• 学生学习数学计算机其他技术包括翻译航空照片遥感数据

    They study math, computer, and other techniques, including the interpretation of aerial photographs and remote-sensing data.


  • 迪斯尼希望新的项目可以帮助学生学习数学科学可以说真正乐趣

    Disney hopes that the new project can help middle school students to learn that Maths and Science can be really fun.


  • 制图学专业学习如何绘制地图。学生学习数学计算机其他技术包括翻译航空照片遥感数据

    Cartography majors learn how to make maps. They study math, computer, and other techniques, including the interpretation of aerial photographs and remote-sensing data.


  • 文章针对数学学习中“每个环节具体情况分析,对学生学习数学产生不同方面的积极作用

    This article has analyzed each link of "reading, listening, explaining, writing and applying" in mathematics learning, which plays a positive role in students learning mathematics.


  • 年级那个夏天,学生大学校园里每天学习小时高等数学

    The summer after 7th grade, students spend three weeks on a college campus studying advanced math for seven hours a day.


  • 数学AI基本语言如果我们提高数学学习水平我们学生将来有可能成为成功的 AI设计师

    Math is the basic language of AI. If we raise the standard in the learning of math, our students will be more likely to become successful AI designers in the future.


  • 第三大多他们学习什么一个明确的想法。

    Most students, who fit into this third group have a clear idea about what they want to learn.


  • 对于学生学习艺术文学还是学习数学学好,总是众说纷纭。

    There is no shortage of opinion on whether it is better for students to learn art and literature or math and science.


  • 字媒体夏令营对于7至18岁的学生而言是一个学习科学、技术、工程和数学教育课程的绝佳机会。

    The digital media summer camp is a great chance for students aged 7 to 18 to have STEM courses.


  • 数学生都缺乏自制力。花太多时间玩手机会妨碍他们学习

    Most students are short of self-control. Spending too much time on the phone prevents them from learning.


  • 其在考试前,大多数学生为了取得好成绩而花许多时间努力学习

    Especially before exams, most students spend a lot of time hitting the books to get good grades.


  • 教育者空怀着一种希望,希望学生学习地理数学语文生物学等等课程的过程学会批判性思维。

    The vain hope is that in the process of studying geography, math, English, biology, and so on, students will learn to think critically.


  • 新加坡数学可能只是一时流行,支持者似乎解决数学教学中的一个难题学生学习能力参差不齐。

    Singapore math may well be a fad, too, but supporters say it seems to address one of the difficulties in teaching math: all children learn differently.


  • 大多制度强迫青少年中状态佳的时间学习睡眠被剥夺严重威胁着许多学生

    Most school regimes force teenagers to function at a time of day that is sub-optimal, and many university students are exposed to considerable dangers from sleep deprivation.


  • 实验室宣布推出一个新的数学习题生成器教师可以编写数学无纸word文档形式发给学生

    The group just announced a new math Worksheet Generator where teachers can generate math problems and email them in paperless Word format to their students.


  • 施瓦辛格计划明年8月实行一计划,在那时加州高中学生可以通过网络学习数学科学课程

    Schwarzenegger plans to launch the scheme in August next year when California's high-school pupils will have access to online maths and science texts.


  • 目前过程评价没有真正纳入到高中学生数学学习评价体系

    Nocturnally, processing assessment, so far, is not a part of the students math learning assessment system in high school.


  • 师范院校数学学生除了学习高等数学必须学习一定分量利用高等数学研究初等数学课程

    Student of mathematics in a normal University should not only learn higher mathematics but also take certain courses treating elementary mathematics at the level of higher mathematics.


  • 我们应当把培养学生数学语言数学知识学习紧密结合起来看成数学学习重要组成部分

    We should train students in the language of mathematics and mathematical knowledge to work closely together, it will be seen as the study of mathematics an important part.


  • 本文采用实验研究方法检验问题提示策略”合作学习策略”的使用对初中学生数学开放性问题解决影响作用

    An experimental study was conducted to examining the effects of question prompts and cooperative learning in scaffolding junior students' problem-solving process in open-ended problem solving.


  • 学习外语学生只会一种语言的同学相比,更倾向于在标准化考试中取得更好的成绩,尤其是数学阅读词汇这些范畴

    Students who study foreign languages tend to score better on standardised tests than their monolingual peers, particularly in the categories of maths, reading, and vocabulary.


  • 商业管理仍旧外国学生欢迎学习领域其次工程学数学和计算机科学等学科

    Business and management was again the most popular area of study for international students. The next most popular subjects are engineering, math and computer science.


  • 而对于其他大多而言,他们喜欢运动场学生报纸办公处,那些地方才是他们接触他人别人身上学习的地方。

    For many, the sports fields or the business office of the student newspaper are where they are more comfortable reaching out and learning from others.


  • 机器教学使用复杂的数学运算真实学生建模,通过预测其学习行为,以设计优的个人化课程和教学大纲。

    Machine teaching USES sophisticated mathematics to allow researchers to model actual human students and devise the best possible lessons for teaching them.


  • 牛津大学针对“启发式数学课程做了具体研究教学课程新加坡上海得到广泛施行,其中上海学生在课程学习中表现超群

    The research looked specifically at the Inspire Maths program, which is widely used in Singapore and through which Shanghai pupils have been shown to excel.


  • 参加考试绝大反映,这种考试形式能够恰当地显示学习能力学习成绩

    As response by most of the students who took the examination, their scores obtained in this form of examination did show their study ability and level appropriately.


  • 建构理论可以帮助我们学习一些教学策略从而引导学生学习复杂抽象数学概念应用这些概念证明定理、举例说明解决问题

    It also helps us acquire some teaching strategies in guiding the students to learn the complicated and abstract math notions, and therewith to prove theorems and solve problems.


  • 学生学习绘制草图技术数学蓝图阅读焊接铆接安置等

    They study drafting, technical math, blueprint reading, welding, riveting, beam placement, and more.


  • 学生学习绘制草图技术数学蓝图阅读焊接铆接安置等

    They study drafting, technical math, blueprint reading, welding, riveting, beam placement, and more.


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