• 许多其他工业化国家一样,英国过去100年里经历了重大变化

    Britain, in common with many other industrialized countries, has experienced major changes over the last 100 years.


  • 尽管英国这样,但日本荷兰法国其它国家符合其中一些标准它们没有实现工业化

    While this was the case for England, other nations, such as Japan, the Netherlands and France also met some of these criteria but were not industrialising.


  • 同样地男生北欧加拿大英国以至整个工业化世界落后了。他们到底怎么了?

    Likewise, boys are also lagging in Scandinavia, Canada, Britain and throughout the industrialized world.


  • 随着工业化横扫世界而诞生的发达国家中,生育率急剧下降, 这种现象首先发生法国,然后英国,后来遍及整个欧洲美洲.当人们富裕时, 家庭规模变小;

    As industrialisation swept through what is now the developed world, fertility fell sharply, first in France, then in Britain, then throughout Europe and America.


  • 19世纪末期工业化比尔巴每年需用的煤炭三分之一大约200,000是从英国海运过来,因为西班牙内地取得煤炭更为困难

    In the late 1800s, one third of industrial Bilbao's annual requirement of coal - some 200,000 tons - arrived by ship from England because it was difficult to get coal from Spain's interior.


  • 防洪农业海岸侵蚀政策领域BobWatson表示英国应该做出规划,应对工业化以来全球温度4C上升

    In policy areas such as flood protection, agriculture and coastal erosion Professor Bob Watson said the country should plan for the effects of a 4c global average rise on pre-industrial levels.


  • 英国主办下届工业化国家新兴经济体组成20国集团的金融危机峰会

    Britain is to host the next financial crisis summit of the G-20 group of industrialized and emerging economies.


  • 他说:“最近可以澳大利亚英国美国头条新闻看到,他们无法应对今天移民潮。 而这些国家都在世界上工业化发达、最先进的国家之列。

    Recent headlines you have seen in Australia, in the UK, in the USA - these are among the most industrialized, the most advanced countries in the world - cannot cope with migration today.


  • 但是正如英国带领世界进入工业化一样,现在英国正在带领世界告别工业化

    But just as Britain led the world into industrialisation, so now Britain is leading it out.


  • 然后来自19世纪早期例子——工业化制造铁钉还有来自英国内战时期的加农炮弹。

    Then from the 19th Century there is an early example of a manufactured iron nail, and from the English Civil War, a solid cannon ball.


  • 这些只是典型的工业化悲哀还是这个看似百孔的小镇证明英国多元文化主义陷入危机

    Are these just typical post-industrial woes, or is this seemingly blighted town evidence that British multiculturalism is in crisis?


  • 如今,随着发达国家工业化规模不断扩大,人口出生率却不断下降——在这方面,法国首当其冲,英国紧随其后,接着整个欧洲再加上美国也加入到了这一行列。

    As industrialisation swept through what is now the developed world, fertility fell sharply, first in France, then in Britain, then throughout Europe and America.


  • 英国今年4月主办下一次工业化国家新兴经济体组成20国集团金融危机峰会

    Britain is due to host the next financial crisis summit of the G-20 group of industrialized and emerging economies in April.


  • 工业化国家中,英国法国德国美国城市水资源投融资管理方式提供了一系列有用的实例

    In the industrialized countries, England, France, German and America provide a series of practical examples of water source investment and management models.


  • 下半年英国18世纪来临工业化等时首次使用原始输送皮带

    Primitive conveyors with belts were first used isochronic with the onset of the industrialization in the second half of the 18 th century in England.


  • 英国工业化历史上重要经济变革, 但其经济增长的特征更多地表现为渐进性

    The economic growth in British industrialization, the most important economic change in the history, is a more gradualist progress.


  • 具有一定文化水准英国农民成为工业化积极推动力量

    The educated British peasants became a positive driving force for the industrialization.


  • 主持人在哥本哈根气候大会上,其中一个备受压力,被要求大幅度削减排放的工业化国家就是英国

    Host: One of the industrial countries coming under pressure at the 1 Copenhagen conference to make bigger cuts in its emissions is Britain.


  • 某种意义上说,英国工业小说英国工业化进程文学记录

    The industrial novel of England is the literature record of the industrialization course in England.


  • 总结英国工业化历史教训不仅对于英国而且对于尚未实现工业化国家具有重要意义

    It has significant meanings to sum up historical lessons of British industrialization not only to Great Britain but also to those countries that have not realized industrialization.


  • 中国后来者,处在工业化初级阶段英国学习的东西很多

    China is a late comer, which is just entering industrialization, fast but still at an early stage, I feel there is a lot we can learn from this country.


  • 八国集团一个非正式论坛由主要工业化国家-德国法国英国意大利日本美国加拿大俄罗斯组成

    The G8, an informal forum of leading industrialized nations, groups Germany, France, Britain, Italy, Japan, the United States, Canada and Russia.


  • 本文认为英国的前工业化提供良好市场环境必要的安全保证,是美国地主阶级兴起的重要原因。

    This paper holds the view that the better market environment and the necessary safety ensurance provided by the British pre-industrialization are the main causes.


  • 他们指出,中国人均GDP明朝( 1402-1626 )一直停滞不前明显低于工业化英国

    Per capita gross domestic product, they show, stagnated in the Ming era (1402-1626) and was significantly lower than that of pre-industrial Britain .


  • 他们指出,中国人均GDP明朝( 1402-1626 )一直停滞不前明显低于工业化英国

    Per capita gross domestic product, they show, stagnated in the Ming era (1402-1626) and was significantly lower than that of pre-industrial Britain .


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