• 研制一种调节室内湿度乳胶漆

    A latex paint which can be used to adjust the indoor humidity is developed.


  • 注意调整空调房间室内湿度保持室内清洁

    Keeping air conditioning system, cleaning room, modulating indoor relative humidity are also important.


  • 保持室内湿度因为尘螨霉菌湿度增加

    Keep indoor humidity low, since dust mites and mold increase in high humidity.


  • 有人建议些梨蜂蜜房间椅子湿毛巾增大室内湿度

    He was advised to eat pears and honey, and put a wet towel on the chair in his room to increase humidity.


  • 室内空气干燥墙体释放水分起到调节室内湿度作用,对呼吸系统起到保护作用。

    When the air of inside houses is dry, the walls can release moisture. The walls in our building system can play the role of adjusting humidity, and which can protect human respiration system.


  • 理论上讲,降低室内湿度也就是降低空气水分含量可以降低尘螨富集。这是一个重要哮喘有关的呼吸问题

    In theory, lowering indoor humidity should lower concentrations of moisture-loving dust mites - a major trigger for asthma-related breathing problems.


  • 简单办法就是家具下面放置一些浅底敞口盛器皿,里面水,通过水分自然蒸发调节室内湿度

    The simplest way is under the furniture placed some shallow open water containers which added some water through the natural evaporation of moisture to regulate the indoor humidity.


  • 湿材料自动调节室内湿度新型多功能材料。它是通过空气水分吸附解吸来调节密闭空间内的湿度

    The moisture conditioning material is a kind of new multifunction material which can adjust indoor moisture (hermatical space) automatically through adsorbing and disabsorbing the water from the air.


  • 文章该类型调湿北京地区应用效果进行数值模拟,计算结果表明在北京的气候条件下,调湿板对办公型建筑的室内湿度调节明显作用。

    The numerical computation of indoor humidity of an office room in Beijing was carried. The results show that the hygrocsopic board can adjust the indoor humidity prominently.


  • 之所以选择木材是因为能够吸收瑜伽活动过程产生湿气,控制室内湿度,同时,使用木质材料有利于营造平静沉着活动气氛。”他补充道。

    "We also chose wood because it is suitable for absorbing the moisture generated during the practice of yoga, and it contributes to the calm atmosphere of the studio," he added.


  • 项目Buro Happold工程顾问资助,将会研究混合结构材料调节温度湿度室内通风的作用。

    The project, sponsored by engineering consultancy Buro Happold, will investigate how hybrid construction materials could help to regulate temperature, humidity and ventilation inside a building.


  • 其他考虑问题是,室内户外安装位置热度湿度背景安全性潜在破坏性

    Other issues to consider include indoor or outdoor installation locations, heat, humidity, ambient light, security and the potential for vandalism.


  • 桑拿浴室室内松木墙面板呈不透明片状,木片非常薄,能够通过改变自身形状温度湿度变化做出及时反映

    The larch shingles of the sauna interior, made of thick veneer, are thin enough to react to the changes of temperature and humidity so that their shape changes in use.


  • 室内阳光较少温度湿度变化较少

    There are less sunlight and smaller changes in temperature and humidity indoors.


  • 原因室外湿度时候,室内制热室外机冷凝器表面霜,这样会影制热效率

    Reason: when the humidity outdoor, indoor, outdoor heating surface of the condenser will, this will be the frost of heating efficiency.


  • 湿度适宜条件下,通过人工室内饲养可以生长良好

    It can be bred and grow very well in laboratory conditions when temperature and humidity are suitable.


  • 室内布置绿化可以起到调节湿度降低噪音净化空气调节室温作用

    Afforests in the indoor arrangement may play the adjustment humidity, reduces the noise, the scavenging air, regulates room temperature role.


  • 室内相对湿度变化总会室外相对湿度变化,有的变化小的很多

    The indoor relative humidity is now moderated so that it is always less than the variation outside, and often much less.


  • 通过影响室内环境各种因素分析,确立温度风速相对湿度9项主要环境参数指标的评价体系。

    Through analysis of the influencing factors of the environment, 9 main indices have been established in this paper, such as temperature, wind speed and relative humidity.


  • 首先进行系统负荷风量湿处理计算室内空气温度湿度风量三个方面说明可行性

    Firstly, system cooling load, ventilation flux and thermal and humid processing were calculated and its feasibility was showed from the temperature, humidity of indoor air and fresh air flux.


  • 公司引进国外先进技术专业致力于室内湿度调节领域技术研究产品开发

    My company has introduced advanced foreign technology, specializes in indoor temperature and humidity regulation in the field of technology research and product development.


  • 温控器工作空气相对湿度大于90%、腐蚀性气、可燃性气体导电尘埃存在的一般室内环境

    The thermostat should work in environment with humidity not higher than 90%, free of caustic, flammable gas and conducting dust.


  • 目的观察相对湿度装修后室内空气甲醛浓度影响

    Objective To observe the effect of relative humidity on indoor concentrations of formaldehyde and ammonia.


  • 结果本次调查重点科室室内空气细菌总数相对湿度噪声合格率偏低。

    RESULTS In this investigation the items of some priority department can′t catch the standard level such as total bacteria number, relative humidity and noise.


  • 空气调节系统设计目标就是使室内空气的温度湿度流速指标保持一定范围内

    The purpose of design automotive air conditioning system is to maintain the targets of temperature, humidity, flow speed etc. of air in the cab kept in a certain range.


  • 温室香椿椿芽生长速度室内平均温度平均相对湿度均成正相关关系。

    There existed a active correlation between the growth speed of the Chinese toon tree's seedling and the average temperature and the average relative humidity.


  • 引入室内空气质量噪声结合温度相对湿度风速平均辐射温度作为室内环境综合评价参数

    Introduces indoor air quality and noise level as integrated parameters along with air temperature, relative humidity, air velocity and mean radiant temperature.


  • 研究发现,室内相对湿度相同,随室内设计温度提高复合式系统压缩机能耗明显减少节能率呈上升趋势;

    We found that energy saving of vapor-compression subsystem increases with the increasing of indoor design temperature at the same indoor relative humidity, but reducing energy saving of hybrid cycle.


  • 研究发现,室内相对湿度相同,随室内设计温度提高复合式系统压缩机能耗明显减少节能率呈上升趋势;

    We found that energy saving of vapor-compression subsystem increases with the increasing of indoor design temperature at the same indoor relative humidity, but reducing energy saving of hybrid cycle.


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