• 其它主要顾虑包括母亲是否安全如果家庭能够负担得起第二个孩子,照料孩子优先幼儿园考虑。

    Other major considerations included whether a later pregnancy would be safe for the mother, if the family could even afford another child, and child care prior to kindergarten.


  • 如果事业优先名单上前面,那么可能会决定不要孩子

    If your career is at the top of your priority list, then you might decide against having kids.


  • 孩子需要大量练习来延迟满足感运用有效组织技能比如管理时间设定优先

    Kids need plenty of practice delaying gratification and deploying effective organizational skills, such as managing time and setting priorities.


  • 迈克尔建议说优先考虑的事情,确保孩子一个好的生命的)开始那么就需要我们专注于贫穷孩子最初阶段。

    The highest priority, Sir Michael suggests, is to ensure that every child has a good start in life by concentrating on poorer children during their earliest years.


  • 至于孩子使妈妈完全失去名望,琐事其他平常事记忆说法,妈妈们的大脑可能新的优先考虑的事情

    As for the complete loss of memories for names, trivia and other ordinary things that come with giving birth, the brains of new moms may simply have new priorities.


  • 我们孩子不得不了解祖父需要优先他们的,”回忆说,“实际上父亲的需要优先于我们所有的需要。”

    "Our kids had to learn that their grandfather's needs took precedence over theirs," she recalls. "In fact, his needs took precedence over all our needs."


  • 似乎觉得指控最小孩子优先级别更高。

    She seems to feel that the alleged institutionalisation of the youngest one is a priority.


  • 太太兴趣这些似乎觉得指控最小孩子优先级别更高。

    My wife is not interested in hearing any of this. She seems to feel that the alleged institutionalisation of the youngest one is a priority.


  • 如果事业优先名单上前面,同时你就可能决定了要反对孩子

    If your career is at the top of your priority list then you might decide against having kids.


  • 另外项对妇女们极为不利的限制是:如果一个家庭只能孩子上学那么男孩往往优先

    Women have been left at a particular disadvantage; if a family can only afford to send one child to school, the boys generally have the first go.


  • 作为父母我们希望我们孩子最好一切,所以他们真正某件东西时我们往往容易”,要记住他们懂得优先排序这个概念极为重要

    As parents, we want the best for our children and so it is often easy to say "yes" when they really want something, but remember it's also important to teach them the concept of prioritizing.


  • 例如研究表明父亲们并未日常照顾孩子任务当作优先考虑的事情,仍是妻子诸如拼车、换尿布洗衣服等事情。

    For example, the study showed dads did not view day-to-day childcare tasks as a top priority, leaving a spouse to do the car pooling, diaper changes and laundry.


  • 学生觉得他们限制住房数量优先给予孩子使问题复杂化因为另一

    Student: I think they have limited amounts of housing and they give it preferentially to people Children complicate things for that's another head.


  • 如果每周工作80小时错过家庭聚餐活动晚上5个小时,孩子肯定不会优先考虑从容休息。

    If you work 80 hours a week, miss family dinners and activities, and only sleep 5 hours a night, you can be sure that your kid won't prioritize downtime either.


  • 即便如此,凤凰主教ThomasOlm sted还是立即将修女逐出了教会,并称,“母亲生命并不优先孩子的生命。”

    Yet the bishop of Phoenix, Thomas Olm sted, immediately excommunicated Sister Mary, saying, "the mother's life cannot be preferred over the child's."


  • 孩子要得到一些东西时,他们制定一个列表,以便他们可以他们自己的需要“想要”进行分类优先排序

    When a child asks for things, have them create a list so they can categorize and prioritize their own "needs" and "wants."


  • 现在富人奖励自己一些方法不太公平,比í卩,他们可以优先购买股票,并且股票的实际生效日期早于公布日期;他们还可校友孩子预留大学里位置

    There are some unfair ways in which rich Americans have rewarded themselves, from backdated share options to reserved places at universities for the offspring of alumni.


  • 孩子工作划分清楚两者同时需要的时候,请你优先考虑孩子

    When it comes to kids and work, know where to draw the line; your kids always come first.


  • 这个组织说受伤人员给予优先治疗妇女需要尤其是怀孕妇女需求她们孩子很少受到关注

    While the war wounded are given priority, it says women's needs, and in particular the needs of pregnant mothers and their children, are often given little attention.


  • 最基本就是妻子孩子需要优先的。

    The essential thing is that whatever my wife and kids need, that's what comes first.


  • 最近的优先分配应该加速孩子需要治疗的。

    Immediate triage would have speeded up the treatment this child needed.


  • 孩子会长大,死去优先考虑做的事也会改变

    The kids grow up, the dog dies and you change your priorities.


  • 使用睡眠剥夺脑电图作为优先方案也许能够帮助减少癫痫发作孩子进行脑电图次数

    Using SD-EEG as the preferred protocol may help to reduce the number of EEG carried out in children with seizures.


  • 如今对于那些有未满18岁子女在家男人而言,优先考虑如何父亲孩子支持

    Now the top priority of men with children under the age of 18 still living at home is the softer side of being a fatherproviding love and support.


  • 如果想让家教辅导帮助孩子学习那么你就得把放在优先地位。

    If you want the tutoring to help your child's learning, then you must prioritize it.


  • 我会孩子开始说起,因为让女士优先绅士,(孩子们快记下这点!)

    I will start with the ladies because I want to be a gentleman, guys take note!


  • 教育部门表示孩子家庭国家未来他们健康不仅是他们的父母关注点同时也是教育部门优先考虑的问题。

    Thee municipal education authority said that children are the future of families and the nation, and their health not only concerns their parents, but also is a top priority of education authorities.


  • 教育部门表示孩子家庭国家未来他们健康不仅是他们的父母关注点同时也是教育部门优先考虑的问题。

    Thee municipal education authority said that children are the future of families and the nation, and their health not only concerns their parents, but also is a top priority of education authorities.


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