• 采用真空定位CT模拟机定位治疗计划

    Vacuum bag and body frame were used. CT simulation location and three dimensional treatment plan were used.


  • 需要精确定位,以便将支定位提升扶正导轨中

    This required precise positioning to locate the legs into the stabbing guides of the lifting cradle.


  • 可能认为如果你的地下室里跑步机,一辆定位脚踏车,或者地秤,你会有劲头工作

    You might think you'd be a lot more likely to work out if you have a treadmill, stationary bike, or weight machine sitting right in your basement.


  • 定位表面颜色钎焊缝质量外形尺寸破断结合层厚度达到焊技术要求

    The grids completely meet with the requirements for soldering on surface color , welds quality, overall dimension, rupture stress and joint thickness.


  • 紧密围绕前胶辊前因、后果和确定原则定位方法进行了分析指出冲量的取值小于使用说明书的要求范围。

    Serious analysis of the advance action of front cots, consequence thereof and way of location, It is pointed out that the advance value should be smaller than that given in the specification.


  • 主轴(c1轴)采用高精度滚动轴承主轴结构,配置角度编码器闭环反馈控制,达到极高回转精度定位精度。

    Work head spindle (C1axis) USES high precision rolling bearing structure, and Angle encoder close-loop control, which make it get extremely high rotary precision and positioning precision.


  • 提出杆并双回输电线路跨线故障定位算法

    A novel numerical algorithm of fault location estimation for two parallel lines on the same tower is presented in this paper.


  • 加装普通固定面积激光头,互移双激光头,上红外定位装置,左右推拉式工作平台

    Double fixed distance laser heads, two -way moveable double laser heads, Automatic feeder, Infra-red positioning system, Push-Pull changing work table.


  • 数据加总功能可实现准确地定位

    On lathes, the sum display feature for saddle and top slide contributes to more accurate positioning.


  • 自升钻井平台属于海上移动式平台,由于定位能力强作业稳定性大陆勘探开发中居主力军地位。

    As a mobile ocean platform, and owing to its high positioning capacity and good operation stability, the self-elevation drilling platform takes a leading role in continetial shelf exploration.


  • 解决第3206kp转向定位运用中的疲劳破坏问题提出2种改进方案

    Two improvement schemes are put forward to solve the problem of fatigue damage in operation of the positioning arms for the 3 ~ (rd) generation 206kp bogies.


  • 方法CT扫描侧倾斜定位线腰椎峡部平面平行扫描角度层面相反

    Method CT scanner frame incline to the head. The position line and Lumbar Isthmus are parallel to each other. The Angle of scanning are opposite to the intervertebral discs level.


  • 研究结果表明,在导向转向悬挂水平定位刚度降为普通转向对应刚度一半情况下,仍能保证同样水平的车辆运行稳定性

    As a result, it is found out that the self-steering bogies can reduce horizontal stiffness of primary suspension to as small as half of conventional bogies keeping the same running stability.


  • 发明直流电机定位具有设计合理结构简单紧凑特点

    The DC motor brush rack location tyre of present invention has merits of reasonable design, simple and compact structure.


  • M 5合金一种适用燃耗组件新型合金,主要用作燃料棒包壳、导向管定位材料。

    M5 alloy was a new zirconium alloy used in high burn up assembly such as fuel cladding, end plug, guide tube and grid spring and so on.


  • 定位通道内泡份额分布特性反应堆热工水力特性研究的重要内容

    Void fraction distribution characteristics in rod bundle with grid spacer is one of the important aspects in reactor thermal hydraulic characteristics research.


  • 本文介绍了转动结构特点功能设计依据以及定位转动正确安装所起作用

    This paper describes the structure, characteristic, function and designed basis of the rotational stand, and relates the role of a fixed pole for fixing the rotational stand correctly.


  • 通过对浪形保持冲孔改进,保持定位准确保证了铆钉位置公差达到了工艺要求

    Through the improvement of the piercing die for the wave-shaped cage, cage positioning became accurate, the position tolerances of rivet holes were ensured, and technical requirements were met.


  • 现代飞机结构中,整体结构件应用导致了飞机装配结构中大量使用接头工艺定位

    Single structural parts are widely used in the structure of modern aircraft, and this leads to mostly adopt components in aircraft assembly fixtures to locate product joints and process holes.


  • 方法2 9帕金森氏1顽固性癌痛立体定向手术应用自行设计制造的立体定向简易安装标尺进行定位

    Methods A self-made stereotactic head frame ruler was used in the localization in operations of 29 cases of Parkinson's disease and 1 case of intractable cancer pain.


  • 转向采用弹性定位之后优化悬挂设计可以使机车车辆达到很高稳定性临界速度

    The optimized suspension design can make the rolling stock achieve high critical stability speed after the elastic location being adopted for the bogie.


  • 本文在充分借鉴国外摆式列车转向成功经验基础上,结合我国的实际情况,提出了一柔性定位摆式电动车组客车转向技术设计方案

    In the thesis, on the basis of succeed experience about tilting train bogie abroad, a project of a bogie with flexible primary suspesion for titling EMU is put forward.


  • 种可随即定位旋转装置应用电子装置及其支撑的一装置,包 括有:固定座;

    The utility model relates to quick-positioning rotary device, which is used in an erecting electric equipment and a support frame.


  • 本文重点放在展示结构设计方面,然后结合企业品牌的定位进行装潢设计,以促进销售

    This paper focuses on a display to the structural design, and then combines their businesses on the graphic design, to promote its sales.


  • 一种在笔杆上用以支手指、帮助手指定位的支

    A finger holder for a pen is a support which is sheathed on a pen holder to support fingers and help fingers to position.


  • 本机机头电控组成,机头分别具有定位机构、压紧机构、加热机构等。

    The machine is made up of machine head, machine frame, electric controlling box and bracket, etc. There are orientation part, clamp part and heating part on the machine head.


  • PWR燃料组件定位用材合金转变-锡合金颇经济意义

    The change of spacer grid material from Ni-base alloy to Zircaloy has economical value.


  • 在履带式装置定位送料冲压装置之间机 座平台穿线退装置

    A threading and a frame withdrawing devices are arranged on the frame platform between the crawler type material shifting device and the position feeding stamping device;


  • 支撑背部设有定位定位上设有定位杆;

    The back part of the supporting rack is provided with a positioning bracket, and the positioning bracket is provided with a positioning screw bolt.


  • 支撑背部设有定位定位上设有定位杆;

    The back part of the supporting rack is provided with a positioning bracket, and the positioning bracket is provided with a positioning screw bolt.


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