• 按照工业危险安全技术规范衡量现存消防设备尚有许多不足

    According to industrial source of danger safety technology criterion, existent fire device still has a lot of shortage.


  • 工业生产危险废物主要来源工业危险废物是世界各国固体废物管理重要方面

    Industrial production is the main source of hazardous wastes, and therefore management of industrial hazardous wastes is considered as an important aspect of solid waste management in the world.


  • 针对工业危险废弃物处置场生产特点设计网络结构PLC控制为主计算机控制系统,并详细介绍了该系统的结构、特点、功能及实施方法。

    A set of computer control system predominated by network structure and PLC control station is designed with reference to the production features of industrial hazardous waste disposal site.


  • 而所有试图抹去风味葡萄酒,都因此沦为没有灵魂的工业制品危险

    All trying to erase the taste of wine on the ground, so there are will become soulless industrial products risk.


  • 不过伦敦大学国王学院环境研究主任弗兰克·凯利这种烟雾并不大多数城市看到工业烟雾那么危险

    However, Frank Kelly, director of environmental research at King's College London, says the smoke isn't as dangerous as the industrial smog seen in most cities.


  • 但是食品工业昨日抨击这个做法危险的不现实的,而且极有可能毁掉英国农业

    However, the food industry yesterday slammed the idea as' dangerous', 'totally unrealistic' and likely to decimate British agriculture.


  • 根据世界野生动物基金会(WWF) 2007年世界10大处境危险河流报道河水已经污水工业废水严重污染

    The river is also heavily polluted by sewage and industrial runoff according to the World Wildlife Fund's (WWF) 2007 report World's Top 10 Rivers at Risk.


  • 表示:这个危险的建议消费者食品工业产生隔阂。

    'It is a dangerous principle that will alienate consumers and the food industry alike,' he said.


  • 即使食品工业确实找到标注食品的更好方法,也总会意外接触高浓度过敏原危险

    Even if the food industry does find a better way to label foods, there will always be the danger of an accidental exposure to high concentrations of an allergen.


  • 格内尔也是攻击催生的工业形式表示担忧专家之一,这种形式使美国面临受攻击的高度危险

    Mr. Langner is among the experts who expressed fear that the attack had legitimized a new form of industrial warfare, one to which the United States is also highly vulnerable.


  • 数字低于市场预期而且已经危险接近标志工业制造紧缩50红线以下

    The figure was below market forecasts and perilously close to dipping below the 50 line that would signal a contraction in industrial activity.


  • 另外,还有一些非常危险工业垃圾比如废弃的核燃料,到目前为止,人们还没有研究出通行处理办法

    And then there are some really nasty forms of industrial waste, such as spent nuclear fuel, for which no universally accepted disposal methods have thus far been developed.


  • 莱昂·德尔巴塞尔工业公司,世界第三石化产品制造商债务危险易燃物”出现的迹象

    LYONDELLBASELL, the world's third-largest petrochemicals producer, should have "Danger, inflammable substance" signs posted on its debt.


  • 希腊债务其GDP的113.40%,处于危险中,因为被视为一个强大的工业金融国家

    Greece 's Debts Is 113.40% GDP, in Danger As It Is Not Considered a Strong Industrial Or Financial Country.


  • 巨大回应数量表明Sartoria服装工业正面临危险

    The large number of responses indicates that the Sartorian clothing industry is at risk.


  • 今后数十年内,许多这样的小农场大型工业农场代替,这些大型农场一般能更好控制瘟疫散播危险

    Over the next couple of generations, many such smallholders will give way to larger, industrial farms, which are generally better at managing the risk of spreading plagues.


  • 该奖项授予来自马里兰州工业卫生安全办公室曼纽尔·巴尔贝托,他发现胡须上的微生物使男人成为实验室潜在危险

    Awarded to Manuel Barbeito at the Industrial Health and Safety Office in Maryland for scientific studies that found microbes cling to beards, making more hirsute men a potential laboratory hazard.


  • 里甘警告对于唱片工业来说,应用程序商店带来各种各样的危险卖出更多歌曲没有任何帮助

    But Mulligan warns that for the record industry, this brings all sorts of dangers which won't help sell more songs.


  • 作业人员完成自动化程序时身边工业装配机器人其固有危险

    As they go through their automated routines, industrial assembly bots are inherently dangerous to be around.


  • 无论生产活动发生制药食品精密电子还是类似工业场合避免危险必须的。

    No matter the production activities is happened in pharmacy, food, electronic, or similar precision of industrial occasions, avoid danger is a must.


  • 1979年,由于装置被部分熔化而发生泄露事故,成了当时轰动全球头条新闻,也使使成了核能危险代名词促使美国工业减慢了建设的步伐。

    The accident made Three Mile Island synonymous with the dangers of nuclear power and helped slow expansion of the U.S. nuclear industry.


  • 环保人士警告说我们居住是个各种危险化学物质世界强效杀虫剂奥辛、聚氯联苯等有毒工业废物都有。

    We live, environmentalists warn, in a world laced with dangerous chemicals, from powerful pesticides to toxic industrial wastes like dioxin and PCBs.


  • 石油工业特征有一点危险所以炼油厂厂址远离人口集中的地方。

    The oil industry is marked by an element of danger, hence the siting of refineries is at a distance from population centers.


  • 中世纪割据已经过时,均势政策工业时代危险而又愚蠢的。

    The medieval jigsaw of nations is obsolete. the balance of power is dangerous foolishness in the industrial age.


  • 北京,空气指数一直顽固地停留在“危险,而华北平原工业城市连续几天空气指数爆表

    Air indexes have stayed stubbornly in the "hazardous" zone in the capital, while the industrial cities of the north China plain have gone off the charts for several days running.


  • 北京,空气指数一直顽固地停留在“危险,而华北平原工业城市连续几天空气指数爆表

    Air indexes have stayed stubbornly in the "hazardous" zone in the capital, while the industrial cities of the north China plain have gone off the charts for several days running.


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