• 来自埃塞克斯郡科尔切斯特研究员伊斯梅发现去年圣诞节10个月大的儿子卡梅伦收到了无数玩具,这让情况变得更糟了。

    Orhan Ismail, a researcher from Colchester, Essex, saw a change for the worse in Cameron, his 10-month-old son, after he was given innumerable toys last Christmas.


  • 西预备队了多尔切斯特,以4:0赢得了比赛。

    Chelsea Reserves go to Dorchester Town and win 4-0.


  • 黄昏时分,索太太听到塞斯韦特庄园发生一切

    It was in these twilight hours that Mrs. Sowerby heard of all that happened at Misselthwaite Manor.


  • 普斯切特分享音乐女人生活方面乐趣的朋友不过他们从来不谈论游泳

    Phelps and Lochte are PALS — they have a Shared interest in music, women, lifebut they never talk about swimming.


  • 美国军人丹尼·法教练乔治·斯蒂南卡罗来纳州切斯特在一起,在地面降落的过程中,后者突然停止了说话

    The US soldier Daniel Pharr was tied to skydiving veteran George Steele when the instructor stopped talking as the pair hurtled towards the ground over Chester County in South Carolina.


  • 斯特拉瑟斯太太阿切友好伸出手

    Mrs. Struthers extended a hail- fellow hand to Archer.


  • 巴尼布法罗伊萨卡纽约市以及切斯特萨福克汤普金斯制定当地性别表达禁止歧视法案

    Albany, Buffalo, Ithaca, New York City, and Rochester, and the counties of Suffolk and Tompkins have already enacted local GENDA laws.


  • 判决书下达后,蕾切就开始负责起菲·斯佩克特日常生活财产,除了替打理家庭事务和整理他的备份目录之外,还要掌管他数百万美元的商业股份

    The sentence has left Rachelle in charge of Phil Spector's life, and legacy. She runs his home, his back catalogue, and his multi-million-dollar business interests.


  • 这份清单会一直更新下去,当然,遗憾去掉了罗特克的《遗失儿子》,阿德里安娜#蕾切的《毁灭中潜行》以及威廉#卡洛斯#威廉姆斯的《水仙淡绿花束》。

    I deeply regret leaving off Roethke's "The Lost Son", Adrienne Rich's "Diving into the Wreck" and "The Asphodel, that Greeny Flower" by William Carlos Williams.


  • 但是段日子以来,斯佩克特的老朋友甚至还有敌人换了一个似的,而一切都归功于

    But lately, Spector's old friends (and even his enemies) have been describing him as a man transformed. The reason: Rachelle.


  • 2007年案件一审中止陪审团无法取得一致判决意见时候蕾切已经斯佩克特夫人了。

    By the time Phil's first trial had been abandoned in 2007 (the jury was unable to reach the required unanimous verdict), Rachelle had become Mrs Spector.


  • 1879年,切斯特具名乔治·申请汽车专利权

    In 1879, George B. Selden, a resident of Rochester, had filed a patent application in which he claimed to have invented the automobile.


  • 被称为·切斯特2 (DorchesterLevel 2)陶瓷装甲英国挑战者2型(British Challenger 2)坦克使用报道说至少可承受比相同重量钢铁能承受压力的

    A ceramic armour called Dorchester Level 2, used on British Challenger 2 tanks, is reportedly at least three times as resistant to some strikes as the same weight of steel.


  • Westgarth太太丈夫Frank照顾他们宠物绵羊——·华斯和多·切斯特杂交羊几乎成了他们的全职工作

    Mrs Westgarth and her husband Frank admitted that looking after their pet sheep - a Polwarth-Dorchester cross — had become almost a full-time job.


  • 最近几周阿森纳队名居英超联赛积分榜第七,比居第四位的纽卡斯联队低6,比曼·切斯特联队低12分。

    Arsenal have climbed the Premier League table in recent weeks and now sit in seventh place - six points behind fourth-placed Newcastle and 12 adrift of early pacesetters Manchester City.


  • 英国奇切斯特刑事法庭了解到,格林住在沃兴利特·汉普顿,他使用11个不同Facebook账户散播儿童淫秽图像视频

    Chichester Crown Court heard Green, of Littlehampton Road, Worthing, used 11 different Facebook accounts to distribute the images, along with indecent videos of children.


  • 看到同样切斯特迈克·阿妈妈,她瘦骨嶙峋悲痛欲绝,躺在迈克的上,身体弯得像是一个细长的对勾;

    Mike Appel's mom, also in Rochester, a bony, distraught checkmark occupying a slender strip of Mike's bed;


  • 西森斯的失礼不是英国广播公司第一身陷来自皇家压力,2005年威切滑雪胜地克罗斯特进行新闻访问时,王子大骂记者也非常出名。

    Sissons' gaffe is not the first time the BBC has come under fire from the royals, with Prince Charles famously caught slating Witchell during a press-call at the ski resort of Klosters in 2005.


  • 波特·切斯特城堡中世纪古堡,也是一座罗马要塞位于英国汉普·汉姆以东

    Portchester castle is a medieval castle and former Roman fort at Portchester to the east of Fareham in the English county of Hampshire.


  • 个玩弄权力的人,一个洞悉一切女人,斯雷特控制局势,也控制着杰夫

    A power player and a woman that holds all the answers, Slater takes control of the situation and takes control of Jeff.


  • ·切斯特市外英里的地方新近修好的教堂,裘德在那儿安装过石柱柱头

    A mile or two from Melchester there was a restored village church, to which Jude had originally gone to fix the new columns and capitals.


  • 莎·切斯特分饰两角,出演“科学怪人”故事原作者、小说家玛丽·雪莱同时扮演怪物僵尸新娘。

    Elsa Lanchester does delicious double duty as novelist Mary Shelley, who sets up the story, and as the Monster's reanimated Bride.


  • 但是·切斯特的家,发现早晨才离家分钟到了

    But no sooner did he reach his Melchester lodging than he found awaiting him a letter which had arrived that morning a few minutes after he had left the house.


  • ·切斯特附近一个教堂唱诗班里头。

    "I have been singing in the choir of a little church near Melchester," he said.


  • 为了扮演好队长纳,马特·达蒙特地来到登氏橄榄球俱乐部接受切斯特·威廉姆斯的高强度训练。1995年,威廉姆斯曾南非橄榄球联赛里名运动员

    To prepare for his role as Francois Pienaar, Matt Damon took intensive coaching at the Gardens Rugby Club under Chester Williams, who himself was a player in the South African rugby team of 1995.


  • 今年夏季,花旗伦敦开办该行的第一课程50名年轻学员将在多·切斯特饭店参加培训。

    This summer, the bank will run its first course in London, with 50 young people staying at the Dorchester hotel.


  • 今年夏季,花旗伦敦开办该行的第一课程50名年轻学员将在多·切斯特饭店参加培训。

    This summer, the bank will run its first course in London, with 50 young people staying at the Dorchester hotel.


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