• 开车越过小山特的那天下大雨刮大风

    It was very wet and windy the day I drove over the hill to Del Norte.


  • 距离是指塔莱拉赫尔诺定义立体空间

    Distances refer to the stereotactic space defined by Talairach and Tournoux.


  • 尔诺家什总值不到一百美元

    The sum-total value of Delno’s possessions wouldn’t be a hundred dollars.


  • 奥迪尔诺将军建议6个月内减少驻伊美军

    "General Odierno made the recommendation to reduce forces within the next six months," Brimley said.


  • 但是无论从前着怎样生活都属于德尔诺秘密

    But whatever that former life had entailed remained Delno's secret.


  • 而且那天早上尔诺看着忧郁眼神,雷利永远不会忘记

    But Raley never forgot the bleakness with which Delno had looked at him that morning.


  • 而言,收集这些物品那些物品本身似乎重要

    Collecting it seemed more important to Delno than the articles themselves.


  • 有多善良,多贪婪”洛克菲勒传记作者罗恩尔诺说到

    His good side was every bit as good as his bad side was bad, ” the Rockefeller biographer, Ron Chernow, has said.


  • 激烈战斗发生州的首府迈杜古里——教派总部的所在地。

    Fierce fighting took place in Maiduguri, capital of Borno state, where the sect has its headquarters.


  • 尔诺喃喃地说完“来者不善”的可怕预言后,就抬起下巴对着电视

    Muttering dire predictions aboutnothin’ good comin’ outta this, ” Delno hitched his chin toward the TV.


  • ·皮似乎收集了人间所有苦难不公打包塞入绝望凝视中。

    It seemed Delno Pickens had collected all the misery and injustice in the world and packed it into that one hopeless gaze.


  • 尔诺·梅法官助手纳塔利娅瓦西里耶夫,判决莫斯科市法院的。

    Natalia Vasilyeva, an assistant to the judge, Viktor Danilkin, said his verdict was written by Moscow city court.


  • 主题做了广泛的研究无法尔诺谈谈:吴尔诺影片开拍几天处决了。

    She did extensive research on her subject but was unable to interview Wuornos: she was executed days before filming began.


  • 1914年瓦尔诺事件真相透露给了一位记者条件只有等到死后才能将此事公之于众

    Valfierno told the story to a journalist in 1914, on condition that it would not be published until his death.


  • 真是,”提斯说道。“认为我们制造个奇案卫星周围没有固体物质。”

    "It's a real mystery," Tiscareno said. "I think we make a strong case that it's not a ring of solid material around the moon.


  • 图像仍然不稳定,发出还是沙沙声,一会儿雷利就完全明白发生什么为什么害怕告诉

    The video remained erratic and the audio was scratchy, but within moments he had a clear understanding of what had happened and why Delno had dreaded telling him.


  • 他的同事发现尔诺贝利超过400英里黑海水平1986年事故之后超过正常标准1020

    Cesium levels in the Black Sea, located more than 400 miles from Chernobyl, were 10 times to 20 times higher than normal after the 1986 accident, he and colleagues found.


  • 于是土耳其立马来了次急转弯多安声称如果亚美尼亚纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫撤离,土亚两国间将无友谊可谈。

    So Turkey did another volte-face. Mr Erdogan declared that friendship with Armenia was no longer possible unless it withdrew from Nagorno-Karabakh.


  • 发生尔诺比利爆炸大火反应堆内核炸到了空中,陷入气流中并漂浮乌克兰白俄罗斯俄国和西欧地区。

    The explosion and fire at Chernobyl sent parts of the reactor core high into the atmosphere in a plume that drifted over Ukraine, Belarus, Russia and western Europe.


  • 鲍里斯·叶利钦维克托·切尔诺金来会面,商讨俄罗斯结束这场战争的意愿,以及参与随后维和行动的强烈愿望。

    Boris Yeltsin sent Victor Chernomyrdin to see me to discuss Russia's interest in ending the war and its apparent willingness to participate in the peacekeeping force afterward.


  • 驾驶卡车雷利称之为“拼装怪车”,因为尔诺他自己收集零配件组装的,打包钢丝布基胶带绑在一起

    He drove a truck that Raley called Frankenstein because it was made of parts Delno had assembled himself, held together with baling wire and duct tape.


  • 后来一个日落黄昏,德尔诺来到雷利小屋,手里个金属螺盖玻璃瓶,那两个瓶子装满了令尔诺自己兴奋不已的浑浊液体

    And then one evening at sunset, Delno showed up at Raley’s cabin, bringing with him two Mason jars filled with a murky liquid that he’d fermented himself.


  • 提斯团队分析了65张西拍到卫五照片有些太阳飞船身后时拍的,有些是太阳差不多卡西尼前面时拍的。

    Tiscareno and his team analyzed 65 Cassini images of Rhea, some of which were taken with the sun behind the craft and some with the sun more or less in front of Cassini.


  • 美国伊拉克最高军事指挥官-奥迪尔诺将军星期二媒体表示,到明年夏天,美国驻伊拉克军人人数维持目前的4万9千7百人。

    The top U.S. commander in Iraq, General Ray Odierno, told reporters the number of troops in Iraq will stay at the current level of 49,700 through next summer.


  • 虽然岛的核事故现在被判为1986年的尔诺贝利灾难一样的等级,但是人员伤亡环境影响来看,福岛核事故比切尔诺·比利

    Although the Fukushima accident is now rated at the same level as the Chernobyl disaster in 1986, in terms of casualties and effects on the environment, it is far less significant.


  • Buesseler对海洋污染进行了研究,,根据世界上最严重乌克兰尔诺贝利灾害之后黑海经验海水中的风险没有陆地上的风险

    Experience with the Black Sea after the world's worst nuclear disaster in Chernobyl, Ukraine, shows the risk in water may not be as great as that seen on land, said Buesseler, who has studied issue.


  • 第二我们驱车33英里到了锡耶纳(那儿,阿别墅是个很不错落脚之处)。

    The next day we drove 33 miles to Siena (the Villa Arceno is a great place to stay while you are there).


  • 先生达拉斯六个销售职位挑选进行面试

    Mr. Nowell had picked ten people to interview for six sales jobs in Dallas.


  • 1929年,一部·科沃德百老汇一跃成为明星

    In 1929 she shot to stardom on Broadway in a Noel Coward play.


  • 1929年,一部·科沃德百老汇一跃成为明星

    In 1929 she shot to stardom on Broadway in a Noel Coward play.


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