• 踮着脚悄悄地走酣睡孩子前。

    She tiptoed to the bedside of the sleeping child.


  • 悄悄走熟睡蹒跚学步孩子亲吻胖嘟嘟的脸蛋儿感谢上帝将如此多的欢乐我的生命

    I am going to sneak into my sleeping toddler's bedroom, place my lips on his chubby cheek, and thank God for the bundle of joy he has brought into my life.


  • 每天,当孩子自己婴儿开心地玩耍时,贝德格勒特便农舍小心提防着匹狼

    Each day, the child played happily in his cot while Beddgelert guarded the door of the cottage, carefully watching for the wolf.


  • 孩子经常父母一起兄弟姐妹通常共享一张以此来突出家庭成员间的相互依赖。

    Children often sleep with parents, and brothers or sisters share a bed, emphasizing familial interdependence.


  • 游是指你的孩子下了四处走动,好像他醒着,但实际上他是睡着的。

    Sleepwalking is when your child gets out of bed and walks around as if he's awake, but he's actually asleep.


  • 那一天,孩子们偷偷溜进妈妈的卧室,用丝带把她的脚绑起来,这样她就下不了了。

    On that day, children sneak into their mother's bedroom and tie her feet with ribbon so that she can't get out of bed.


  • 孩子专横地挥自己的儿童声尖叫的时候,会连续几个星期忍气吞声吗?

    Do you endure weeks of screaming while your child is lashed willy-nilly to his cot?


  • 包括十多岁的孩子错误的使用日晒机器(这种错误行为)仍在继续。

    That includes teens misusing tanning beds, but still.


  • 研究者们证实了大多数家长观察到的情况:孩子睡眠习惯青春期时有所变化,尽管孩子早上起他们晚上依然精神抖擞地熬夜

    Researchers have verified the pattern that most parents have observed: sleep patterns change at puberty, and kids can't seem to get out of bed in the morning. But they still stay up late at night.


  • 眼泪使好受些,绝对不会再有孩子的了,护理员冒险把结果出来,婴儿灰色的,仍然小儿里。

    It eased him and that was good, but there was never going to be another baby, with the attendant risk of finding said infant gray and still in its crib.


  • 后来决定这些传奇的事讲自己的孩子可能另一个家人遗赠祖传被要好得多

    I decided then and there to hand these legends down to my own children, much the way another family might bequeath a cherished homemade quilt.


  • 由于没有椅子坐,目之所及的地方都是用纸板碎片着坐在地板抱着孩子母亲

    Everywhere I looked I saw mothers holding babies sitting on the floor on scraps of cardboard because there are no beds or chairs available.


  • 孩子们对她所描述的地毯带有真正用品以及带有烤箱火炉非常着迷

    The carpet made a great sensation, but so did the beds with real bedclothes, and the stove with an oven door.


  • 晚上大人走廊,也是为了防止四溅的玻璃碎片孩子地下室

    At night, our beds were moved into the corridors, away from flying glass, and the babies were taken to the basement.


  • 早上378英里车上班,每天工作8小时,然后开车回家,接下来做房地产生意再去孩子他们睡觉,然后再自己学习

    I would get up at 3 a.m., drive 78 miles, work eight hours, drive home, work at my real estate business, pick up the kids, put them to bed, and study.


  • 眼镜下来退后一步然后,“孩子这么多年来一直讲授门课还没声称上过的。”

    He takes off his glasses, takes a step back, and says, "Son, all the years I've been giving this lecture, no one has ever claimed to have slept with a ghost."


  • 选购品时,伍德夫建议要买加长因为学校寝室的普通双人- - -为了照顾个子高孩子

    When buying bedding, Woodruff says to be sure to buy extra-long sheets because college beds are longer than the average twinto accommodate the taller kids.


  • 圣诞十二个孩子在花楼——一张—-上头,坐在二色混合的磨光印花帘幕前面,翘首以盼,焦急地等着看戏。

    On Christmas night, a dozen girls piled onto the bed which was the dress circle, and sat before the blue and yellow chintz curtains in a most flattering state of expectancy.


  • 一般径直走婴儿孩子,放到他们一起搂抱着睡。

    She said he would go right to the crib, pick up the baby and bring him to the bed to cuddle with them.


  • 机组人员会孩子婴儿提供附加救生衣气垫

    Additional lifejackets and flotation cots for small children and babies will be given out by the cabin crew.


  • 我们卖掉沙发(后来电视也卖掉了),挪出一点空间用来当做孩子房间。里面安放了一张婴儿还有一个更衣

    We sold the couch (and later the television), and turned that little space into a baby room with a crib and a changing area.


  • 对于任何父母亲同情他们十几岁孩子他们自己,目光呆滞,全身湿透每天早上六点一个方法可以帮助他们

    For any parent who has looked with pity upon their teenage children as they drag themselves, glassy-eyed, and bedraggled, out of bed at 6 AM each day, there is a way to help.


  • 房子,乱糟糟孩子游戏

    Of husband, rumpled beds, children's games.


  • 为应对突如其来洪水Malassane Boungoudou将起来,把孩子放在顶部上。

    Malassane Boungoudou dealt with the sudden deluge by stacking three beds on top of each other and perching her children on top.


  • 举办者色彩鲜艳的颜料发给孩子他们在这被子点什么它更漂亮

    They gave everyone paints in bright, beautiful colors and asked the kids to paint something that would make the quilt beautiful.


  • 上图办公室后面Erick做一个简单平台我们工作时候孩子也想在看看,就把它当做沙发,如果有客人,它就是

    Photo above: At the back of the office Erick built a simple platform that serves as a couch for the kids to hang out when we’re working or even a spare bed for houseguests.


  • 对于很多儿童来说,49岁的Bayquni这样的外号“老爹”,他们孩子一张晚上睡觉每天食物他们的救星

    To many of these children, people like 49-year-old Bayquni, also known as Babe, who provide them with a bed to sleep in at night and food to eat each day, are saviors.


  • 两个孩子房间也有类似的设计每个部分组成:一张位于木制平台上的带有沙发柔软区域一个带有办公桌工作区域,它的光线效果最好。

    The two children's rooms have similar design and each consists of three parts: a bed raised on a wooden podium, a soft zone with a sofa, and a work area with a desk and most light.


  • 两个孩子房间也有类似的设计每个部分组成:一张位于木制平台上的带有沙发柔软区域一个带有办公桌工作区域,它的光线效果最好。

    The two children's rooms have similar design and each consists of three parts: a bed raised on a wooden podium, a soft zone with a sofa, and a work area with a desk and most light.


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