• 苏格兰旅游,33000名日本游客去年苏格兰旅游。

    The Scottish tourist board said 33,000 Japanese visited Scotland last year.


  • 斯科特以3分领先

    Scott opened up a 3-point lead in the first game.


  • 首先必须通过移民海关的检查。

    First, you have to go through immigration and customs.


  • 修建大坝计划环境保护否决

    Plans for the dam have been vetoed by the Environmental Protection Agency.


  • 报告指责警察种族歧视根深蒂固。

    The report accused the police department of institutional racism.


  • 移民官员试图交送驱逐出境令。

    Immigration officers tried to serve her with a deportation order.


  • 退伍军人管理医院需要进行整修

    The VA hospital needs renovation.


  • 他们奋力打成了2:2,值得敬佩。

    They managed an honourable 2–2 draw.


  • 文件摘自来源不明联邦调查档案

    The document was excerpted from an unidentified FBI file.


  • 莫斯科的一座教堂成为警察档案存放处

    A church in Moscow became a repository for police files.


  • 指责一些主要政党从牟取私利。

    He accused the mainstream political parties of cynically exploiting this situation.


  • 中情官员们很大程度电子邮件相互交流

    Officials of the CIA depend heavily on e-mail to communicate with each other.


  • 年来我们一直在讲食品及药物管理经费不足。

    For years we have argued that the FDA is underfunded.


  • 连胜3,轻松击溃了这位年轻左撇子选手。

    He hammered the young left-hander in three straight sets.


  • 联邦调查保存了有关巴勃罗·毕加索大量档案

    The FBI kept a voluminous file on Pablo Picasso.


  • 国家忽视紧迫性,后果非常严重

    It would be fatal for the nation to overlook the urgency of the situation.


  • 遭到了联邦调查诽谤追捕被迫流亡国外

    He was vilified, hounded, and forced into exile by the FBI.


  • 美国国家航空航天发现了计算中的一个数学错误

    NASA discovered a mathematical error in its calculations.


  • 所以迪克指使联邦调查来追捕,”弗兰克咕噜道

    "So Dick gets to sic the FBI on you," Frank grumbled.


  • 许多商业团体一直施加压力要求联邦储备放宽利率

    Many business groups have been pressing the Federal Reserve to loosen interest rates.


  • 一位联邦调查检举者就机构问题国会作了证。

    An FBI whistle-blower testified to Congress about problems in the agency.


  • 偷偷地溜美国,但已美国中央情报紧紧盯上。

    He'd snuck out of the U.S. hotly pursued by the CIA.


  • 委员会主席谴责美国国家航空航天登月便不思进取

    The committee's chairman accused NASA of resting on its laurels after making it to the moon.


  • 中情要求我们协助打入慕尼黑外活动一个贩毒团伙。

    The CIA had requested our help to penetrate a drug ring operating out of Munich.


  • 联邦调查发布全面通缉令8小时,海尔德就被缉拿归案。

    His capture comes just eight hours after the FBI issued an all-points bulletin for Helder.


  • 那时试图把导致一系列复杂事件个头绪来。

    He was trying to ravel out the complicated series of events that had led to this situation.


  • 富勒美国职业安全与健康管理必须尽可能有效地面向资源

    Fuller says OSHA must target its resources as effectively as possible.


  • 根据1942年移民官员可以士兵进入该国加入该国国籍。

    Immigration officials were allowed to enter the country and naturalize soldiers under the 1942 law.


  • 当越来越多的居住区开放定居地,人们每天国有土地管理前排队。

    Line-ups formed daily at the land offices as township after township was opened for settlement.


  • 咱们还是直说吧,美国国家公园管理在管理众多国家公园方面相当不妥

    The National Park Service in Americalet's be candid here – does a pretty half-assed job of running many of the national parks.


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