• 也许正在找寻一些值钱的东西比如进口空调价格官方价格零头的手卷雪茄。

    Perhaps you are looking for something more precious, such as an imported air conditioner or some hand-rolled cigars at a fraction of the official price.


  • 两国市场差价使得水货渠道可以以低于苹果官方价格出售苹果产品,并专区差价

    This difference allows gray market vendors to price their products lower than Apple, while still earning a profit, Sun said.


  • 今年平均涨幅为2.7%,虽然可能低于去年高于官方消费者价格指数CPI所反映通胀水平

    This year's rise, an average of 2.7 percent, may be a fraction lower than last year's, but it is still well above the official Consumer Price Index (CPI) measure of inflation.


  • 美国官方分析去年一项参议院被否决的议案可以使碳处理价格在2020年降低到每吨30美元。

    A bill defeated last year in the Senate would have yielded a carbon price as low as $30 in 2020, according to an official analysis.


  • 汉堡包价格确实告诉我们官方通胀数字可信度

    What do burger prices tell us about the reliability of official inflation figures?


  • 换言之根据巨无霸汉堡包指数中国官方价格统计数据其它经济体同样准确,”安德森表示

    "In other words, according to the Big Mac index China official price statistics are, well, just as accurate as anyone else's," Anderson said.


  • 于2008年成立一家网站,跟踪布宜诺斯艾利斯超市价格发现阿根廷通货膨胀率官方估计

    Mr Cavallo has form. He set up a website in 2008 to track supermarket prices in Buenos Aires and found that inflation in Argentina was three times official estimates.


  • 某些人失望消息美联储并未改变语言,表明倾向于增加官方通胀预期或者价格指标

    In what may be disappointing news to some, the Fed has not changed its language to signal a move toward an official inflation or price-level target.


  • 官方说法粮食价格根据和面粉厂厂主代表们商议而被固定了的。

    Officials say the price is fixed in consultation with representatives of flour mill owners.


  • 调查指出欧洲大城市零售业价格运动已经超过官方国内通胀指数

    The survey results also suggest that retail price movements in Europe's main cities have exceeded the official national inflation figures.


  • 首先,是分析宏观货币环境:即分析货币供给官方利率信贷价格

    The first has to do with overall monetary conditions: money supply, official interest rates and the price of credit.


  • 由于食品价格,令官方敏感通胀率有所上升收入强劲增长

    Politically sensitive inflation edged up in September on higher food costs but incomes also rose strongly.


  • 设法缩小官方汇率自由市场美元价格之间差距。

    It also managed to narrow the gap between the official exchange rate and the price of the dollar in the free market.


  • 现在黄金不再官方定价,改由市场定价,黄金市场价格变动也就常被认为供需关系引起。

    Nowadays the price of gold is set by the market rather than by official diktat. When explaining shifts in the bullion market people tend to think in terms of supply and demand.


  • 美国官方基本上无视失业率稳步下降批发价格通胀达到4.1%局面。

    The US authorities are mostly ignoring both the steady fall in the unemployment rate and the 4.1 per cent wholesale price inflation rate.


  • 官方数据显示房地产市场呈现出萎靡收缩状态,价格相比最高锋时下降了12.8%。

    Official data show a market deflating lethargically, with prices only 12.8% below their peak.


  • 不管官方汇率多少,货币应该迅速做好与欧元其他货币相区分的市场价格定位。

    Whatever the official exchange rate at a changeover, the new currency would quickly find a market level against the euro and other currencies.


  • 根据官方数据目前首尔年度白菜价格通胀率为400%。

    Annual cabbage-price inflation is now 400% in Seoul, say official statistics.


  • 为了支持他们自己所发表的声明作者(指芝加哥大学的那两个教授)编制12收入群体价格指数编制过程中他们利用官方数据详细的关于不同家庭消费习惯私人信息

    To back these claims up, the authors constructed price indices for 12 income groups, using official figures and detailed private information on the spending habits of different households.


  • 他们官方匹配所有零售商黑色星期五大促销价格

    They will officially match the Black Friday doorbuster prices of every major retailer. And unlike confusing sale-exclusives, Amazon will always honor their own coupons.


  • 来自商务部官方数字显示,到11月中,在全国范围内大蒜平均批发价格已经攀升至6.14(90美分)公斤,较3月份上升286%。

    Official figures from the Ministry of Commerce showed that nationwide, the average wholesale price for garlic climbed to 6.14 yuan (90 cents) per kilogram in mid-November, up 286% from March.


  • 官方数据显示今年10月为止,消费品价格增长高于预期3.2%(),比九月份的增长率3.1%有所上升

    It was prompted by official figures showing that consumer prices rose by a higher-than-expected 3.2% in the year to October (see chart), up from 3.1% in September.


  • 官方预计,尽管经过5.12八级四川地震破坏食品价格自始至终保持稳定

    Food prices have remained stable throughout China despite the devastation of the 8-magnitude earthquake that jolted Sichuan province on May 12, official figures show.


  • 1月6日官方仍未透露HTC新款手机Thunderbolt发布时间价格直到最近,才相关消息宣称,产品情人节当日由统一发售。

    Officially announced on January 6th, HTC Thunderbolt's release date and price have been a mystery until recent information revealed that the device might be landing at Best Buy on Valentine's Day.


  • 通货紧缩的日本能够目睹消费者价格上升比率在0%到2%之间(官方目标1%)之前,接近零利率的政策不会有所松动(就像一直以来一样)。

    Until deflationary Japan sees consumer prices rise between 0% and 2% (with an unofficial aim of 1%), the near-zero policy rate will remain (as it has done for ages).


  • 根据官方数据显示因为食物能源价格持续上涨印度通货膨胀已经达到年来的最高水平。

    Indian inflation is at its highest in over three years as food and energy costs continue to rise, official figures show.


  • 根据官方数据显示因为食物能源价格持续上涨印度通货膨胀已经达到年来的最高水平。

    Indian inflation is at its highest in over three years as food and energy costs continue to rise, official figures show.


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