• 现在技术使识别服务目标微市场变得更容易、更快捷更便宜过去不可能实现的,或者是代价非常昂贵的。

    Now, new technology makes it easier, faster, and cheaper to identify and serve targeted micro-markets in ways that were physically impossible or prohibitively expensive in the past.


  • 正如作家所观察到的:“尽管现在很明显手工艺品编年史一样容易被篡改,但公众真实性信心依然存在:件有形遗物本身似乎就是真实的。”

    As one writer observes: "Although it is now evident that artefacts are as easily altered as chronicles, public faith in their veracity endures: a tangible relic seems ipso facto real."


  • 现在秘鲁政府正在安装缆车使交通变得更加容易从而促进旅游业发展。

    Now the Peruvian government is installing a cable car that will make access much easier, and hence results in a large increase in tourisms.


  • 互联网帮助下,人们现在可以容易其他文化中借鉴思想帮助他们脱颖而出

    With the help of the Internet, people are now able to easily borrow ideas from other cultures to help them stand out.


  • 现在,并不是青铜当时希腊罕见只是青铜很有价值容易回收利用

    Now, it is not that bronze was all that rare in Greece then, it is just that bronze was valuable and could easily be recycled.


  • 现在许多家庭中的设备他们办公室的设备强大、更灵活针对消费者小发明在线服务大多数公司系统更智能、更容易使用

    Many people's homes now have more powerful, and more flexible, devices than their offices do; consumer gizmos and online services are smarter and easier to use than most companies' systems.


  • 一些医生现在认为心脏肝脏等重要器官周围内部脂肪可能外部脂肪一样危险(外部脂肪容易被发现)。

    Some doctors now think that the inside fat around important organs like the heart or liver could be as dangerous as the outside fat which can be noticed more easily.


  • 一些医生现在认为心脏肝脏等重要器官周围内部脂肪可能容易发现外部脂肪一样危险

    Some doctors now think that the internal fat surrounding important organs like the heart or liver could be as dangerous as the external fat which can be noticed more easily.


  • 另一个原因虽然现在复制容易罗马时代那么容易的。

    Another is that while nowadays reproduction is easy, it was not so easy in Roman times.


  • 如果现在大多数作家一样,干着养家糊口工作那么腾出时间写作确实容易

    If, like most writers these days, you're holding down a job to pay the bills, it's not easy to find the time to write.


  • 现在旅行变得越来越容易了,但是远离人群越来越也许度假者困难事情

    It is getting much easier to travel nowadays, but increasingly harder to get away from people, and that is perhaps the most difficult thing for holiday makers.


  • 有一件事肯定的,现在开始旅行变得容易得多因为只要想,我可以随时启程不必应付房租、狗狗其他东西。

    One thing is for sure, traveling will be much easier from now on, as I can leave whenever I want without having to juggle rent, the dog, and well stuff.


  • 现在互联网帮助下公民意见可以容易传到决策者耳中

    With the help of Internet, citizens' opinions can now easily reach decision-makers' ears.


  • 现在这些地区,也就是农民迁移地区,曾经温暖的,不太可能结冰然而最近这个地区变得容易结冰

    Now these areas, the new areas the farmers moved to, used to be warm and unlikely to freeze, however, recently the area has become susceptible to freezes.


  • 最重要现在大多数3D食品打印机受到限制,只能打印干燥食材因为肉类奶制品容易变质

    On top of that, most of the 3D food printers now are restricted to dry ingredients, because meat and milk products may easily go bad.


  • 现在容易了解获得保持大气条件

    The conditions for acquiring and retaining a thick nitrogen atmosphere are now readily understood.


  • 知道现在正是情绪容易激动时期,”补充说,“每个人都认同保护进入大楼员工公众成员的安全十分重要。”

    "I know these are tide times," she added, "but everyone agrees on the importance of safeguarding our employees and members of the public who come into the building."


  • 许多家长英国孩子上学容易的事。

    Sending a child to school in England is a step which many parents do not find easy to take.


  • 们村里的路更宽了,所以我们现在出门更容易了。

    We have wider roads in our village, so we can go out more easily now.


  • 凡纳曾经因为太害羞而不敢在学校发表演讲,现在她很容易定期对消防员和学生发表演讲。

    Once too shy to give a speech at school, it is now easy for Savannah to speak regularly to fireman and school students.


  • 它们是由软塑料制成的,使用起来更容易

    Today they're made of soft plastic and are much easier to use!


  • 们是在书本、电脑、高速公路和手机的陪伴下长大的,但现在我们生活在一个没有自来水和电的村庄。对于我们来说,一天结束之时我们很容易伴着被误解的感觉入睡。

    We were raised on books and computers, highways and cell phones, but now we were living in a village without running water or electricity. It was easy for us to go to sleep at the end of the day feeling a little misunderstood.


  • 为什么健身对于身体健康而言更加容易现在科学家们认为他们找到原因——即便因为疏于锻炼而有所退化肌肉能够记住它们从前健康状态。

    Pumping up is easier for people who have been buff before, and now scientists think they know whymuscles retain a memory of their former fitness even as they wither from lack of use.


  • 现在容易可以快速识别确认失败相应确认规则

    It is now easy to identify the validation rules corresponding to validation failures quickly.


  • 对于所有编辑器现在容易找到所需的帮助支持

    Across all of the editors, it is easier now to find the help and support you need.


  • 容易推导的,但是现在我们完全能量方面考虑

    It was easy for us to derive it in the past, but now we've done it purely based on energy considerations.


  • 现在我们容易清楚不同生产方式之间冲突

    Now the difference is very clearly intelligible in terms of a conflict of modes of production.


  • 移走放在自己方法中的逻辑容易测试

    The body of logic removed and placed into its own method is now easier to test.


  • 天性就是不断踏上旅途每天早上醒来都会看到不同风景如果是这样长大的,容易感到现在的生活)像是束缚住了。

    My instinct is to travel, and when you have grown up waking to different scenery every day, it's easy to feel trapped.


  • 天性就是不断踏上旅途每天早上醒来都会看到不同风景如果是这样长大的,容易感到现在的生活)像是束缚住了。

    My instinct is to travel, and when you have grown up waking to different scenery every day, it's easy to feel trapped.


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