• 是个封闭了的园子是座禁宫。

    It is the closed garden, hortus conclusus.


  • 楼厅包厢封闭赞助人几乎坐满了舞台前方座位

    With the balcony blocked off, patrons filled most of the stalls.


  • 楼厅包厢封闭赞助人几乎坐满了舞台前方一楼座位

    With the balcony blocked off, patrons filled most of the orchestra seats.


  • 地壳运动封闭海峡内陆地中海开始蒸发

    Crustal movements closed the straits, and the landlocked Mediterranean began to evaporate.


  • 这些雕像通常封闭长方形神龛壁龛中,它们唯一开口前面这使得雕像自然展现正面

    Very often such statues were enclosed in rectangular shrines or wall niches whose only opening was at the front, making it natural for the statue to display frontality.


  • 1923年114日,英国考古学家霍华德·卡特卢克索另一位法老底部偶然发现石头,这块石头最终通向了一个封闭门口

    It was on Nov 4, 1923, the British archaeologist Howard Carter stumbled on a stone at the base of the tomb of another pharaoh in Luxor that eventually led to a sealed doorway.


  • 自从周六以色列开始进行空袭,以色列加沙唯一步行通道已经在埃雷兹记者封闭了

    The sole pedestrian crossing from Israel into Gaza, at Erez, has remained closed to journalists since Israel's bombing campaign began on Saturday.


  • 有人制造时间机器创造出一个封闭的时间型曲线后,这种预测能力很快消失了。

    This ability vanishes as soon as someone builds a time machine and creates a closed timelike curve.


  • 当局被迫关闭一些学校,170万学生受到影响,此外还关闭封闭电影院歌厅其他公共场所

    Authorities have been forced to shut down schools for 1.7 million students, and close cinemas, karaoke bars and other public places.


  • 推出被称为Zune全新音乐播放系统,完全模仿苹果封闭结构模式

    It introduced a completely new music-player system, called Zune, modeled, incredibly, on Apple's closed-architecture model.


  • Delete打开封闭模型(删除了这个元素的参数),并且更新这些参数。

    Delete opens closed models (with references to the element being deleted), and updates the references.


  • 出现封闭时间型曲线时,一些事件既出现过去正在未来出现。

    But in the presence of closed timelike curves, some events are in our past and also in our future.


  • 一个封闭的时间型曲线可能暗示着命运注定我们知道未来自己身上会发生什么状况因为我们已经自己的过去目睹了这些情景。

    A closed timelike curve seems to imply predestination: we know what is going to happen to us in the future because we witnessed it in our past.


  • 严格性在其奉献精神教皇书面反映封闭地方,在那里他度过82中的大部分。

    Both in its rigour and in its devotion, the Pope's writing reflects the enclosed places in which he has spent most of his 82 years.


  • 同时,这次板块碰撞封闭(地中海)西部并且形成了仍保存至今的欧洲大部分山脉

    The plate collision helped close the western part of the ancient Tethys Sea and lifted up the massive European mountain chain that persists today.


  • 驾驶舱这样封闭空间火焰DARPA主要兴趣,DARPA资助了此项研究以作为寻找抑制或控制火焰技术一个部分

    Fires in enclosed Spaces like cockpits or ships are a key interest of DARPA, who funded the research as part of a search for new technologies to suppress or control fires.


  • 除此之外舞厅不是聊天地方,酒下肚每个人都觉得自己成了众人关注焦点事实上大家都彻底封闭自己。

    This, and the club is too loud to talk, so after a couple of drinks, everyone feels like the center of attention but completely cutoff from participating with anyone else.


  • 这些服务共同之处在于它们大量数据提供了一个简单API使得以前封闭固定的信息前所未有的交互作用。

    What is common between all these services is that they provide a simple API to a wealth of data, enabling unprecedented cross-pollination between previously siloed information.


  • 话说,封闭的时间型曲线未来代表过去

    Closed timelike curves, in other words, make the future resemble the past.


  • 假定对方做了某件坏事”部分陈述的,这样就把问题封闭了一个框架中,如此,他们就只能回答不能否定假设。

    By framing the question as closed, the other person is thus expected to answer only yes or no and cannot deny the assumption.


  • 一个闭包封闭这些引用所以函数调用可以安全引用这些变量即使它们已经超出了函数作用域

    A closure "closes around" these references, so the function invocation can safely refer to the variables even when the variables have gone out of scope!


  • 最新评估依据过去个月中员工之间12股份交易同时也凸显了公司股票在封闭的交易市场上的流动性不足

    The latest valuation is based on just 12 share sales between employees over the last two months, highlighting the illiquidity of the closed markets on which its shares trade.


  • 大火摧毁建筑物,使处重要高速公路封闭导致了至少例死亡——促使州长阿诺·施瓦辛格宣布洛杉矶市凡图拉县处于紧急状态

    The blazes torched buildings, closed a vital freeway, and caused at least two fatalitiesprompting Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to declare a state of emergency in L.A. and Ventura Counties.


  • 其他热点区域一样包括撒丁岛冰岛冲绳一个相对封闭岛屿社区导致很高程度近亲繁殖遗传性变形聚类

    Like other hotspots, including Sardinia and Iceland, Okinawa is a relatively isolated island community, which leads to higher levels of inbreeding and a clustering of genetic variants.


  • 通过老鼠试验发现,造成学习能力缺失大脑分子封闭了

    Now the brain molecules behind this learning deficit have been identified in mice - and blocked.


  • 通过老鼠试验发现,造成学习能力缺失大脑分子封闭了

    Now the brain molecules behind this learning deficit have been identified in mice - and blocked.


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