• 如果早点成功现在行动岂不更好用英文怎么说?

    If you want to success sooner, isn't it better for you to take actions now?


  • 住在自家岂不更好,非要弄外头风言风语高兴?

    Live oneself not better, don't want to make of the outside breeze lecture breeze language, are you just elated?


  • 如果他们橘子全麦面包有益健康的食品岂不更好

    Would it not be better if they spent more money on wholesome things like oranges and wholemeal bread?... Yes it would, but the point is, no human being would ever do such a thing... a?


  • 聪明的幺姑想,要是面粉里加鲜鱼做成面条味道岂不更好

    No smart to 11, if the flour Riga caused some fresh meat noodles, taste it better?


  • 你们保持朋友关系固然不错若找一个理由结束那种关系岂不更好

    It's good that you have remained friends but you more than likely ended that relationship for a reason.


  • 那些多余的闲钱心爱的人些礼物或者去度岂不更好吗?

    Use all that extra money that you save to pay off your bills, buy your loved ones gifts, and even take a small vacation.


  • 即使奇迹发生,孩子这样,那么没有一个永远让他羞耻父亲岂不更好,好一百

    And if, by some miracle, it is not like me, then it will be better off, a hundred times so, without a father of whom it must always be ashamed!


  • 彼得:“营地驻扎一边岂不更好——提防一次夜间偷袭或者别的什么举动?”

    But Peter said, "Wouldn't it be better to camp on the far side - for fear she should try a night attack or anything?"


  • 再说,如果从未屋顶只是棕榈树间吃一顿饭,你知道那些贫民窟的存在这样岂不更好

    And on the other hand, if you never went up on the roof, but only dined inside among the palm-trees, you would never know that the slums existedwhich is much better.


  • 白金汉大学(教研中心主任-注)阿兰史密瑟斯批评说,“直接了当地针对科目问题明确解释需要教那些科目,需要教多长时间岂不更好?”

    Wouldn't it be better to address the question of subjects directly—which ones, for how long and what to specify?” asks Alan Smithers, of Buckingham University.


  • 如果保湿乳效果好,那么搭配使用新出的爽肤水、精华素晚霜岂不更好

    If a new moisturizer is good, then the combination of a new toner, serum, and night cream must be better, right?


  • 大马亚吧拿法珥法岂不以色列一切水更好吗?

    Are not Abana and Pharpar, the rivers of Damascus, better than any of the waters of Israel?


  • 拥有较强周边视力聋人来说尤其有用如果有只猫正侧面走来,你听不见的声音,能看见它,岂不更好

    With the deaf it's especially good to have increased peripheral vision. If you cannot hear a car approaching from the side, it'd be advantageous to actually see it.


  • 如果元素可以通过一种方便方式像电子表格中应用依赖关系一样来使用这些属性岂不更好

    Wouldn't it be nice if elements could use these attribute changes in a more convenient fashion, just as dependencies in a spreadsheet are applied?


  • 如果用户看到关于长颈鹿更多信息岂不更好吗?

    Wouldn't it be great if the user could see more information about a giraffe?


  • 不要再精力打价格战上了,客户筛选一下,把你的全部精力都集中作品,给出更的作品岂不更好的吗?

    However, if you can raise your rates and take fewer clients in the process, then you can focus on doing nothing but great work.


  • 大马士革吧拿法珥法岂不以色列一切更好吗。那里不得洁净吗。

    Are not Abana and Pharpar, rivers of Damascus, better than all the waters of Israel? May I not wash in them, and be clean? So he turned and went away in a rage.


  • 罗伊·威德法案赋予妇女根据需要选择堕胎权利但是如果能避免做出此类选择岂不更好

    Roe v. Wade guarantees that women have the right to an abortion if they need one, but wouldn't it be great if you didn't have to make that difficult choice?


  • 前端使用XML表示数据那么如果使用XML岂不更好

    Your front end is going to use XML to represent data, so wouldn't it be great if your back end did the same thing?


  • 信任别人他们岂不更好吗?

    Wouldn't it be good to trust others to help you? Right there, I made the following decisions on the project.


  • 岂不更好如果我们更多控制权这些决定,这些想法不断反弹我们头上

    Wouldn't it be better if we had more control over these decisions, these thoughts that are constantly bouncing around in our heads?


  • 那个街角食品市场建成花园岂不更好吗?

    Wouldn't it be better if the food market on the street corner could be turned into a garden?


  • 大马亚吧拿法珥法岂不以色列一切更好吗?那里沐浴不得洁净吗?

    Are not Abana and Pharpar, rivers of Damascus, better than all the waters of Israel? May I not wash in them, and be clean?


  • 尊重个人自主性方式人们结束他们生命岂不更好

    Wouldn't it be better to let people end their lives in a manner that's respectful of their personal autonomy?


  • 如果可以通过观察人们怎样通过练习掌握门技能或者找到联系练习结果的规律,岂不更好

    Wouldn't it be better, I thought, if we could study learning by looking at a skill people are practising anyway? And could we draw links between how people practise and how good they eventually get?


  • 如果可以通过观察人们怎样通过练习掌握门技能或者找到联系练习结果的规律,岂不更好?。

    Wouldn n't it be better, I thought, if we could study learning by looking at a skill people are practising anyway? And could we draw links between how people practise and how good they eventually get?


  • 如果可以通过观察人们怎样通过练习掌握门技能或者找到联系练习结果的规律,岂不更好?。

    Wouldn n't it be better, I thought, if we could study learning by looking at a skill people are practising anyway? And could we draw links between how people practise and how good they eventually get?


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