• 如果持有1010分以上低于15分,那么就会收到来自交通部门警告信

    If you have got 10 points or above, but still less than 15 points, you will receive a warning letter from the Transport Department.


  • 果温度低于0摄氏度,水在室外就会结冰。

    If the temperature is below 0℃, water will turn into ice in the open air.


  • 项目建立片堤围泽地之上那里是一处低于海平面的洼地,暴雨沉积就会洪水泛滥。

    The project will be built on a polder, a recessed area below sea level where flood waters settle from heavy rains.


  • 文章举例说,如果一个三年级孩子卧室里放电视机这样孩子就会经常电视,那么他标准化测验中的分数将低于那些卧室没有电视的孩子。

    For instance, children in third grade who had televisions in their bedrooms — and therefore watched more TVscored lower on standardized tests than those who did not have sets in their rooms.


  • 如果2%的目标意味着通胀率上限那么决策就会使得随着时间推移,通胀率的平均值低于2%。

    If a 2% goal was meant to be a cap on inflation, then policy would result in inflation averaging below 2% over time.


  • 几乎每不到一个礼拜就会出现(执法)级别低于警察的城管,殴打了没有营业制造的小贩或者砸烂摊贩摊子的事情。

    Hardly a week goes by without a new controversy involving the municipal officers, a rung below the police, beating an unlicensed hawker or smashing a street vendor's stand.


  • 如果整个自由空间比例低于 -Xminf指定minf最小自由空间),堆就会扩展

    The heap is expanded when the ratio of free heap to total heap falls below the value specified by -Xminf (minf is the minimum free).


  • 客户制定他们愿意Spot实例小时支付多少钱只要Spot的价格仍然低于客户给出阈值,Spot实例就会一直运行

    Customers define at which price per hour they are willing to pay for Spot instances, and as long as the Spot price remains below the customer's threshold, the Spot instances execute.


  • 如果banner广告点击率(clickthrough rate低于0.6%,就会停止收费直到再次超过0.6%。

    If the clickthrough rate on the banners drops below 0.6%, FeaturedUsers stops charging for impressions until it increases again.


  • 但是如果投资者更偏重于股利偿付的话,就会发现支股票并非如此具有吸引力因为它的股利股息收益率明显地低于同行

    But funds requiring investments to pay dividends will not find this stock attractive as their dividends and yield are significantly lower than their peers in the industry.


  • 贷款者选择支付低于正常到期利息时,此类贷款余额就会增加

    The balance of such loans increases when borrowers choose to pay less than the normal interest due.


  • 明显只要只要这些泡沫破灭一丁点,更多抵押贷款就会以失败终结—低于贷款价值价格

    It was clear that if the bubble got deflated even a little, many mortgages would end up under water - with the price less than the value of the mortgage.


  • 主机服务状态更改百分比低于最低限值时,主机或服务就会停止震荡(假设之前一直震荡)。

    A host or service is determined to have stopped flapping when its percent state goes below a low flapping threshold (assuming that is was previously flapping).


  • 如果只做粗略工资统计就会忽略一个事实郊区生活成本低于大城市,因此可能夸大地区间不平等的程度。

    Crude income Numbers also ignore the fact that the cost of living is cheaper in rural parts than in big cities, which has the effect of exaggerating inequality.


  • 测试表明,当SAT低于95时,服务器在执行故障转移之前超载,并且恢复时间很慢

    Testing demonstrated that a value lower than 95 for SAT may cause the server to get overwhelmed prior to failing over with slow recovery times.


  • 如果发行某种货币机构被发现正在铸造低于面值重量的硬币人们停止接受这种货币,那家企业也关门歇业。

    If it becomes known that the issuer of a particular currency is minting underweight COINS, people will stop accepting that currency and that company will go out of business.


  • 他们指出,友善方面分数低于10%在对抗性方面分数相当动脉内膜厚的危险增加40%。

    People who scored in the lowest 10% of agreeableness and had the highest levels of antagonism had about a 40% heightened risk for thickened arterial walls, they add.


  • F1赛车的车胎对环境温度要求,温度低于底限时候轮胎就会失去抓地力大大减慢圈速

    F1 tyres have an optimum operating temperature, and when they drop below that they rapidly lose grip, which dramatically slows lap times.


  • 只要车主至少行驶12,000公里整体运行成本等于低于汽油柴油车

    As long as owners drive at least 12,000km a year, overall running costs will be equivalent to, or lower than, a petrol or diesel-powered car.


  • 只要车主至少行驶12,000公里整体运行成本等于低于汽油柴油车

    As long as owners drive at least 12, 000km a year, overall running costs will be equivalent to, or lower than, a petrol or diesel-powered car.


  • 如果地狱膨胀低于灵魂地狱率,那么地狱温度压力就会增长直到地狱坍塌

    If Hell is expanding at a slower rate than the rate at which souls enter Hell, then the temperature and pressure in Hell will increase until all Hell breaks loose.


  • 否则升级一直进行直到持有列表百分比低于MAXLOCKS

    If not, lock escalation continues until the percentage of the lock list held is below the value of MAXLOCKS.


  • 这个房子很快拍卖所以可以一个房子低于广告价格

    The property will be offered at auction very shortly, so you might buy it for a whole lot less than the advertised price.


  • 那样的话股指就会回到636点低于3月份667点位置。

    That would take us back to 636 on the index, well under the March low of 667.


  • 实际产出低于潜在产出水平,稀缺销售量工作竞争就会通货膨胀产生向下压力

    When actual output falls short, competition for scarce sales and jobs puts downward pressure on inflation.


  • 佛罗里达州,住房按揭借贷人平均拖欠贷款518就会法院强制执行抵押房产拍卖低于纽约561天欠款期限。辨方律师还强调说他们可以欠款期限拖的更长

    In Florida, the average property spends 518 days in foreclosure, second only to New York's 561 days. Defense attorneys stress they can keep this number high.


  • 因为它们低于5名左右时,他们就会一天天不断更新,所以它们看起来一如创建的那

    As they fall below the top five or so, they constantly get dragged from day to day, still looking as fresh and as good an idea as the day that they were created.


  • 元素版本无论是自己version属性还是继承得来的,低于处理程序的版本,BC方式作用

    BC mode is in effect when the element has a version number, either due to its own version attribute or through scoping, that is lower than the version of the processor.


  • 元素版本无论是自己version属性还是继承得来的,低于处理程序的版本,BC方式作用

    BC mode is in effect when the element has a version number, either due to its own version attribute or through scoping, that is lower than the version of the processor.


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