• 对于切尔西俱乐部来说拥有一位英格兰国家队队长我们的巨大荣誉

    For Chelsea as a club it also a huge honour to have the captain of England playing for us.


  • 不会上赛季一样对于切尔西是否应该一月会期买人作出誓言。

    Carlo Ancelotti is not repeating last season's pledge should Chelsea signa player in the January transfer window.


  • 法国队主教练雷蒙德·多梅内克对于切尔西威廉·加拉加入阿森纳表示了震惊

    France coach Raymond Domenech has expressed his shock at Chelsea letting William Gallas join Arsenal.


  • 塞维利亚队主教练努·埃尔吉门内斯承认对于切尔西对法比亚诺表示出兴趣感到十分担心。

    Sevilla coach Manuel Jimenez admits he is worried about Chelsea's reported interest in his star striker Luis Fabiano.


  • 斯托克城队相比于西布朗维奇维冈队来说,更难缠,给蓝军造成了更大威胁对于切尔西这样一支状态奇佳,凯歌高奏的球队来说,仍然算不上什么太大的威胁。

    Stoke posed a stiffer, burlier threat than West Bromwich Albion and Wigan, but still not much of a threat at all. Not to a team as gloriously on-song as Chelsea.


  • 对于切尔西来说能RighttoPlay”这样的庞大组织合作非常重要的,对于那些我们前往国家和那些被我们带来欢乐梦想孩子来说这个合作项目更为重要。”

    This project is very important for Chelsea and a great institution like Right to Play but is more important for the countries where we go and the kids where we give some happiness and some dreams.


  • 对于切尔西的实力对于阿尔沙文来说是继俄罗斯败给斯洛文尼亚落选世界杯之后的双重打击承认明年不了南非会令失落很长时间。尽管一直在试放松自己,积极地面对在伦敦的生活。

    The shock defeat to Chelsea has acted like a double whammy on Arshavin as he has also had to contend with Russia failing to make the World Cup finals after their play-off loss to Slovenia last month.


  • 带着切尔西一起去的,这次访问工作美国来说非常重要对于她们也是一次重要个人探索之

    She took Chelsea along on what would be an important effort for the United States and a grand personal Odyssey for them both.


  • 然而不幸哈里王子女友切尔西·戴维偶尔也会抽烟,所以对于哈里来说,要把烟给戒了可不是件容易事。

    However, unfortunately for Harry, whose girlfriend, Chelsy Davy is a social smoker.


  • 兰帕德对于西汉姆联队切尔西队友·科尔最后23人名单中一席之地

    Lampard is delighted to see his former West Ham and current Chelsea team-mate Joe Cole earn a place in the final squad of 23.


  • 然而不幸的是,哈里王子的女友切尔西·戴维偶尔也会抽烟,所以对于哈里来说,要烟给戒了可不是容易事

    However, unfortunately for Harry, whose girlfriend, Chelsy Davy is a social smoker, giving up the smoking habit could be a little harder.


  • 对于科尔切尔西队主教练穆利尼奥毫不掩饰地表示世界上优秀左后卫之一,并证实说希望今年夏天将科尔收归己有。

    Mourinho's admiration for Cole was plain yesterday when he called him "one of the best left-backs in the world".


  • 对于罗纳尔迪尼奥经常接触哥哥小罗很希望能够加盟,但是别忘了还有切尔西

    As for Ronaldinho, I am always in touch with his brother and he wants to come but there is also Chelsea.


  • 何塞·莫里尼奥彼得·凯尼对于约翰·特里将会带上切尔西和英格兰的枚队长袖标一事作出了反应

    Jose Mourinho and Peter Kenyon have given their reactions to the news that John Terry will wear the captain's armband for both Chelsea and England.


  • 是因为切尔西来说有价钱对于其他的球队来说另一个价钱,所以我们等到切尔西决定是否买人之后。

    That is because there is a price for Chelsea and a price for everybody else and that is why we have to wait until they make a decision.


  • 希望对于即将到来切尔西国际米兰对决来说意味着点什么。

    I hope this is a sign of things to come in the upcoming Chelsea versus Inter Champions League game.


  • 对于留在切尔西没有任何犹豫俱乐部希望留下

    I never had any doubts that I wanted to stay at Chelsea and that the club wanted me to stay.


  • 对于告别切尔西许久切赫来说能够重返钟爱的赛场并继续战斗的每一分钟备感珍惜

    But for the Chelsea stopper, returning to the pitch has made him grateful for every minute he is able to do what he loves most.


  • 切尔西一家豪门对于自身的事业来讲,一个错误

    Chelsea are a massive club and to not come would've been a mistake in my career.


  • 来到切尔西职业生涯中对于来说非常重要的。

    When I came to Chelsea it was such a big thing for me in my career.


  • 对于59岁的老人来说一天很忙将马上发布他作为切尔西主教练第一个新闻发布会接受切尔西电视台的专访。

    That will be a busy day for the 59-year-old, who will hold his first press conference as Chelsea manager, as well as speaking exclusively to Chelsea TV.


  • 强手主教练温格对于目前的情况感到失望并且承认除非切尔西退出竞争,不然对于赖特-菲力普斯的出价没有什么实际意义的。

    Gunners manager Wenger is frustrated by the situation and concedes there is little point in making a bid for Wright-Phillips until Chelsea have put down their marker.


  • 对于哪个保持理智的球迷来说,利物浦或者切尔西表现令人从瞠目结舌的脸上找到会心快乐笑容

    Who in their right mind could watch a Liverpool or Chelsea performance and find a wide and happy smile arriving on their surprised lips?


  • 正当切尔西再度准备本周日夺冠趟篷大巴游街时,对于曾经游街队伍的回忆无疑将又唤醒

    With Chelsea preparing for another open-topped bus parade of prestigious silverware on Sunday, memories of processions past will no doubt be stirred.


  • 显然对于这位阿布球员切尔西还会在他们的报价上继续加码

    There is no question that Chelsea must augment their initial offer substantially if they are to land the player Roman Abramovich covets more than any other.


  • 俱乐部所有人都非常高兴我们进入了下一轮,切尔西的目标赢得所有冠军并且,联赛杯对于年轻球员来说,是一个老板展示自己好机会

    The whole club is happy we are through, Chelsea wants to win every cup there is and it is an opportunity for the youngsters to show ourselves to the boss.


  • 切尔西大胜曼城毫无疑问,里尼奥对于球队表现也是满意的。

    Chelsea's comfortable victory over Manchester City left jose Mourinho in no doubt about his team's performance.


  • 肯定的是,怀疑的跑动能力,他可以跑一整天但是一些对于球队批评就是切尔西显得太过狂妄自大了,受伤也故意装出没流血一样。

    Certainly, no one would dispute Essien's ability to run all day, but to some critics there is a sense that Chelsea mostly run with an arrogant swagger and do not bleed when wounded.


  • 肯定的是,怀疑的跑动能力,他可以跑一整天但是一些对于球队批评就是切尔西显得太过狂妄自大了,受伤也故意装出没流血一样。

    Certainly, no one would dispute Essien's ability to run all day, but to some critics there is a sense that Chelsea mostly run with an arrogant swagger and do not bleed when wounded.


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