• 美国海军航空母舰欧立斯康尼号现在位于墨西哥海湾底部

    The USS Oriskany is now at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico.


  • 惟其如此,才能有铁坦沉没时乐队忘我演奏,才能有川北大震时无数志愿者的云来雨集;

    It can be fully demonstrated in the passionate play of the bank in the sinking Titanic and the concerted assistance of numerous volunteers in Wenchun Earthquake.


  • 真实故事也是一个感人的故事,假如不是撞上冰山悲剧本人泰坦一个人都会快乐的。

    This is a true story, is a touching story, if not hit the tip of the tragedy, I would like to "Titanic no." Inside everyone happy.


  • 1684年,乔瓦·多米克·卡西(GiovanniDomenicoCassini)发现了土星卫星,土四正是其中之一,卡西探测器就是名字命名的。

    Dione was one of four Saturnian moons discovered in 1684 by Giovanni Domenico Cassini, who the spacecraft is named after.


  • 百年后的1969年,美国宇航员尔·阿姆斯特朗走下阿波罗二,在月球上迈出了人类的一大步。

    Hundreds of years later, in 1969, American astronaut Neil Armstrong stepped down from Apollo II and walked on the moon.


  • 阿波罗11宇航员(由左):尔·阿姆斯特朗(Neil Armstrong),迈克尔·柯林斯(Michael Collins)巴兹·奥尔德林(Buzz Aldrin)。

    Apollo 11 astronauts (left to right) Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Buzz aldrin.


  • 研究人员本月登上了正在罗斯海巡航美国破冰船纳撒尔·B·尔默寻找这类洋流系统特征。

    This month, researchers aboard the U. S. icebreaking ship Nathaniel B. Palmer are cruising in the Ross Sea in search of the signatures of this current system.


  • 研究人员本月登上了正在罗斯海巡航美国破冰船纳撒尔·b·尔默寻找这类洋流系统特征。

    This month, researchers aboard the U.S. icebreaking ship Nathaniel B. Palmer are cruising in the Ross sea in search of the signatures of this current system.


  • 当然登月灾难没有发生,阿波罗11也完好无事。尔·阿姆斯特朗埃德温·奥尔德林时,克松通过到月球的电话联线他们进行了对话。

    Of course, there was no moon disaster and the Apollo 11 astronauts and Nixon spoke with them by a phone-to-moon link while Armstrong and Aldrin were on the lunar surface.


  • 最喜欢的钢琴曲包括莫扎特第23钢琴协奏曲以及拉赫曼·诺夫的序曲拉威尔G大调钢琴协奏曲。

    Her favourite piano music includes Mozart's piano concerto no 23, as well as the Rachmaninov Preludes and Maurice Ravel's piano concerto in G major.


  • 总决赛失利,奥尔转投洛杉矶球队战绩一落千丈2004年获得选秀权。

    Then Shaq left for Los Angeles and the team fell far enough to get the number one draft pick in 2004.


  • 保罗·科尔屠夫帮助下,选定了365屠宰

    With the help of butcher Paul Nicholson, I have just selected 365 to go for slaughter.


  • 利用尔·阿姆斯特朗在登月全程其后讲话录音档案资料莱利奥尔森研究了美国航空航天局以往公布阿波罗11登月音频最佳录音

    Using archive material of Neil Armstrong speaking, recorded throughout and after the mission, Riley and Olsson also studied the best recordings of the Apollo 11 mission audio ever released by Nasa.


  • ·奥唐纳写道:“国际足联世界杯章程条款26.”4描述了每队上场球员,规定1队服必须分配给队中的名门将

    "Article 26.4 of Fifa's World Cup regulations Outlines rules on numbering of players in squads pointing out that the No1 jersey must be allocated to one of the goalkeepers," writes Danny o 'donnell.


  • 过去它们称为会议12厅,但是现在组织者告知不能指代这些大厅过去以免误会过去1大厅现用凯伦布里森的命名因男性而优于过去2大厅现用伊莎丹森命名的女性

    They used to be known as Plenary 1 and Plenary 2, but the organisers have been told not to refer to them by their old Numbers, lest Brahe, male, be privileged over Blixen, female.


  • 很有可能缺席2月1825利物浦欧洲联赛乌尔济的两回合比赛

    He is also likely to miss out when Liverpool get their Europa League campaign underway with a two-legged fixture against Unirea Urziceni on February 18 and 25.


  • 休斯敦——本周五联盟宇宙飞船成功地将NASA宇航员特蕾西·考德威尔·戴森、俄罗斯宇航员亚历山大。斯克沃尔·佐夫以及米哈伊尔科尔杨科送上国际空间站

    HOUSTONNASA astronaut Tracy Caldwell Dyson and Russian cosmonauts Alexander Skvortsov and Mikhail Kornienko safely launched to the International space Station aboard a Soyuz spacecraft on Friday.


  • 南方炮弹战舰的铁皮上弹开了北方士兵欢呼了:维吉的大炮对他们不会带来危害!

    A Confederate cannon ball hit the iron side of the Monitor and bounced away. Union sailors cheered.


  • 11月11艾伦·德杰勒斯自己谈话节目里采访泰勒·斯维夫特:“难道仅仅通过电话提出了分手?”

    Ellen DeGeneres says on her talk show (airing Nov. 11), "he broke up with you on the phone?"


  • 印度西亚拉皮火山26先后喷发了成千上万居民被迫火速撤离。释放出的灼热火山灰导致一名三个月大的婴儿死亡。

    Indonesia's Mount Merapi erupted three times on Oct. 26, 2010, causing thousands to flee and claiming the life of a three-month-old baby girl as it emitted searing clouds and volcanic ash.


  • 1969年阿波罗11月球着陆时,·阿姆斯特朗说出一句话就是:“休斯顿这里是静海基地---‘着陆成功。”

    The first words Neil Armstrong uttered as Apollo 11 touched down on the Moon in 1969 were: “Houston, Tranquility base herethe Eagle has landed.”


  • 不久走过拉莫·瓦翁公馆,在那门前发出了

    Shortly afterwards, he passed the Hotel Lamoignon. There he uttered this appeal.


  • 另外一个惊险时刻印度西亚附近印度洋海域,当时疑似海盗船船只靠近了“勇猛

    Another tense moment occurred in the Indian Ocean off Indonesia, where the Intrepid was approached by a suspected pirate boat.


  • 不仅毫无恙,我是个超人”9月1回应其分居妻子暗示时,卢斯科如是说。

    "I'm not only not sick," said Silvio Berlusconi on September 1st, referring to a hint by his estranged wife. "I'm a Superman!"


  • 8月29,意大利能源公司全国过渡委员会签订了一份协议,同意提供燃料原油作为支付

    On August 29th Eni signed an agreement with the national council to supply it with fuel to be paid for in crude.


  • 8月29,意大利能源公司全国过渡委员会签订了一份协议,同意提供燃料原油作为支付

    On August 29th Eni signed an agreement with the national council to supply it with fuel to be paid for in crude.


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