• 以前残酷都是奋起斗争的呀!”

    You used to stand up and fight when people were cruel to you, 'I said.


  • 所有的这些都消息因为意味着事情他们本来的那样,意味着我们残酷扭曲容忍能力,意味着顺从必然将来忍受痛苦的苦果。

    All this is bad news, because it means that things are as they were and our enduring capacities for brutality, distortion, and conformity are bound to bear more bitter fruit in the future.


  • 故意残酷无情的话割一样。

    The deliberate cruelty of his words cut her like a knife.


  • 每当一个一些残酷善良的话,你知道这些话他们心中停留多久

    Whenever you say something to a person cruel or kind, you have no idea how long the words will stay with them.


  • 斯蒂尔每天工作20个小时身体来说相当残酷”。

    Steel says working 20 hours a day is "pretty brutal physically."


  • 不是唯一的,或者恐怕不是常见残酷形式来自他人感情的认知,主动地要伤害他们

    But that is not the only, or perhaps even the most common, form of cruelty, which derives from recognising others’ feelings, but actively wanting to hurt them.


  • 如果的,大脑化学不仅导致精神病患者其他那些能用他们方式残酷伤害他人的人。

    If he is right, brain chemistry doesn't just lead psychopaths and others who inflict great cruelty on others to behave in the way they do.


  • 命运似乎开了一个残酷的玩笑:患了癌症无法继续工作

    It seemed that fate had played a cruel trick when he developed cancer and was unable to work.


  • 所有经历过几个月闷热酷暑无家可归纽约人来说,完美天生注定的、生的时候简单繁茂的时候迅速残酷

    The perfect love is born, thrives briefly, and dies a swift and brutal death, all during a few scorching months on the streets of New York.


  • 或许屈从于政客,政客最不喜欢公允价值残酷诚实了,正如他们去年有毒证券态度饱受批评那样

    It may be forced to bend by politicians-who mostly dislike the brutal honesty of fair value-just as it did last year when criticised over its stance on toxic securities.


  • 劳动力资本而言,美国经济的深度跳水何其残酷。 遥想过去,就业情景一片狼藉,盈利状况惨不忍睹

    AMERICA’S recession was cruel to capital and labour: both employment and profit margins collapsed.


  • T·S·Eliot认为四月残酷月份但是HillaryClinton来说,二月才最为惨淡。

    T.S. Eliot may have thought that April was the cruelest month, but as far as Hillary Clinton is concerned, it's got nothing on February.


  • 当下给奥巴马来一些烫手山芋美国乃至全世界有好处,否则接种而来的也许就是残酷失望

    For America's sake (and the world's), that bar should now be raised—or all kinds of brutal disappointment could follow.[font=Arial]


  • 一方面说这种现象使得年轻一代教育越发困难——一旦他们步入社会接触残酷现实,多年的教育可能就被遗忘

    On the other hand, it may make the education of the younger generation exceedingly difficult-years of education may be forgotten once they step into the society and touch the harsh reality.


  • 他们我们说,分享残酷作战保持艺术生命力唯一途径

    They also tell us that a War on Sharing is the only way to keep art alive.


  • 如果说那个阶段中产阶级非同寻常温馨记忆,那么我们现在所处的阶段就是残酷的现实

    Yet if that period was unusually kind to the middle class, the one we are now in the midst of appears unusually cruel.


  • 消费者未来预期降低造成的,毋庸置疑这归功于关于美国国债评级欧洲道琼斯残酷利空消息

    That was led by a decline in consumer expectations of the future, no doubt thanks to relentless bad news about America's credit rating, Europe and the Dow.


  • 消费者未来预期降低造成的,毋庸置疑这归功于关于美国国债评级欧洲道琼斯残酷利空消息

    That was led by a decline in consumer expectations of the future, no doubt thanks to relentless bad news about America’s credit rating, Europe and the Dow.


  • 有人理论提出批评认为这种理论社会中的弱者需要引导以及做事主动的人过于残酷

    Some, however, have criticised his ideas as being tough on the weaker members of society, those who need guidance and who are not necessarily self-starters.


  • 当前许多陷入金钱地位名声残酷竞争尤其是那些拥有强烈事业心的上班族。

    Nowadays, many people, the strongly careerminded ones in particular, are involved in a fierce competition for money, ranks, and fame.


  • 此次法院当真认为精神发育迟滞施用死刑的确违反第八修正案禁止残酷刑罚的规定。

    And indeed the Court this time held that executions of persons with mental retardation did violate the Eighth Amendment's proscriptions against cruel and unusual punishment.


  • 有人文章现实画面残酷描写影响了英国大众美国南北战争看法防止了英国人向南方倾斜

    Some claim that the graphic descriptions of cruelty contained in her journal influenced public opinion in Briton during the US Civil war and prevented England siding with the south.


  • 同样为摧毁了女儿生活感到巨大的愧疚她们很难放弃所谓的“美国”,他也相比于接受爸爸同志,父母的离婚女儿来说更加残酷

    Olson also felt tremendous guilt about disrupting his children's lives and it was "hard to give up the American dream," but said that divorce was harder on them than accepting that he was gay.


  • 这笔奖金人们给予承认相当满意不过会把残酷竞争视为粗俗的表现。

    He would have been very pleased with the money and the recognition, but he would also have thought the competitive element deplorably vulgar.


  • 这笔奖金人们给予承认相当满意不过会把残酷竞争视为粗俗的表现。

    He would have been very pleased with the money and the recognition, but he would also have thought the competitive element deplorably vulgar.


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