• 屏幕格式引入推迟了四分之一个世纪颜色尽管接下来二十年里被用于特制产品,它也是直到二十世纪五十年代成为一种常态

    The introduction of new screen formats was put off for a quarter century, and color, though utilized over the next two decades for special productions, also did not become a norm until the 1950s.


  • 看来如果只是改变屏幕格式不是一个主意

    But in my opinion, if you just change the format of the screenshot, it's not a good idea.


  • 这些案件拍摄下来使用清晰度电视HDTV预计利用高分辨率公平中心屏幕格式

    The cases will be filmed using High Definition Television (HDTV) and will be projected using high-resolution wide screen format at the AXA Equitable Center.


  • 大部分幻灯片演示屏幕都是横排格式

    Most powerpoint presentations are prepared for screens in landscape format.


  • 需要不同文件格式或者计算机语言之间转换因为,就一样,它只是看着屏幕像素

    It doesn't have to translate between different file formats or computer languages because, like a human, it's just looking at pixels on the screen.


  • 业务分析师理解系统至多就是一个等价纸制格式电子版本屏幕(阅读输入信息)。

    At most, the business analyst's understanding of a system is a screen which really amount to an electronic version of a paper form (to view or enter information).


  • 屏幕询问是否保存作业映射格式卸载作业执行时创建。

    The next screen will ask you to save this new job, and the map and format will be created at the time of unload job execution.


  • 可以使用页面菜单选择其他布局例如多个或者不同格式屏幕拆分如图22所示。

    You can use the menu for the page to select another layout, such as multiple columns, or screen splits in various formats, as shown in Figure 22.


  • 人眼电脑屏幕纸张反应不同所以如何安排电邮的格式非常重要。

    The human eye reacts differently to a computer screen than a piece of paper, so how you format your e-mail is vital.


  • 使用EditPresets屏幕寻找一个针对移动Web站点视频格式

    Use the Edit Presets screen to find the video format for a mobile Web site.


  • 例如屏幕标签查询表XML文件格式可能下面这样。

    For example, the format of an XML file of screen labels lookup table might be the following.


  • 保存屏幕截图最佳格式jpggif因为它们针对高对比度图形(例如应用程序界面)进行了优化。

    The best formats for saving your screen captures are JPG or GIF, since they are optimized for high-contrast graphics, such as application interfaces.


  • 第一例子使用PHP发送前一节中构建简单scilab命令,以纯文本的格式屏幕打印矩阵

    The first example using PHP sends the simple Scilab command built in the previous section, which simply prints out a matrix to the screen in plain-text format.


  • 移除格式代码指南发送chmod . txt文件不会屏幕显示指南页。

    Will remove formatting codes and send the manual page to the chmod.txt file instead of showing it on your screen.


  • topas屏幕基于文本gui格式显示所有信息款实用工具

    Topas is a utility that displays all kinds of information on your screen in a text-based GUI type of format.


  • 为了便于理解遵循本文中的屏幕截图,我们按照约定用户配置为以下格式userregistry

    As a convention to make the screen shots in this article easier to understand and follow, user names will be configured with the format of userRegistry.


  • 按MMMM . dd .yyyy +'- ' + hh:mm +aa正确编排参数字符串格式屏幕快照

    A screenshot of the proper format string for the parameter MMMM.dd.yyyy + '-' + hh: mm + aa.


  • MR m可以支持多种有线格式(显示屏幕左侧Properties层次结构下面)。

    The MRM domain can support multiple Wire Formats (which are shown on the left of the screen under the Properties Hierarchy).


  • 甚至一种能够触发电话呼叫格式电话屏幕显示文本

    It can even display text on the phone's screen in a format that can trigger a phone call.


  • 此时数据格式适合请求数据设备屏幕

    At this time, the data is formatted into screens appropriate to the device that requested the data.


  • 接下来屏幕选择项目输出文件位置文件名格式(ZIPTAR),然后单击Finish

    On the next screen, select the project, the output file location, filename and the format (ZIP or TAR) and click Finish.


  • 实现的方法是:fop生成屏幕阅读打印PD f文档同时保持XML文档中指定格式

    I achieved that by using Fop to generate PDF documents that could be read on screen or printed, while keeping the format specified in an XML document.


  • 按yyyy .mm .dd +'at ' +hh: mm:ss +zzz正确编排参数字符串格式屏幕快照

    A screenshot of the proper format string for the parameter yyyy.MM.dd + 'at' + hh: mm: ss + ZZZ.


  • 上传屏幕提供了每种格式模板

    Templates for each format are provided on the upload screen.


  • 其他功能还包括屏幕捕捉哪些用户能够捕捉到的图像储存jpegBMP档案格式

    Other features include screen capturing which user can capture images and save into JPEG or BMP files format.


  • 日志可以显示文本图形格式屏幕上,通过USBRS232输出下载。

    Logs can be displayed onscreen in text or graph formats and downloaded through USB and RS232 outputs.


  • Sam构建了一个简单的、优雅解决方案喜欢的Web站点上数据进行屏幕搜集,然后把数据重新格式屏幕显示

    Sam had built a simple, elegant solution for screen-scraping data from his favorite Web sites and reformatting them for small-screen display.


  • 这些为了使用格式设置指令然后这些说明带到分别创建一个屏幕显示、鏂囨湰鏂囦欢、打印机字符串,设计。

    These are designed to consume formatting instructions only, and then take those instructions to construct a screen display, a text file, a printer page or a string, respectively.


  • 这些为了使用格式设置指令然后这些说明带到分别创建一个屏幕显示、鏂囨湰鏂囦欢、打印机字符串,设计。

    These are designed to consume formatting instructions only, and then take those instructions to construct a screen display, a text file, a printer page or a string, respectively.


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