• 并且因为孩子们喜欢喝,巧克力纯白适合饮用

    And since kids like it, they're apt to drink more of it than white milk.


  • 忘掉蛋白质昔吧巧克力或许才是运动最佳饮品

    Forget the protein shakes, chocolate milk may be the best thing to drink after you workout.


  • 探讨了板栗壳色素巧克力巧克力蛋糕中的应用

    Application of the brown pigment in mimic chocolate milk and mimic chocolate cake was discussed.


  • 巧克力零食圆润的到了小班第二,带着的玩具袋到了幼儿园

    You start schooling by rolling into pre-school with your chocolate milk and snack pack. The next year, you bring your kiddie backpack to kindergarten.


  • 如果恰好出去锻炼那么,可以考虑换成巧克力,还可以适当加点糖。

    If you happen to be heading into a workout session, consider making it chocolate milk to boot, for some added sugar as well.


  • 比如巧克力没有关系能提供坚固牙齿所需蛋白质以及各种维生素

    Chocolate milk, for example, is okay. It provides the protein, calcium, and vitamins that kids need for strong teeth.


  • 不论游泳运动员是否巧克力他们需要他们训练当作一个24 - 7过程

    Whether swimmers drink chocolate milk or not, they need to see their training as a 24-7 process, said Stager.


  • 优势一机多能,冲调各种咖啡巧克力豆浆果汁等,一应俱全。

    Advantage two: one machine can be prepared and all kinds of coffee, tea, chocolate milk, soy milk, juice, tea, etc. are all available.


  • 科学家发现运动之后,身体需要补充能量,而巧克力奶含有这时候身体所需的全部营养

    Scientists have found that the beverage has all the nutrients that your body needs to replenish itself from exercising.


  • 时尚的英文翻译:科学家发现运动之后,身材需要补充能量,而巧克力奶含有这时候身体所需的全部营养

    Scientists have found that the beverage has all the nutrients that your body needs to replenish itself from exercising.


  • 事情发生在学校自助餐厅里。胳膊肘名叫巴里我还高大的男孩到一边从而抢到了最后一巧克力

    I remember the bitter fifth-grade conflict I touched off by elbowing aside a bigger boy named Barry and seizing the cafeteria's last carton of chocolate milk.


  • 食堂他们总是最后自己的午餐——他们常常听到的是这句话:对不起年轻人其他孩子巧克力买光了——在教室,他们坐在后排,只有恳求才会得到老师注意

    They were always the last to get lunch in the cafeteria - sorry, Young, the other kids bought all the chocolate milk again - and had to beg for the teacher's attention from the back of the classroom.


  • 实际上肌肉细胞(运动之后)2小时后,开始拒绝吸收营养元素。”JoelStager曾撰写了一研究文章关于巧克力作为恢复饮料惊人益处

    In fact, muscle cells become resistant to absorbing nutrients after two hours, said Stager, author of a study on the surprising benefits of chocolate milk as a recovery drink.


  • 一个小镇几个小孩巧克力,结果引来大群娃娃我们汽车跑,汽车在颠簸道路上缓慢行驶时,他们甚至把手伸进车里要东西,让我很担心他们中的一个会被汽车撞倒。

    I handed chocolate milk boxes to a few kids in one small town , only to have an army of children chasing our car and hanging onto the doors as we slowly bumped down a rutted road.


  • 大部分食物(花生坚果浆果巧克力)一样,特殊情况人群应当谨慎食用。

    Like most foods (meat, milk, peanuts, nuts, berries, chocolate, etc.), there are people with certain conditions that should be more careful.


  • 一杯加谷类甜料而非制的巧克力或者是角

    1 cup grain-sweetened, nondairy chocolate or carob chips.


  • 研究人员发现巧克力的黑巧克力增加抗氧化剂含量得多

    Researchers found that the rise in antioxidant levels is much lower when milk chocolate is eaten or when dark chocolate is eaten along with milk.


  • 冰淇淋巧克力果汁糕,低脂布丁干酪低脂,低脂

    Low fat or light ice cream, chocolate sorbet, low fat pudding, reduced fat cheeses, skim or low fat milk, low fat or light yogurt.


  • 迪拜的“纳斯玛”是全球首个骆驼巧克力品牌,该公司打算进军市场。

    Dubai's Al Nassma, the world's first brand of chocolate made with camels' milk, plans to expand into Europe, Japan and the US.


  • 卡龙有多种口味包括巧克力咖啡焦糖覆盆子橘子柠檬肉桂开心果甚至花生酱果冻口味

    Macarons come in many different flavors. They include chocolate, coffee, salted caramel, raspberry, orange, eggnog, lemon, cinnamon, pistachio, even peanut butter and jelly.


  • 电场可以使原油中的石蜡沥青颗粒巧克力中的可可物质粒子微小条形磁铁一样排列

    The field causes particles in the fluid, like paraffin and asphalt particles in crude oil, or cocoa and milk solids in chocolate, to act like tiny bar magnets, and line up into chains.


  • 高贵优雅外表透露独特淡淡的香,混合雪花般的巧克力感受神秘梦幻世界

    Elegant exterior reveals a unique touch of milk, chocolate milk-like mixture of snow and feel the mystical fantasy world.


  • 新西兰包裹着香坚果,搭配微巧克力品味生活味道苦中带甜

    New Zealand wrapped with crispy nuts, evaporated milk, with bitter chocolate, taste the flavor of life, bittersweet.


  • 比利时巧克力隐约传出香交织,完美细腻口感留在口中身陷场华丽享乐派对

    Belgian chocolate flavor and faint perfume of milk, perfect and exquisite taste in mouth. As in a sumptuous enjoyment of a party.


  • 浓情比利时比利时巧克力隐约传出香交织,完美细腻口感留在口中身陷场华丽享乐派对

    Passionate Belgium :Belgian chocolate flavor and faint perfume of milk, perfect and exquisite taste in mouth. As in a sumptuous enjoyment of a party.


  • 浓情比利时比利时巧克力隐约传出香交织,完美细腻口感留在口中身陷场华丽享乐派对

    Passionate Belgium :Belgian chocolate flavor and faint perfume of milk, perfect and exquisite taste in mouth. As in a sumptuous enjoyment of a party.


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