
  • 加利福尼亚女士于2004年诉讼中获取了一百万美元赔偿,状告一位产科医生不小心弄错了胚胎隐瞒至孩子10

    A California woman was awarded $US1 million in 2004 to settle a lawsuit against a fertility specialist who accidentally gave her the wrong embryos and hid the mistake until her baby was 10 months old.


  • 莫利裁定之后科赫公司结束了环保署长达五年的管道泄漏一案,那之后的1997年又卷进了与环保署的第二案件。

    Three months after the Smalley verdict, Koch settled the five-year-old EPA case for pipeline leaks, along with a second EPA case brought in 1997.


  • 美国AMD公司对英特尔公司提起了一公开反垄断诉讼,该诉讼明年开庭审理

    In America AMD has filed a private antitrust lawsuit which is due to go to trial next February.


  • 据报道今年4至今,美国已有145圣保罗沙门氏引起沙门氏菌病案例其中至少23人因病情严重而住院

    Since mid April, there have been 145 reported cases of salmonellosis caused by Salmonella Saintpaul nationwide, including at least 23 hospitalizations.


  • 金融管理局总裁任志刚透露,去年年底资产数为67,600,较减少32,200

    Monetary Authority chief executive Joseph Yam Chi-kwong said that at the end of last year there were 67,600 negative equity cases, a drop of 32,200 from September.


  • 威尼斯双年展上一些作品宫(PalazzoBenzon)展示(持续927日)。

    Her sculptures in Venice, some of which weigh more than a tonne, are on display at Palazzo Benzon (to 27 September).


  • 耀芝表示,他需要完成5份交货订单,客户是某个欧洲品牌,但现在只有三分之一的人手

    Mr Au said he had only about a third of the workers required to complete an order due in May from a European brand.


  • 今年7苹果赢得针对HTC专利侵权诉讼案法律胜利可能导致更高赔付费

    And in July Apple won a legal victory against HTC in a patent infringement suit, which could lead to even higher payments.


  • 伦敦金融城,衍生物交易所NYSELiffe交易大厅白糖期货合约成交量已经攀升了40%,8的145554上升9的204662

    In the City, on the trading floor of the derivatives exchange NYSE Liffe, the volume of trades in white sugar contracts jumped by 40% from 145, 554 in August to 204, 662 in September.


  • 上海证券报》的报道称,1118日~ 24日期间奥迪a6l一共收到27投诉主要集中在变速箱油泵车头灯机油不足以及其它核心问题上。

    Shanghai Securities News reported that the Audi A6L had a total of 27 complaint cases during the period with focus on the gearbox, pumps, headlights, insufficient engine oil and other core problems.


  • 2003年6美国最高法院判决了密歇根大学(UM)入学纠纷案例,分别涉及本科生院(Grat z v . B ollinger)法学院(Grutter v .Bollinger)。

    In June 2003, the U.S. Supreme Court decided two admissions cases involving the University of Michigan (UM), the undergraduate program (Gratz v. Bollinger), and the Law School (Grutter v. Bollinger).


  • 日文版教授大英博物馆历险记正在大英博物馆展览,该展览将持续到1023日

    The first two episodes of “Professor Munakata’s British Museum Adventure”, in Japanese, are on display at the British Museum until October 23rd.


  • 去年10今年6专项行动期间,各级有关部门登记超过15.5万盗版有关的案子,涉及金额数百万(数十亿)

    During the special operation from last October until this June, authorities at all levels have registered more than 155 thousand cases related to piracy, involving millions (billions) of yuan.


  • 美元在去年7商品新兴市场泡沫即将破裂之际触,但如今失去了此后超过一半升幅

    It has now given up more than half of its gains since it hit bottom last July, just as the bubble of commodities and emerging markets was about to burst.


  • 根据美国一家专门研究破产数据公司AACER的调查,37843商业破产申请。

    There were 7, 843 commercial bankruptcy filings in March, according to AACER, a bankruptcy data management company.


  • 2006年12这类事件发生率下降2.5,2009年2010年每年发生此类事件的次数均是13

    Incidents had fallen to 2.5 per month by December 2006, and 2009 and 2010 saw just 13 incidents each year.


  • [据防务新闻网站2010514日报道]据悉,美国海军把未来年内计划购买所有战斗机集合在一起成为买卖,该买卖的最后协议已接近达成,此举意味着航空巨头波音公司的胜利

    The Navy is close to striking a deal to lump together all the fighter jets it plans to purchase over the next several years into a single large buy, in a victory for aerospace giant Boeing.


  • 截至21日,巴西卫生部总共报告48黄热病病例,包括13例死亡

    As of 1 February, the Ministry of Health, Brazil has reported a total of 48 cases of yellow fever including 13 deaths.


  • 这些乳腺癌美联储112有25减少百分之可能得到这种疾病

    Those who had breast fed for one to 12 months were 25 per cent less likely to get the disease.


  • 分析家日记共有18本,3,500妻子位于贝尔·格雷德公寓缴获能够正在进行审判提供重要证据

    Analysts say the 18 diaries which consist of 3,500 pages and were seized from his wife's apartment in Belgrade in February could provide important evidence in several ongoing trials.


  • 过去六个以来赫德一直汤森路透学院边际土地劳作种树除草浇水赋予画作生命的活力。

    For the past six months, Herd has been at work on a parcel of land on the edge of the Thomson Reuters campus, planting, weeding and watering to bring the painting to life.


  • 国际铀现货市场以来异常活跃,特易公司监测仅九交易完成

    The spot uranium market has been extremely active since the end of August, with eight transactions concluded during the first three days of September, according to TradeTech.


  • 今年国际海事局共有196海盗袭击事件记录在案去年同期减少了20%。

    The International Maritime Bureau recorded 196 piracy incidents in the first six months of the year - about 20 percent less than the same period last year.


  • 达屋万豪股东定于328日投票决定是否批准并购

    Shareholders of Starwood and Marriott are set to vote on whether to approve the merger on March 28.


  • ,麻风呈报个案有0

    For months January - march, the number of notifications of leprosy was 0.


  • 麻风呈报个案有1

    In September, the number of notifications of leprosy was 1.


  • 麻风呈报个案有1

    In September, the number of notifications of leprosy was 1.


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