• 招生办工作人员有时候也申请人就读高中老师导师了解情况,尤其是那些经常向格林尔和其它美国高校输送学生的高中

    The admissions officers sometimes reach out to teachers and counselors at the applicants’ high schoolsespecially those that have emerged as “feeders” to Grinnell and other American colleges.


  • 德尔妻子多尼塔很讨厌胡须,但他已就读高中3个女儿介意他留着大胡子,“她们男友基本上都认为我的胡子酷”。

    His wife Donita hates the beard, while their three daughters, who attend Eastmont High School in East Wenatchee, don't mind and "mostly their boyfriends think it's cool, " Weddle said.


  • 孩子们的家长获悉可以免费就读高中消息后很欣喜,不过他们仍旧还是要存下他们不多收入相当大的一部分应付日后孩子们就读大学或者购置房屋的费用。

    The parents I met were thrilled that high school was free but were still saving an enormous portion of their modest incomes to pay for college or a new home.


  • 1903~04年间仅仅返回学校就读几个月时间拿到了高中文凭期间她住在路易斯安那姨母那里。

    She returned to school for only a few months in 1903–04, earning her high school degree while staying with her aunt in Louisiana.


  • 第二组实验中,研究人员研究了在高中就读76对兄弟姐妹人格差异

    In a second experiment researchers looked at differences in personality between 76 pairs of siblings in high school.


  • 就读芝加哥第一所精英高中——惠特尼高中。她当时学生会会计国家荣誉协会成员而且连续四年都是三好学生

    She attended Whitney Young, Chicago's first magnet high school, where she was student council treasurer, a member of the National honor Society and a four-year honor roll student.


  • 话说,如果某个已经名校录取高中毕业生选择所普通大学就读,那么,长远来说薪酬是否因此而有所不同?

    In other words, if someone had been accepted at an elite college, but chose to go to a more pedestrian one, would his earnings over the long term be the same?


  • 许多父母仍然他们的孩子注册就读私立高中为了许多预备学校长期拥有王牌:跟学院顾问有力高度联系

    Still, many parents enroll their kids in private schools for the trump card that top prep schools have long held: the powerful, highly connected college counselor.


  • 高中毕业里,就读德克萨斯州大学主修爵士钢琴

    For two years following her graduation from high school, she studied at the University of North Texas, majoring in jazz piano.


  • 徐亚欣15岁的妹妹徐亚彬上海寄宿制国际高中贵族学校就读,受到良好教育,花了巨资。

    Xu Yaxin, 16, and her sister Xu Yabin, 15, attend an expensive international boarding school in Shanghai, getting the best education money can buy.


  • 高中时代,就读伊斯坦布尔罗伯特学院,年仅十四岁,就泰戈尔的作品翻译土耳其语年后,他伦敦担任新闻专员时,为了能够读懂泰戈尔的原著学习了孟加拉语

    At his high school, Robert College in Istanbul, he put Rabindranath Tagore into Turkish at 14; some years later, as a press attache in London, he studied Bengali to read Tagore in the original.


  • 如今Vuthy两口子有能力供四个孩子中的高中家教。这两个孩子就读KiriThmey西南部30公里外实居的一所中学。

    So now, Vuthy and his wife can afford a high school education and private tutoring for two of his four children, who are studying in Kampong Speu province, 30 kilometers southwest of Kiri Thmey.


  • 此相反,高中最后就读私立学校同学们考虑的是他们大学里学到什么不仅仅只是他们想要从事的职业。

    In contrast, at the private school I attended for the last two years of high school, my classmates thought about what they wanted to learn in college, not only what they wanted to become.


  • 他们进入不同高中就读感情仍然很好

    They remained good friends even though they entered different high schools.


  • 后来被释放进入另一高中就读但是又犯罪再次关,这次的是发令枪

    He was later released but was recommitted after he entered another high school, this time carrying a starter's pistol.


  • 当时就读私立小学里,多数老师只是高中毕业深圳公立学校绝大部分大学毕业

    In my primary private school, most of my teachers had only graduated from high school, whereas in Shenzhen's public schools most teachers are college graduates.


  • 因为在中考失利,没有足够分数高中就读了职业中学。

    I went to a technology high school instead of academic high school because I didn't pass the exams.


  • 顷刻之间返老还童,回到曾经就读高中,多年前他这里篮球明星

    He rejuvenated in a fleeting time and came back to his high school where he used to be a basketball star.


  • 在爱博尼就读高中有个课程叫做SOS可是社团兴趣认为参加课后活动没出息

    There was a program at her high school called SOS but Ebony held no real interest in the club, she thought it was lame to participate in after school activities.


  • 因为中考失利,没有足够分数高中就读了职业中学

    I have to study in technical high school as I do not have good marks to progress to senior high school.


  • 本文基于实地调查结果,分析家庭背景高中毕业生就读大学机会关系

    An empirical research on the relation between family background and abandonment of college access was conducted in this paper.


  • 由于外国人所郊区高中就读,这他们的种族紧张关系进行了深度不信任

    The pair navigate deep distrust between their RACES and tense relations as aliens enroll in a suburban high school.


  • 这种背景下那个夏天就读高中收到一张用IBM机器打印出的纸条,建议在高二选修中文

    Against that backdrop, that summer I received an IBM print-out from my high school suggesting that my second year courses would include Mandarin Chinese.


  • 如今就读孝感高中,我喜好很多,比方篮球足球

    I'm now studying in xiaogan senior middle school, I have a lot of hobbies, such as basketball, football, etc.


  • 最新研究中,纽约长岛阿德尔菲大学博士研究生弗兰克-蒂芙妮-L同事们研究了在高中就读的90兄弟姐妹

    In the current study, Frank Tiffany l., a doctoral candidate at Adelphi University in Long Island, and her colleagues surveyed 90 pairs of siblings in high school.


  • 高中毕业选择就读山西大学英语专业,不久于2012年通过明尼苏达大学德卢斯校区山西大学的出国项目转学美国进行媒体相关专业的深造。

    After high school I chose English major at first at Shanxi University and then went to study abroad in U. S. in 2012 at University of Minnesota Duluth (UMD) for media related studies.


  • 大学期间学习基础课程:…学习专业课程有:…高中就读XX中学初中就读于XX中学

    University courses during the learning process on the basis of the study are : … professional courses : XXhigh school student in secondary schools XX junior enrolled in secondary schools.


  • 大学期间学习基础课程:…学习专业课程有:…高中就读XX中学初中就读于XX中学

    University courses during the learning process on the basis of the study are : … professional courses : XXhigh school student in secondary schools XX junior enrolled in secondary schools.


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