• 璧山中学门口一条繁忙的马路上,为了保证学生放学后过马路时的安全,设置了人行横

    At a busy road in front of a gate of Bishan Middle School, the crosswalk is installed to keep the students safe when they cross the road after school.


  • 在,安装了智能人行横后,学生们比以前感到更安全了。

    Now the students feel safer than before after the installation of the smart crosswalk.


  • 我们正要穿过一条到处是车的繁忙街时,你突然拉着我的手喊:“妈妈,抓住我。”然后带我安全地过了马路。

    As we were about to cross a busy street that was filled with traffic, you took my hand suddenly and shouted, "Hang on to me, Mom," then led me safely across.


  • 安全委员会能源部发生了矛盾,”罗伯特·阿尔瓦雷斯估计,他现在华盛顿特区政策研究所工作,先前曾是能源部监测福德的官员。

    "The safety board is on a collision course with the DOE," reckons Robert Alvarez, now at the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington, DC, and formerly a DOE official who monitored Hanford.


  • 一位官员那个建筑备有“特殊”的保安措施其中包括安全围墙,上面设有铁丝网

    An official described the compound as having "extraordinary" security measures, including two security gates and walls three to four meters high topped by barbed wire.


  • 火狐争辩,仅仅因为用户增加,并不意味着安全问题跟不上难以避免的是,这两者之间肯定也是有一点联系

    Mozilla argues thatjust because user numbers increase, it doesn’t mean that security problemsfollow, but there’s inevitably a little correlation somewhere along the line.


  • 咨询了设计师、女性医师以及心理学确保设计安全”,埃勒斯补充

    "I consulted engineers, gynecologists and psychologists to help in the design and make sure it was safe," she said.


  • 奔驰最新款安全概念能在事故发生时让车内金属结构产生膨胀,以形成一比较牢固屏障

    Mercedes’s latest safety concept car already inflates metallic structures inside the doors to create a beefier barrier.


  • Blackwell继续补充,“细菌总是警惕着自身并且它们寻找食物安全住所。”

    Bacteria are always looking out for themselves, and they are looking for food and a safe place to live.


  • 我们加入它们——今天一天——他们亲人和他们亲人的安全祈祷。

    And we join themtoday and every dayin praying for their loved ones and their safety.


  • 几乎所有安全程序中防线就是检查所接收到每一数据

    In nearly all secure programs, your first line of defense is to check every piece of data you receive.


  • 使得母亲可以出生后不久安全新生儿举自己清洁呼吸”,科学家文章解释

    This allows the mother to "safely lift the infant towards her and clear its breath passage soon after the birth", the scientists explained in the paper.


  • 我们希望各方保持冷静克制妥善处理这个问题协同合作共同维护这个地区安全与稳定,”姜继续

    "We hope relevant parties to keep calm and restraint, properly handle this issue, and work together to safeguard peace and stability of the region," Jiang said.


  • 抵抗风险防线精心选择安全基因证明适用性

    The first defense against risk is to choose safe genes well and carefully and prove their suitability.


  • 尽管银行方面声称他们接受提高安全缓冲目标,但他们争辩任何改变都将阻碍经济增长

    Although they claim to accept the objective of raising safety buffers, Banks argue that any big changes will impede economic growth.


  • 补充如果没有有效兽医人员国家就不能保证旨在出口动物产品安全

    He adds that without effective veterinary staff, countries cannot guarantee the safety of animal products intended for export.


  • 然而蜂蜜世纪以来在一些文化中当作治疗上呼吸感染引起的咳嗽的良方,对12个月以上儿童安全

    However, honey has been used for centuries in some cultures to treat upper respiratory infection symptoms like cough and is considered to be safe for children over 12 months old.


  • 但是这家酒店的位置不是好,四周被八马路所环绕,还有些地方堆着很多的砖块我们外出吃饭我感觉安全

    It isn't in a good location, however, surrounded by eight-lane roads and piles of brick, and we didn't feel safe when we went to get food.


  • 唯有构筑起一自由社会健全货币防线我们才能确保一个安全牢固、自由,和有生产力美国

    We will ensure a safe, secure, free, and productive America for ourselves and our descendants only by accepting botha moral defense of the free society and sound money.


  • 那些经常看到我们所采用的技术开发人员发现这些技术微不足但是经过适当组合可以可用性安全可靠性方面获得大量收益

    Developers who see the techniques we deploy consistently find them almost trivialyet, in the right combinations, they make for large payoffs in usability, security, and reliability.


  • 爱德少数难友一沿着英尺深的下水,伴着漫进嘴唇泥泞安全逃离,得以幸免

    Mr Edelman survived, escaping with a handful of colleagues along tunnels barely two feet high, slimy water up to his lips, to safety.


  • 不过邓肯先生激烈地争辩孩子离开使他们快乐安全满足可以学习知识学校没有意义的。

    But Mr Duncan has vigorously argued that it does not make sense "to take kids out of a school where they're happy and safe and satisfied and learning".


  • 应对严重急性呼吸综合征、流感其它生物安全威胁过程中,全球社区合作集体行动方面显示了空前水平

    The global community has demonstrated unprecedented levels of co-operation and collective action in dealing with SARS, influenza and other threats to bio-security.


  • 工作人员安全帽这一点看来,他们都不太专业,他们居民提供保护,也就仅仅是绳索以及一些微不足的措施而已。

    The workers were nonprofessionals, judging by absence in their helmet equipment, “protectors” on ropes and other trifles providing safety both of them and civilian.


  • 由于担心员工人身安全发行人尼尔森·布尔迪取消了哈雷合约巴尼·罗赛特是格罗夫出版社老板大胆聪明签下了这份出版合约。

    The publisher, Nelson Doubleday, fearing for the lives of his staff, cancelled his deal with Haley; Barney Rosset, the bold and ingenious proprietor of Grove Press, picked up the contract.


  • 国际卫生安全针对在全世界范围使人类、社会经济遭受严重破坏健康风险冲击提供防线

    International health security is the first line of defence against health shocks that can devastate people, societies and economies worldwide.


  • 激光射线长的脉冲组合而成,从而能一个安全距离高精度地辨别单个分子

    A laser beam like the one pictured up top combines short and long pulses of light to identify individual molecules with a high degree of precision from a safe distance.


  • 激光射线长的脉冲组合而成,从而能一个安全距离高精度地辨别单个分子

    A laser beam like the one pictured up top combines short and long pulses of light to identify individual molecules with a high degree of precision from a safe distance.


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