacial loss.


  • 圣何塞市外,南卡罗来哥伦比亚得克萨斯州厄尔·巴索市的离婚率也较低。

    After San Jose, divorces were least likely to occur in Columbia, South Carolina and el Paso, Texas.


  • 具有讽刺意味的是巴萨现在的主教练瓜迪奥拉位列曼联队中的教练人选之一,一起还有英格兰国家队的教练法比奥·卡佩罗、胡斯希丁克、马丁·奥尼尔阿瑟·温格

    Ironically Barca boss Pep Guardiola is one of those who will be on United's radar along with the likes of England boss Fabio Capello, Guus Hiddink, Martin o 'neill and Arsene Wenger.


  • 尔61岁,说话圆滑老练,莉莉安·贝登古尔谈起自己的困境。后者是他的女主人高贵典雅根据福布斯杂志,她是世界上最有钱的女人

    The smooth-talking Banier, 61, mentioned his painful predicament to Liliane Bettencourt, his elegant hostess and - according to Forbes magazine - the world's richest woman.


  • 姆格亚尔•夏尔登山队希望带回至少两千公斤垃圾年前遇难名登山者尸体运回来。

    Namgyal Sherpa's team hopes to bring down at least 2, 000 kg of garbage and the corpse of a climber killed two years ago.


  • 姆格亚尔•夏尔登山队希望带回至少两千公斤垃圾年前遇难名登山者尸体运回来。

    Namgyal Sherpa's team hopes to bring down at least 2,000 kg of garbage and the corpse of a climber killed two years ago.


  • 最近,埃尔坎驾驶塞斯飞机从朱巴北部起飞,沿着尼罗河(WhiteNile)一直向着东部广阔区域飞行,飞机在那一片人迹罕至的地带飞行了小时之

    Elkan recently piloted his Cessna north of Juba, along the White Nile, then east into an immense territory that reached toward the sunrise. For hours we flew over untouched land.


  • 英文版将于今年118日发行,该书英文版余华大学阿兰·巴尔合作成果。

    It is due out November 8th in an English language edition-the product of a collaborative effort between Yu Hua and Pomona College's Allan Barr.


  • 尔逊•曼德拉不仅愈合民族创伤,是几良师益友,而且活生生智慧勇气廉正象征——数百万人亲切地称马迪巴”。

    A healer of nations and a mentor to generations, Nelson Mandela – or Madiba as he is affectionately known by millionsis a living symbol of wisdom, courage and integrity.


  • 他们名字和那些失败勇者们一起被雕刻命运之墙上,”巴尔·塞宣布

    "Their names shall be graven on the Gates of Fate amongst the other valiant fallen," declared Barsena.


  • 他们名字和那些失败勇者们一起被雕刻命运之墙上,”巴尔·塞宣布

    "Their names shall be graven on the Gates of Fate amongst the other valiant fallen," declared Barsena.


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