• 这种饭店提供饮食质量价格通常美食家餐馆家庭餐馆之间

    Both the quality of the food and prices are usually between those of the gourmet and family-type restaurants.


  • 比萨馅饼、薄煎饼店、三明治家庭餐馆,都属于价格较为便宜、装 潢较为朴素的餐饮场所

    So are pizza places, pancake house, sandwich shops and family restaurants.


  • 早先告诉我要卡的时候,他给我介绍了一个当地的联系人,一家很有趣家庭餐馆

    He introduced a local connection right after being informed that I was going to Cuenca, a nice family-owned restaurant.


  • 然而,对于庞大的美国经济的许多部门-----无论是可口可乐这样的商业巨头还是迈阿密家庭餐馆经营者来说弱势美元最好消息

    S. economy----from giant companies like Coca-cola to mon-and-pop restaurant operators in Miami----for which the weak dollar is most excellent news.


  • 历史上,墨西哥辍学率一直很高因为贫困家庭孩子辍学,帮助解决温饱问题。孩子经常街上糖果工艺品或者餐馆打工

    Mexico has historically had high drop-out rates as poor families pull kids out of school to help put food on the table, and children often sell candy and crafts in the streets or work in restaurants.


  • 特别是消费者因为方便省钱而选择快餐,而不再家庭休闲连锁餐馆

    In particular, consumers are fleeing casual, family chain restaurants for the convenience and savings of fast food.


  • 中国大多数餐馆家庭厨房MSG结晶体中文称作味精调味品”,人们各种风味菜肴里都搁上一点儿。

    Most restaurants and home kitchens in China have a big bag of MSG crystals, known in Chinese as weijing, or " flavour essence", and they toss it liberally into all kinds of savoury dishes.


  • 一家家庭餐馆热情地接待我们他们告诉我们什么地方可以扎营到了晚上我们买到了啤酒番木瓜色拉

    We were greeted warmly by a family that ran a small restaurant. They showed us spots where we could camp and later in the evening they sold us beer and spicy papaya salad.


  • 家庭时间总是大部分路上度过——看电影餐馆其他地方。

    And when we have family time, that's often spent on road too - going to movies or restaurants or other fun events.


  • 适当的餐馆社交礼仪商业就餐家庭就餐是有区别的。

    Proper restaurant social skills in a business setting are a little different from when you are out dining with your family.


  • 美国各地越来越多餐馆家庭愿意购买当地农场生产水果蔬菜和肉类,食品地方化运动方兴未艾。

    The local food movement is growing in the United States. Restaurant owners and families look to nearby farms for fruits, vegetables and meat.


  • 相反地那些东西放在信得过朋友一位家庭成员那里,这样的话,他们可以这些文件传真给,给所在地方的你国大使馆或是一家信用过和银行……到那时,你才真正不用因为你的法式薄饼钱而在那家餐馆端盘子了。

    Instead, leave all of that with a trusted friend or family member at home so it can be faxed to you, an embassy or a reputable bank... then you really won't have to bus tables to pay for your crepes.


  • 这场白菜危机不仅殃及韩国家庭主妇许多人不得不改腌其它蔬菜,就连餐馆提供佐餐泡菜份量开始缩水用其它便宜食品替代

    The cabbage crisis has hit housewives hard, forcing many to turn to other vegetables. Restaurants are also serving smaller portions of kimchi or cheaper alternatives.


  • 上海饮食行业协会认为同时提供家庭聚会烛光晚餐的餐馆赢得市场

    The Shanghai restaurants Association said restaurants which cover both family love and lovers' affection will win the market.


  • 承认尽管在家健康的,可一到聚餐的时候就不行了,比如家庭派对婚礼朋友聚会,烧烤,或者餐馆吃饭等等。

    I have to admit that while I eat pretty healthy at home, my weakness is at social gatherings: family parties, weddings, gatherings with friends, barbecues, eating out at restaurants.


  • 对于家庭而言他们孩子有一个安全地方玩耍、有最佳学习机会,这酒吧餐馆数量更为重要。

    For families, offering their children a safe place to play and the best chance to learn takes precedence over the number of bars and restaurants.


  • 不管是自己制作家庭食谱,亦或是选择季节性材料餐馆就餐原则都非常适用

    This principle applies whether you're making a family recipe or dining in a restaurant where the chef selects ingredients based on their seasonal availability.


  • 上个月一个寒冷周末傍晚餐馆的食客满满当当,喋喋不休的家庭聚会,年轻情侣交谈回荡在白瓷砖墙

    On a cool Sunday evening last month, the two-level cafeteria was packed. The boisterous chatter of families, couples and young friends echoed off the white-tiled walls.


  • 是不是每次餐馆看到家庭或是朋友的时候都会发现他们盯着自己手机彼此之间没有交流或是真正的聊天的?

    Ever watched a family or group of friends in a restaurant where they are all on their smartphones and nobody is talking to each other or really connecting?


  • MS家庭休闲自助式餐馆高档餐厅,食客可以享受正式就餐体验

    MS MileniuM is home to a casual, buffet-style eatery and an upscale steakhouse where diners can enjoy a formal dining experience.


  • 一个家庭美国公路停下来一家霍华德餐馆就餐的时候,他们知道他们什么食物价格多少。

    When a family stops on a highway in the United States to eat at a Howard Johnson restaurant they know what kind of food they will get and what the price will be.


  • 家庭公共场所照明装饰场所适用商业建筑别墅餐馆旅馆会议室台灯庭院等等

    Illumination and decoration at home and public areas; Suitable for commercial building, villa, restaurant, hotel, meeting room, table lamb, garden lamp etc.


  • 衣着得体的家庭街边小摊购买小吃涌入餐馆就餐

    Smartly dressed families bought snacks from street stalls and piled into restaurants.


  • 衣着得体的家庭街边小摊购买小吃涌入餐馆就餐

    Smartly dressed families bought snacks from street stalls and piled into restaurants.


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