• 为此,我代表湖北省外国专家机构表示衷心感谢

    To this end, on behalf of Hubei Provincial Bureau of Foreign Experts to you and your organization to express our heartfelt thanks!


  • 这些半年前一些盒子发现极具历史价值数据促使美国宇航公众求助方案

    The unique nature and historical value of the data, literally discovered in boxes six months ago, is what motivated NASA to ask the public for ideas.


  • 美国宇航公众和盘托出一个机会所知道一切都告诉我们。”

    "This is a chance for NASA to come clean with the public and tell us everything it knows," she said.


  • 然后为了访问呼叫被叫方的地址信息,电话信令网关一个SS7消息

    The central office then sends an SS7 message to a signaling gateway in order to get access to calling and called address information.


  • 1969年20世纪70年代的几次登月美国宇航100多个国家赠送了月球

    Nasa gave moon rocks to more than 100 countries following lunar missions in 1969 and the 1970s.


  • 有效地破坏整个专利制度目的专利申请人收费,而却给予他们泄漏商业秘密特权

    This effectively undermines the entire purpose of the patent system: the Patent Office is charging applicants serious money for giving it the privilege of giving away their commercial secrets.


  • 由于最近沙尘暴在往东南移动,韩国国家气象局向首尔国家其他地区发出黄色沙尘警报。

    As the latest sandstorm moved southeast, south Korea's national weather agency issued a yellow dust advisory for Seoul and other parts of the country.


  • 上个月情况发生了变化美国航天月球恒久背阴面发射颗卫星,撞击产生尘埃里就有水分

    This changed last month, when NASA shot a satellite into a permanently Shadowed region on the Moon's surface, throwing a plume of material containing water up out of the shadow.


  • 美国食品及药物管理雷诺烟草公司发出了一封类似的信,公司生产骆驼品牌各种各样可溶解的烟草产品

    The FDA sent a similar letter to R. J. Reynolds tobacco co., which makes various dissolvable tobacco products under the Camel brand.


  • 金融危机法国人不友好名声影响,游客人数有所下降,对此巴黎市旅游市民提出了简单要求微笑

    Faced with a fall in tourist Numbers due to the financial crisis and a reputation for unfriendliness, the Paris Tourist Board has made a simple request of the city's residents: smile.


  • 作为加拿大最大出口商之一,总部温尼伯的加拿大小麦超过70个国家销售谷物并且全部收入扣除一些运作费用返还农民

    As one of Canada's biggest exporters, the Winnipeg-based organization sells grain to over 70 countries and returns all sales revenue, less marketing costs, to farmers.


  • 如果坏的情况发生了,也就是自行车了,那么应该立即警察报案,并引用那个应该盖上印章序列号

    If the worst happens, you lose your bike, you should immediately report it to the police station, quoting that serial number that should have been stamped.


  • 他们有一可能取代美国航空航天航天飞机,国际空间站运送宇航员多达12货物

    They say it could one day replace NASA's Space Shuttle to transport up to 12 tonnes of cargo and astronauts to the International Space Station.


  • 互联网商业开放20多年人口普查告诉我们2016年一季度实体店销售零售额92.3%。

    More than 20 years after the internet was opened to commerce, the Census Bureau tells us that brick and mortar sales accounted for 92.3 percent of retail sales in the first quarter of 2016.


  • 然而如果酒商希望他们清酒认定一级或特级的他们国家税务调查提交样品鉴定

    However, if brewers wanted their Sake to be known as superior to most, they would submit a sample to the National Tax Office for sampling.


  • 美国宇航仍然有计划月球派出宇航员可能花费十几年的时间,并且有人认为计划永远不会重启

    Nasa still aims to send astronauts back to the Moon, but it is likely to take decades and some believe that it will never happen again.


  • 走访了警察一个消防站救援人员致敬

    He also visited a police station and a fire station, paying tribute to rescue workers.


  • 2006年包括麦当劳汉堡在内一些业内主要公司加入一份自愿协议,该协议美国商业监督发起,力图限制儿童销售不健康食品

    Harris says.In 2006, industry leaders including McDonald's and Burger King entered into a voluntary agreement initiated by the Better Business Bureau to limit the marketing of unhealthy food to kids.


  • 如果不扭转消费驱动经济的必要转型就不会发生

    Until this is reversed, the much-desired shift to a consumption-driven economy cannot occur.


  • 几年美国地质调查 (USGS)公共领域发布了一个非常受欢迎全球DEM数据

    The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) released an extremely popular global DEM data set into the public domain several years ago.


  • 美国宇航仍然有计划月球派出宇航员,此外还可以提供奖励措施,还有推出类似服务私营企业。

    Nasa still aims to send astronauts back to the Moon, using Nasa to provide incentives and oversight to the private sector for launch services.


  • 移民也不能直接申请“特别居住许可”:非法移民只能拘禁期间递交一次申请要不然就只有移民方面交代身份,等到遣返时再碰碰运气。

    And people cannot apply directly for an SRP: illegal residents can only request it once in detention, or turn themselves in and try their luck while deportation proceedings are under way.


  • 联邦储备现在仍然可以通过互换额度本国银行外国央行提供贷款

    The Federal Reserve can still lend to banks, and to foreign central banks via swap lines.


  • FBI(联邦调查国土安全部于昨晚各执法机关发布警告

    The FBI and Department of Homeland Security released the warning to law-enforcement agencies late last night.


  • 邮政储蓄银行邮政寿险计划诸如房贷或是类型保险高收益业务进军但是工作人员此类业务并不熟悉

    Yucho and Kampo plan to enter higher-yielding lines of business such as housing loans and new types of insurance, but the civil servants who work there have little experience in evaluating risk.


  • 劳动开始失业人员提供免费就业服务培训课程打算自主创业给予资金援助。

    The bureau also started providing free job services and training courses for the unemployed, and financial assistance for those who want to start their own businesses.


  • 比如说没有人阻止消费者电力之外的机构提供他们用电情况。

    Nobody can stop consumers from giving data about their power usage to non-utilities, for instance.


  • 防止食源性疾病爆发,食品和药品管理生产果蔬农场设立标准不是去检查它们

    The FDA also will have to set standards for farms that produce fruits and vegetables, with the goal of preventing outbreaks of food-borne illness, rather than just detecting them.


  • 通过一系列各个船长国际海事提交海盗活动报告进行数据汇总学者可以验证这个假设

    The academics are able to test this hypothesis using a new set of figures on global piracy, put together from reports filed by ships’ captains to the International Maritime Bureau.


  • 通过一系列各个船长国际海事提交海盗活动报告进行数据汇总学者可以验证这个假设

    The academics are able to test this hypothesis using a new set of figures on global piracy, put together from reports filed by ships’ captains to the International Maritime Bureau.


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