• 对于阿尔扬·本是不是荷兰最好球员一直存在着争议

    Arjen Robben is arguably one of the greatest Dutch players of all time.


  • 尔扬表示,产生这种现象原因来自社会压力而不是这些受访者缺乏自控能力。

    The root of the problem is social pressures, not a lack self-control, Cheryan says.


  • 尔扬·本、迈克·巴拉克安德烈·舍甫琴科韦恩·布里奇依旧在莫里尼奥球员名单之外。

    Arjen Robben, Michael Ballack, Andrei Shevchenko and Wayne Bridge are all still missing for Jose Mourinho's men.


  • 幸运的是, 阿Snaterse开发地理SitemapKML发生器一个免费工具帮助创建文件

    Thankfully, Arjan Snaterse has developed the Geo Sitemap and KML Generator , a free tool to help you create the files.


  • 工厂关闭之后新罕布什基公司对该厂高级管理班子进行了重组。

    Following the plant shutdown, New Hampshire Yankee realigned senior management at the plant.


  • 这部戏剧作品集的作者中,保罗·格林、苏珊·格拉斯佩、麦克斯韦·安德森、桑顿·怀德、威廉·萨罗和田纳西·威廉姆斯都因其对戏剧的贡献而获得普利策奖。

    Among the writers of the plays in this collection, Paul Green, Susan Glaspell, Maxwell Anderson, Thornton Wilder, William Saroyan, and Tennessee Williams have all received Pulitzer Prizes for their contributions to the theater.


  • 克向戈培透露半犹太人

    Janke revealed to Goebbels that she was half-Jewish.


  • 1997年2000年期间,他们旅居纽约在那里作为布莱特访问学者开始关于殖民文学论文除了这段时间外,一直都南非生活

    Aside from 1997 to 2000, when they lived in New York City, where Young began a dissertation on colonial literature as a Fulbright Scholar, they have spent their lives in South Africa.


  • 我们已经买下一些高质量球员,(米凯)阿特、(西)贝纳两个充满创造力中场他们好的球感,而且球队里的优秀的新成员。

    We have brought in some quality players, [Mikel] Arteta and [Yossi] Benayoun are two creative midfielders who are really comfortable on the ball and they will be great additions to the squad.


  • 纽约州克斯市、西弗吉尼亚州新罕布什曼彻斯特榜单末尾。

    Yonkers, in New York, Charleston in West Virginia and Manchester, New Hampshire were also at the bottom of the list.


  • 父亲描述基队一次非凡比赛似乎很特别高兴,这次比赛是昨天晚上由墨·艾伦解说的。

    Dad seemed in a jovial mood as he described an exceptional Yankee game seen through the eyes of Mel Allen on the radio last night.


  • 作者·马特,这是关于印度男孩头孟加拉太平洋漂流历险故事,一个扣人心弦的故事。

    By Yann Martel. A charming story of an Indian boy lost in the middle of the ocean with a tiger.


  • 斯科认为阿什利··琼斯的爆发好解释:“他们和全英格兰最好一帮球员一起训练比赛

    Scholes says the impact made by Ashley Young and Phil Jones is easily explainable: "The biggest thing is that they're playing with better playersthe best in England.


  • 阿内森俱乐部位置最近首席执行官离职俱乐部内部提升接替中得到了加强

    Arnesen's position at the club was recently strengthened by Peter Kenyon's departure as chief executive, with Ron Gourlay stepping up from within the club to replace him.


  • 周四世界排名第15的杰根迈泽的比赛中,科维奇曾经在第五局比赛最终还是7-5的比分丢掉制胜局。

    On Thursday Berankis held a break of serve in the fifth set against World No. 15 Jurgen Melzer but finally succumbed 7-5 in the fifth.


  • 如果的努力取得成功,将可能解决高加索地区所谓难以处理争端指明一条道路,甚至可能化解土耳其与希腊塞浦路斯问题上的矛盾。

    If Gul and Sargsyan succeed, that might point the way to resolving other so-called "intractable" disputes in the Caucasus, and perhaps even the Turk-Greek problem over a divided Cyprus.


  • 阿什利·付出会给曼联攻击线上带来更多的活力,不过丹尼·贝克加入了迈克·欧文汤姆·克莱维利以及克里斯·司马林伤病修养大军。

    United will be boosted by the return of Ashley Young but Danny Welbeck may join Michael Owen, Tom Cleverley and Chris Smalling on the sidelines.


  • 埃里克·米歇·加西亚同住位于康涅狄格州卫斯理大学一个宿舍房间

    Erik Youngdahl and Michelle Garcia share a dorm room at Connecticut \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 's Wesleyan University.


  • 曼联三上三下贝克被换下全场掌声雷动),同时克莱维利被换下,吉格斯南德斯和朴智星上场。

    A triple change from United: Off go Welbeck (to a rapturous ovation), Cleverley and Young, on trot Giggs, Hernandez and Park.


  • 亚军得主是美国纽约棒球队运动员兰迪·约翰逊接下来上榜的人有美国著名影评人罗杰·伊伯特、美国心理学家兼电视节目主持人·麦格福克斯电视台主持人艾伦·考姆斯。

    New York Yankees pitcher Randy Johnson came in second followed by film critic Roger Ebert, television psychologist Dr. Phil McGraw and Fox television co-host Alan Colmes.


  • 位居排行榜最后五位城市包括纽约州克斯、弗吉尼亚州诺福克加利福尼亚州的莫多斯托得克萨斯州三个城市——阿林顿帕索和卢伯克。

    The bottom five cities included Yonkers in New York, Norfolk, Virginia, Modesto, California and three Texas cities — Arlington, El Paso and Lubbock.


  • 阿什利·(点球,72 ')马克·阿·布莱顿(76 ')连两球后,红魔依靠马达(81 ')和维迪奇(85 ')的进球全身而退。

    After Ashley Young (penalty, 72nd minute) and Marc Albrighton (76th minute) put the Villans up 2-0, the Red Devils came back with goals from Federico Macheda (81st minute) and Vidic (85th minute).


  • 美国人并不总是需要电视连续剧里播放《杜德》。很多越洋而来英国进口作品都十分精彩,真是太感谢你们了。

    Butt Americans don't always need a Yankee Doodle spin on TV series. Plenty of British imported well once they cross the pond, thank you very much.


  • 几乎成了热门歌曲不过旋律跟是个基·杜德花花公子》过于接近

    "This was almost a hit song, but the melody was too close to" I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy.


  • 塞格·古德录像叙事摒弃了以往的线性叙事,采用叠加剪辑来进行创作,拍摄录制的声音成为打破叙事一个重要元素

    The video narratives of Sigurdur Gudjonsson refuse linearity and work with superimposing cuts in which sound, mostly taken while filming, becomes also an important element for his broken narratives.


  • 1978年,一种眼睛发光生物开始出现在摇滚歌星·巡回演唱舞台、巡回短片中和专辑《未眠》的封面上。

    In 1978, small hooded creatures with glowing eyes began accompanying rocker Neil Young on stage during a concert tour, in a tour film, and on the cover of the album Rust Never Sleeps.


  • 雇主是埃·舍姆的农场主威廉·,他的工作地点是油菜老板威廉甚至提醒带把躺椅本好书打发时光。

    His boss, Aylsham farmer William Youngs, even warned him to "bring a deckchair and a good book" for his days in the oilseed rape field.


  • 塞格多·古德一位来自冰岛视觉艺术家主要录像装置摄影进行创作。

    Sigurdur Gudjonsson is a visual artist from Iceland, working primarily with video and photography for his installations.


  • 官方过去24小时内阿比省贾附近战斗导致22名武装人员12名士兵死亡

    The officials say 22 militants and 12 soldiers have been killed in fighting over the past 24 hours near the town of Jaar in Abyan province.


  • 官方过去24小时内阿比省贾附近战斗导致22名武装人员12名士兵死亡

    The officials say 22 militants and 12 soldiers have been killed in fighting over the past 24 hours near the town of Jaar in Abyan province.


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