• 人们用信贷衍生进行投机仍然对冲风险

    Is a credit derivative used for speculation or to hedge risk?


  • 与此同时喜欢对冲风险投资者可以准确地估算自己需要保障

    Investors who like to hedge their bets, meanwhile, can get a better sense of how much protection they might want.


  • 人民币没有真正长远市场因而很难对抗对冲风险而且其他大多数国家所接受

    There is no real forward market for the yuan, making it hard to hedge risk, and it is not accepted by most other countries.


  • 增加通胀企图不是不可预期的:如果财政赤字货币化一旦实施,投资者下债务合约对冲风险

    An attempt to increase inflation would not be unexpected: Investors would write debt contracts to hedge against such a risk if monetization of the fiscal deficits does occur.


  • 使希腊债券持有者损失得不到担保,促使他们对赌意大利债券等其他欧元计价的债券对冲风险

    That would leave many holders of Greek debt without protection from losses, encouraging them to hedge their risk by betting against other euro-denominated debt like Italy's.


  • 证券公司包销而买卖证券,或者对冲风险参与金融衍生产品交易前款规定的限制。

    The preceding paragraph shall not apply, when a securities company trades securities as a result of underwriting or participates in financial derivative transactions for risk hedging purposes.


  • 多头套期保值如果未来买入某种资产采用持有资产期货合约多头对冲风险

    Long hedge: if a company plans to buy assets at some time in the future, it can hold a long position in the futures contract of the assets to offset the risk.


  • 技术层面影响银行的放空也要为拖垮CMBX指数付出很大责任,他们贷款利用衍伸性商品对冲风险

    Technical factors are also at work: banks are dragging down the CMBX further by shorting it, using credit derivatives, to hedge risks in their loan books.


  • 一些分析师认为有助于稳定市场,因为它将散户投机感到担忧的机构投资者提供一种对冲风险工具

    Some analysts believe it would help calm the market by giving institutions worried about retail-driven speculation a means of hedging their exposure.


  • 有可能造成影响交易量上升因为一旦能够对冲风险对冲基金其它机构投资者将会更大交易动机

    A more likely effect is that trading volumes will rise because hedge funds and other institutional investors will have a greater incentive to trade once they can hedge their risks.


  • 平台使参与者能够通过6个月的远期合约来对冲风险,合约是基于条从中国出口主要集装箱航线——上海欧洲上海至美国西海岸。

    The platform allows participants to hedge their risk on a six-month forward basis on the two key box shipping routes for Chinese exports - Shanghai to Europe and Shanghai to US West Coast.


  • 有效控制长寿风险可以利用保单条款控制风险、利用产品组合对冲风险、利用再保险分散风险风险证券化以及开发金融衍生工具对冲风险

    In order to effectively manage longevity risk, we can use many methods such as policy term, product portfolio, reinsurance, longevity bond and financial derivatives, to control and prerent the risk.


  • 困难时期他们对冲基金风险资产中撤出,转向现金政府债券

    At times of trouble, they will retreat from risky assets such as hedge funds and into cash and government bonds.


  • 不同方式对冲尾部风险流行的创造篮子正常市场条件下表现不佳,但在市场暴跌时候一飞冲天衍生品

    There are different ways to hedge tail risk, but a popular one is to create a basket of derivatives that will perform poorly during normal market conditions but soar when markets plunge.


  • 客户卖出看期权他们有权买入股票同时买入股票对冲自己风险

    I had short call options for my customer, which gave them the right to purchase stock, and I also owned equity to hedge my risk.


  • 他们认为如果没有一个加强清理行业担保将会使他们日常风险作出对冲昂贵

    Without one, they argue, increased collateral requirements for cleared trades would make hedging their everyday risks much more expensive.


  • 强行银行持有外汇衍生品设定上限,因为银行倾向通过国外过度举债对冲那些市场风险

    It imposed ceilings on Banks' holdings of foreign-exchange derivatives, because the Banks tend to hedge those positions by borrowing too much from abroad.


  • 通过首席经纪商(银行对冲基金提供服务人员)谈话官方能够监督对冲基金总体风险系统风险

    By talking to prime brokers (the arms of Banks that serve hedge funds), the authorities have also been able to monitor the aggregate level of hedge-fund exposure, and thus systemic risk.


  • 能源企业常见使用者或是交易能源风险对冲基金)。它们占有46%的市场

    The most common users are energy companies (or hedge funds trading energy risk), which account for 46% of the market.


  • 通过提早将成本上涨转移消费者明智风险对冲,它2008称为“缓冲年”,尤其是原料价格上涨压力下半年减缓

    By passing the rises on to customers early and with some judicious hedging it also reckons that 2008 could be a bumper year, particularly if commodity prices ease in the second half.


  • 草案初稿规定例外情况,允许银行保留做市活动以便帮助客户对冲头寸风险以及维持市场流动性

    The original rule made exceptions that allowed Banks to keep their market-making activities in order to help their clients hedge their positions and maintain liquidity in the markets.


  • 透露自己加强看空欧元力度,作为来自欧洲主权债务危机进一步压力可能造成影响进行风险对冲的手段。

    He also discussed increasing a bet against the euro, as a hedge against the impact of further pressure from Europe's sovereign debt crisis.


  • 持有公司债券银行互换市场对冲企业违约风险

    Banks that own corporate bonds may use the swaps market to hedge against a company defaulting.


  • 对冲美元可能下跌风险,美国人不妨可5%存款换成外汇

    To hedge against the possibility of a falling greenback, consider putting about 5% or so of your savings into foreign currencies.


  • 对冲美元可能下跌风险,美国人不妨可5%存款换成外汇

    To hedge against the possibility of a falling greenback, consider putting about 5% or so of your savings into foreign currencies.


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