• 哈尔滨:用于照顾老人的机器人上市

    Harbin: Robot caregiver for seniors to hit market.


  • 新的车辆将上市

    New vehicles upcoming!


  • 将上市……不锈钢篮子坚固耐用方显低调奢华

    Still to come… Stainless basket makes all efforts easy clean and fast with luxury apperance to catch your eyes.


  • 陈奂仁首张个人国语专辑陈奂仁”上市

    From Hanjin's debut solo Mandarin album "Who is Hanjin" which will be available in stores soon!


  • 收购人应当上市公司收购报告书同时提交证券交易所

    The acquirer shall simultaneously submit the report on acquisition of the listed company to the stock exchange.


  • 为此迫切需要尽快将上市公司股利分配引导理性状态

    Therefore, there is an urgent need to guide the dividend income allocation of listed companies into rational state.


  • 上市奶酪包括布里奶酪金文奶酪山羊奶酪

    Coming soon to a store near you. Our range of soft cheeses, including Brie, Camembert and Goats cheese.


  • 几个月来,投资者期待着世界最大商品交易公司证实其即将上市传言

    For months investors have been waiting for the world’s biggest commodities-trading company to confirm rumours that it would float on the stockmarket.


  • 不过大体上讲,上市美国版本的主旨中文原版依然是相同的。

    However, by the large, the title remains the same when one compares the Chinese and upcoming American versions.


  • 太多上市公司竭力报备文件中放入缺乏可持续性的高利润率数据。

    Too many soon-to-be-public companies strain to publish unsustainably robust margins in their filings.


  • 第四系统论观点将上市公司信息披露监管成为一个复杂的系统过程。

    The fourth chapter regards the information disclosure regulation as a system from a system approach point of view.


  • 告诉他们公司如何会盈利、如何会亏损,如何生产即将上市产品,如何服务制定竞争战略

    Provide information on how the company makes and loses money, upcoming products, and services and strategies for competing.


  • 但是大量的上市因为开发商近年放缓了大兴土木的节奏一些建筑都已全部停工

    But there is a further vast increment of supply on the verge of coming to market, because developers slowed the pace of construction in recent years and in some cases halted it altogether.


  • 同时上市公司资产净资产收益率主营业务增长率行业等作为本研究的控制变量

    Meanwhile, the listed company's assets, ROE, growth in the main business, and its industries are chosen as control variables.


  • 尽管有许多产品上市它们却存在诸如半衰期免疫原性溶解性、被酶水解弊端。

    Althoughmany products will be put on the market, but there exist problems including short circulating half-life, immunogenicity, low solubility, proteolytic degradation and so on.


  • 车型上市销售一季度到2010配合他们的首次亮相有限运行两年。

    The two new models will go on sale in the first quarter of 2010 to coincide with their debut, for a limited run of only two years.


  • 最好祈祷如果已经上市将上市公司中工作,那么在引入敏捷运维之前就会遭遇审计问题

    Your best bet, if you are in a public or pre-IPO company, is to meet with audit before you start introducing agile operations.


  • 利用权重上市公司信息披露质量得分进行加权,按照加权后得分上市公司信息披露质量进行排名

    Combined with analytic hierarchy process (AHP), we could work out relatively weight of each index. We order the weighted scores which have been evaluated.


  • 经历星期二短暂停顿,苹果商店迎来了全新iMac一体机,证实了之前的新的产品线上市传言

    After a brief period of downtime Tuesday, the Apple Store has returned with brand new iMacs, confirming recent rumors about an imminent refresh of the lineup.


  • 曾经一度雀斑认为是不美观的,不过现在情况啦,新型的雀斑贴纸化妆上市,雀斑即成为潮流!

    There was a time when freckles were considered unsightly, but they might just become the 'in' thing when this new cosmetic fake-freckle kit hits the market!


  • 同时今年晚些时候一种lcd显示方式来显示的电泳型阅读器上市,显示屏用塑料制成不是玻璃

    And, later this year, an electrophoretic reader that is built the LCD way, but on plastic, rather than on glass, will also be launched to take them on.


  • 将上市美国动公司和奇迹公司电子游戏的《破碎维度》的最好的地方在于多种多样玩可的蜘蛛侠制服

    The best thing about the upcoming Shattered Dimensions video game from Marvel and Activision seems to be the variety of different playable Spider-Men and costume changes we'll get to toy around with!


  • 医学技术第一商业视网膜植入设备上市也许不完善,如同26年前的第一个耳蜗植入设备一样。

    Medical technology: the first commercial retinal implant is about to go on sale. It may be crude, but so were the first cochlear implants, 26 years ago.


  • 张图片上市FIFA12早期版本制作的。所以试映了游戏画面以及斯里穿着新球衣

    The picture has been created using an early version of the upcoming FIFA12 game - so you get a sneak preview of the game visuals as well as Samir in the new kit.


  • 索尼公司上市掌上游戏终端确定改名PlayStationVita今年晚些时候上市

    Sony's upcoming handheld console has been renamed the PlayStation Vita and will sell in two flavors when it releases later this year: a WiFi-only version for $249 and an AT&T 3G model for $299.


  • 上市公司行业分为四大类别根据国家战略调整思路制订各类最终目标,又分为三个步骤实施

    Further, I divide the listed company into four categories according to their profession, on the basis of strategic adjusting of out nation to formulate the final reducing target for into three steps.


  • 上市公司行业分为四大类别根据国家战略调整思路制订各类最终目标,又分为三个步骤实施

    Further, I divide the listed company into four categories according to their profession, on the basis of strategic adjusting of out nation to formulate the final reducing target for into three steps.


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