• 如果那种容易手机Tab经常地。

    If you're the kind of person who is always finding his phone falling out of your grip, your Tab is going to spend a lot of time on the floor.


  • 国内不耐磨,容易,也一直给用户带来诸多不方便。

    Besides, users were troubled by the easy worn and broken of domestic welded up hammer head.


  • 老头起,端详半天突然醒悟,追上姑娘超薄就是容易呀!

    An old man picked up, looks at carefully awakens suddenly quite a while, overtakes said: The girl, this be ultra-thin is easy to fall!


  • 硬件方面,机身很轻(13.4盎司),正好拿着。表面容易

    On the hardware side, the light, 13.4-ounces unit just fits in a single hand, but the slick surface tends to be slippery and prone to dropping.


  • 将制冷旋钮打开冰箱门,然后自动容易掉千万不要尖锐打碎来除冰。

    Trun cold control off and open door and let ice melt on it's own, never use sharp objects to chip ice away.


  • 将制冷旋钮打开冰箱门,然后自己主动容易掉千万不要锋利打碎来除冰。

    Trun cold control off and open door and let ice melt on it's own, never use sharp objects to chip ice away.


  • 因为无蜡所以不会容易掉妆。而且我们使用吸收性良好的高岭土减少脸部的油光

    Because it is free of oils and waxes it won’t slide off during the day, and we use highly absorbent ingredients like kaolin clay to reduce shine and oiliness.


  • Beilock发现例如回想随机单词分心会影响新手表现专业选手没有那么容易链子——仅有例外情况。

    Beilock found that distractions, such as recalling a list of random words, affected the performance of novices, but expert golfers were not so easily thrown off - with one critical exception.


  • 如果公司不满意,其它公司讨说法自己公司的广告人员容易的多。

    It is also easier for a dissatisfied company to give its account to another agency than it would be to fire its own advertising staff.


  • 这个比做要容易由于木质素对于此种转换抵抗力,所以尤其要把木质素解决

    That is easier said than done, particularly if lignin is involved, since lignin is resistant to such conversion.


  • 光线不好、或者使用长焦拍摄由于需要时间曝光相机抖动容易照片

    Photos taken in low light or with long telephoto lenses can easily be ruined by blur caused by the camera moving during the exposure (camera shake).


  • 优先考虑重要时,就会容易那些花费宝贵时间芝麻小事

    When you prioritize your most important tasks it makes it infinitely easier to say no to the little things that crawl out of the woodworks to drain suck up your precious time.


  • 容易facebook或者Twittergoogletalk帐户-我们提供密码相信他们不会我们的帐户。

    This could just as easily have been Facebook or Twitter that hijacked your Google Talk account - we give them our passwords and just trust that they won't.


  • 除了人们正在进行随机搜索这一事实本身,(随机搜索行为)很容易被忽略”,

    "It would be easy to dismiss [casual search behavior], except for the fact that people are doing it," he says.


  • 一个产品网页太多信息时,顾客容易忽略一些对于他们来说非常重要的东西。

    It is very easy for users to ignore or miss out information which might be important to them when there is too much information on a product page.


  • 多数工作场合人们容易摈弃玩乐因素是因为我们专注很严肃事情上

    In most workplaces, it can be easy to dismiss the element of fun because we're focused on serious stuff.


  • 选择性追忆英国往昔美好部分时,已经过去恐惧容易被忽视

    In homing in on the cosier parts of the Britain of yesteryear, it is easy to ignore the horrors that have gone.


  • 一种可能解释,上述结果实际上反映产能不高(因此也就更容易或者夕阳产业员工带来的影响

    It is possible that this result is really capturing the effect of being a less productive (and thus expendable) worker, or of being trapped in a declining industry.


  • 这个身体蜷缩姿势容易脖子肩膀上背所以不要这里停留太

    Don't hold this position for long, because with the body drawn into a compact shape you will tend to collapse in your neck, shoulders, and midback.


  • 我们知道餐厅购买葡萄酒容易受骗,面对熟悉的葡萄酒可能打击整个晚上好心情

    We all know that buying wine in a restaurant can be tricky and intimidating, and that a wine list you can't navigate can be all it takes to dampen a night out.


  • 同意许多观点,但是担心,她的建议可能容易图书馆规划者忽略

    I agree with a lot of what she has to say in the review, but I also worry that, by itself, what she recommends might be too easily dismissed by library planners.


  • 然而我们应该注意下,知道我们罪恶这么容易清洗,我们倒不如采用这种实际补偿行为弥补我们的罪过。怀疑原文as后省略well。

    We should be cautious, however, knowing that if our SINS are so easily "washed away" we might not be as motivated to engage in actual compensatory behaviors to make up for our mistakes.


  • 网站About页面上Martin写道:“现在应用程序不被Apple已经容易’变得‘棘手’了”。

    According to the site's About page, Martin writes that "it's now gone from 'easy' to 'tricky' to avoid getting your app rejected by Apple."


  • 话说回来,这个页面的“MoreGo按钮与周围的对比度太小即使刻意在找也容易被忽略

    On the other hand, the "More" and "Go" buttons on his home page have so little contrast that they're easy to miss even when you're looking for them.


  • 至于水声,因为背后就是大海所以容易淹没

    As far as the "splashing sounds" they drowned out pretty easily by the Ocean directly beside him.


  • 最好复杂一些这样不会那么容易被黑客找到规律破解

    Some of the best complex, so it will not be so easy to find the law to break the hacker.


  • 我们很快就这些命令立即他们上面两个按钮(G6G7会议),我们发现容易访问

    We soon swapped these commands to the two buttons immediately above them (G6 and G7), which we found easier to access.


  • 当然知道现在就让这些东西消化容易-还是觉得开玩笑要么就是在骗人,吗?

    And yeah, I know it's tough to take that in right now - you think I'm either kidding around or just outright lying don't you?


  • 当然知道现在就让这些东西消化容易-还是觉得开玩笑要么就是在骗人,吗?

    And yeah, I know it's tough to take that in right now - you think I'm either kidding around or just outright lying don't you?


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