• 中午,小饭馆下院的食堂午饭。

    She very often took lunch in the canteen or the Members'Dining Room in the House.


  • 马克思兄弟一向破破烂烂小饭馆吃饭

    The Marx brothers ate in coffee POTS and greasy spoons.


  • 北京的街道上很多简陋饭馆各个都自己特色

    The streets are filled with thousands of hole-in-the-wall restaurants, each with its own specialties.


  • 门口饭馆主营一些简单米粉炒菜凉菜

    The small restaurant in front of Miao stockade This restaurant sells some simple rice noodles and cooking as well as cold dishes.


  • 人数刚饭馆而已,他们称之为镇民大会。”

    There's only enough of them to fill a decent sized dining room, but they call themselves the "town meeting."


  • 这个饭馆里面有莴苣沙拉面包。然后这些是我的工作室同事。

    This is a Stube which provides lettuce, salads, bagels and these.


  • 常常附近饭馆解决晚饭,但是那里饭菜可口卫生

    He'd often eat at a small restaurant nearby, but the food often didn't taste good and was unsanitary.


  • 亨利那家供应快餐饭馆一开,就进来个人他们挨着柜台坐下

    The door of Henry's lunchroom opened and two men came in. They sat down at the counter.


  • 饭馆饭馆女主人主人在弄佐料在为小饭馆营业准备

    Small restaurant the hostess of the roadside small restaurant is cleaning vegetable, the man is cutting sauce, and both of them are preparing to do business.


  • 尽管无从证实,但有些中国主将这次小饭馆之行解读为支持人民币继续升值信号

    Some Chinese bloggers interpreted his visit to the restaurant as an indication of support for the yuan to keep on rising, although there was nothing to suggest this.


  • 因为大多数时候是饭馆的饭,因此很长时间的都是没有怎么冰啤酒

    Since I eat mostly in small restaurants, I've been drinking room temperature beer for quite some time.


  • 莱博指出,小饭馆容易让产生亲近友好感觉正是这一点赢得了多数国人喜爱

    'There's that more intimate, friendly local feel to those places. That is what appeals to most Chinese consumers.


  • 最近可了。上周末朋友一家小饭馆吃饭,这个星期天做一个菜去参加一个聚会

    I've been so busy lately. Last week, I went to a greasy spoon with a friend and this Sunday I've got to go to a potluck.


  • 回到祖国很多年后查理妻子坐在堪萨斯饭馆里,发现隔着个人一直

    One day, many years after returning to his homeland, Charlie and his wife were sitting in a little restaurant in Kansas City when he noticed two tables over was this guy who kept looking at him.


  • 人们常常一些奇怪地方找到灵感——在花园或者当地饭馆,总之找到你觉得方便舒适并且集中注意力的地方。

    People get creative in the strangest of places - be it the garden shed, or your local greasy spoon, find somewhere convenient and comfortable where you can concentrate.


  • 他们都不错,还我请雅致小饭馆吃饭他们位于Beverly家中开Party,并生日送来慷慨礼物

    They took me to dinners at elegant bistros, threw parties for me in their Beverly Hills homes, and gave me lavish gifts for my birthday.


  • 与此同时益阳多日停电摧毁48岁徐占云(音译)先生饭馆徐先生现在不得不在烧炉子上炒菜,用电炉灶设备已经排不上用场了。

    In Yiyang, meanwhile, multiday blackouts have ruined a tiny restaurant run by Xu Zhanyun, 48, who now must cook meals over lumps of coal instead of his electric stove.


  • 我们面汤凉了,个人吃完剩下的面付了钱走出这家拥挤饭馆至于什么不忍怜香惜玉的话公司的路上探讨的话题

    We both the cooler, and the remaining two were finished after him out of this crowded the small restaurant, as to what the rich could not bear and so, the company is back on the road topic.


  • 下车后,稍做停留,遵照当地风俗帮助其他游客推动转车台上缆车,使之掉头转向然后移步码头旁边一家装饰华丽饭馆个座位坐下。

    You get out, pause perhaps to help the other travelers to swing the cable car on its turntable(a city custom), and then set out to find a table in one of the gay little restaurants beside the harbor.


  • 车抵终点站,下车后,也可能会暂时停步,遵照当地风俗帮助其他游客推动转车台上缆车,使之掉头转向,然后移步码头旁边的一家装饰华丽的饭馆个座位坐下。

    You get out, pause perhaps to help the other travelers to swing the cable car on its turntable (a city custom), and then set out to find a table in one of the gay little restaurants beside the harbor.


  • 车抵终点站,下车后,也可能会暂时停步,遵照当地风俗帮助其他游客推动转车台上缆车,使之掉头转向,然后移步码头旁边的一家装饰华丽的饭馆个座位坐下。

    You get out, pause perhaps to help the other travelers to swing the cable car on its turntable (a city custom), and then set out to find a table in one of the gay little restaurants beside the harbor.


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