• 俗话说:硬币两面。在定平看来,假货互联网+”的潜在危险

    However, an old saying that coin always has two sides, as Yang's concerned, fake product could be a potential risk to Internet +.


  • 作为中国互联网金融与家居产业链共融模式创始人,煜隆集团董事长定平在两年前就已经着手通过互联网进行家具行业的转型升级

    As the founder of "Internet + furniture manufacturing", Yang Dingping, chairman of Yulong Group, started to upgrade traditional manufacturing sector with Internet two years ago.


  • 除去夸张部分,佛理德曼先生(《世界的》的作者)跨国公司对于改变趋势的判断正确嘛?

    Surely Mr Friedman (author of "the World is Flat") and company are right about where we are headed even if they exaggerate how far we have got?


  • 天堂躯体,使其形成机翼般的形状可以使在借助树干弹跳产生一提升力。

    A paradise tree snake flattens its body into an aerofoil-like shape that can provide a degree of lift before it takes off from a branch by jumping upwards.


  • 女性到达的年纪后,因为她们可能经历过,转而使用。她们认为这会对缓解脚疼帮助如果她们习惯了穿高跟鞋,可能会让情况变得更

    As women get older they may experience foot pain and move to a flatter shoe, thinking it will help, but it can make matters worse if they are suited to heels.


  • 你估二十岁六十男人,要圣所的,估价银五十勒;

    set the value of a male between the ages of twenty and sixty at fifty shekels of silver, according to the sanctuary shekel ;


  • 27:25 凡所估价银都要按着二十拉为一客勒。

    And all thy estimations shall be according to the shekel of the sanctuarytwenty gerahs shall be the shekel.


  • 二十六十岁男人圣所,估五十客勒。

    And thy estimation shall be of the male from twenty years old even unto sixty years old, even thy estimation shall be fifty shekels of silver, after the shekel of the sanctuary.


  • 结论放射性损伤MRI表现有一特征性;MRI动态增强扫描较高的诊断价值

    Conclusion Radiation-induced liver injury presents characteristic MRI features, and plain and dynamic enhanced MRI can be of great value for its diagnosis.


  • 鉴于显输出信号不确特点提出了应用模糊理论进行故障诊断方法此法具有参考价值

    In view of uncertain characteristic of the signals of head-up display, a new method of error diagnosis is advanced by fuzzy theory, it has definite reference value.


  • 类似运动运动,不管你方向速度多快,在竖直方向的位移的。

    Similar flat parabolic motion and types of projectile motion in the horizontal direction, regardless of how fast, in vertical direction of the displacement is certain.


  • 峰村宗族关系纽带日渐松散宗族观念村民日常生活中具有影响力

    Though its ties are becoming increasingly loose, the ancestral idea still exerts certain influence on the villagers daily life .


  • 大坝视准线法不等精度观测中,基本公式推导实用权公式与测量差书上的实用权公式不一致。

    But the practical formula for deciding weight derived from this basic formula is different from tha written in the books of survey adjustment.


  • 表明施入黄孢原毛剂对黄瓜连作障碍解除具有效果

    It was suggested that inoculation of P. chrysosporium had definite effect in overcoming the continuous cropping obstacle of cucumber.


  • 40赤道海温分布存在着短期气候振动,分析表明,它对大气环流的影响。

    Distributions of monthly sea surface temperature (SST) anomaly field over the equatorial Pacific and the northern Pacific have short-term climatic oscillations in the past 40 years.


  • 结论:奥氮有效剂量范围大鼠的循环系统呼吸系统影响,对小鼠的神经系统有明显的抑制作用。

    Conclusion: Effective doses of olanzapine had effects on circulatory and respiratory systems in rats and inhibitory effects on nervous system in mice.


  • 设备由放料机、导向、校机、成型主机、校正装置、尺切断部分、电器控制部分等组成

    It is making up of decoiler, guide rack, roll forming, correction, cutting-to-length (punching), collection table, electrical control system etc.


  • 温度极化电阻分布规律有一影响

    However, higher temperature changes the distribution regularity of polarization resistance ( R a or Rc) of oil coatings.


  • 埃文斯参加了上轮2 - 2战桑德兰比赛,不过希望能用本周快乐回忆代替上次的。

    Evans was in the team for the frustrating 2-2 draw with Sunderland last time out, the memory of which he's keen to replace with a happier one this weekend.


  • 转炉效果关系

    The effect of slag splashing is some concerned with the sound level of the nitrogen flow.


  • 结论MFH影像学表现具有一特征性,X线CTMRI结合有助于本病诊断鉴别诊断。

    Combined utilization of plain X-ray, CT, and MRI is helpful for the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of MFH.


  • 误差小于1%。B滤光片之外,范围内圆顶天空场之间最大差异均小于1%。

    Except the B filter, all the sky flats and dome flats show no significant differences (at the 1% level).


  • 目的(YCP)一种民间治疗溃疡性结肠炎(UC)有一疗效中药复方。

    Aim Yichangping (YCP) is a civilian complex prescription of Chinese herbal medicine which is commonly used for treating ulcerative colitis (UC) and often gives surprise therapeutic effect.


  • 由于配备IMU/DGPS系统基站范围内可以在无控制少量控制点的情况下进行空三差,极大地减轻了摄影测量外业控制工作量,缩短了生产周期,提高了作业效率。

    With IMU/DGPS system, it can process bundle adjustment successfully with less GCPs or even without GCPs with a GPS base station located in a certain scope.


  • 作者根据多年实践经验介绍了热风工艺技术问题处理方法,具有一实际指导意义

    According to practical experience of years, introduce hot leveling technology and solutions of the problems. It is practical guidance.


  • 妖传》叙事回环婉曲情节曲折离奇,后世戏曲小说创作产生了影响

    The narrative of Subjugation of Demons is excellent while the plot is twisty and weird, so this literature has definite influence over the creation of later dramas and fictions.


  • 水能保持一,因此木匠量具

    The still water can keep absolute level and the carpenter uses it as the measuring tool.


  • 部分按照组合所共同表达信息构成主要内容

    According to certain combination, the information that three parts convey constitute main content of Plane Whole Show Method Graph.


  • 部分按照组合所共同表达信息构成主要内容

    According to certain combination, the information that three parts convey constitute main content of Plane Whole Show Method Graph.


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