• 至有实验表明,一些黑猩猩已经学会使用电脑和玩游戏

    There have even been experiments which show that a few chimpanzees have learned to use computers and to play games!


  • 那里,他学会了一种改变他一生的游戏:国际象棋。

    There, he learned to play the game that would change his life: chess.


  • 学会了如何与克拉拉合作,并让她加入游戏

    Ally has learned how to work with Clara and to get her to join the games.


  • 为了满足一挑战并不游戏出局,必须尽早学会如何避免某些预防陷阱

    To meet that challenge and stay in the game, you must learn early on how to avoid some of the more preventable pitfalls.


  • 火山虽已出现奈何仍阿拉伯国家这座大山牢牢压住,这些国家成功地压制了民众并且学会选举游戏玩法

    The volcano is there, but it is held in place by the heavy mountain of the Arab state, which oppresses its people very well and has learned how to play the game of elections.


  • 读完尼尔·斯特劳斯游戏》(国内又译为《把妹达人》),发现这本书非常有趣,书中提到很多学会结识女性反而变得快乐

    I found it interesting, after reading Neil Strauss's cult-hit, the Game, that many of the people he documented became no happier after learning to pick up women.


  • 周日波士顿举行美国心理学会会上,与会者们得出了以上结论这些结论大量研究事实为基础,研究内容主要为电子游戏如何影响玩家

    The findings were contained in a raft of research about how video games effect the people who play them, discussed Sunday at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association in Boston.


  • 昆兰夫人皮皮最近学会电脑在上面玩一些幼儿游戏

    Pipi had recently been taught how to use a computer, so that she could play toddlers' games, Ms Quinlan said.


  • 最近一次上,一些研究者表示,他们通过初步研究发现过度使用游戏手机有可能加剧其对儿童关节健康不利影响

    The preliminary findings, which werepresented at a medical conference, raise the possibility that overuse of gamingdevices and mobile phones could impact children's joint health, the researcherssaid.


  • 儿时学会第一个游戏游戏

    One of the first games I ever learned to play as a child was Tic Tac Toe.


  • Dale设计游戏目的是,“找出怎么应对阻力想法,并且学会它,记住它,表达出来”。

    According to Dale the purpose of the game "to create, learn, remember, and express ideas about how to respond to resistance".


  • 然后杰弗瑞学会怎样更大游戏

    And Jeffery learned how to play bigger games.


  • 咱们每一游戏不管输赢经历这次牌局中咱们学会些东西就是咱们应当要总结内容

    Let's play games every time no matter winning or losing is an experience, we can always learn something from this match, this is we should summarize the contents.


  • 大家没有事先约定只是我们这一代人从前不必做的游戏中的规则但是我们却很快地学会了,并且做到尽可能策略

    This wasn't agreed on in advance, it just became an unspoken rule of a game my generation hasn't had to play before, but is learning to play quickly and as strategically as possible.


  • 如果是这样第一比赛游戏制作:工作室个完美过程因为学会如何构建测试发布自己2d视频游戏

    If so, Making your First game with GameMaker: Studio is the perfect course for you because you'll learn how to build, test, and publish your very own 2d video game.


  • 美国儿科学会建议儿童每天看电视电影录像电子游戏时间限定两个小时范围之内。

    The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends limiting a child's use of TV, movies, video and computer games to no more than one or two hours a day. Too much screen time has been linked to.


  • 麻将游戏重要就是实际体验知道表面东西没有太多用处只有真正使用这些技巧才算是自己学会了。

    Playing mahjong games, the most important thing is to practical experience, on the surface of the light know things without too much useless, is their only real will use these skills.


  • 弗瑞和埃迪一起来到操场弗瑞学会如何游戏

    JefferyEddy went to the playground together, Jeffery learned how to play bigger games.


  • 弗瑞埃迪一起来到操场,杰弗瑞学会如何游戏

    Jeffery and Eddy went to the playground together, and Jeffery learned how to play bigger games.


  • 麻将游戏主要就是实习体会知道外表东西没有太多用途只需真实运用这些技巧算是自个学会了。

    Playing mahjong is the main internship experience, know the purpose of appearance of things without too much light, only real will use these skills is learned to themselves.


  • 经常这个游戏就会学会怎样工作而不是你为钱工作

    Play the game often and you will learn how to have money work for you instead of you working hard for money.


  • 大大的提升孩子国学兴趣同时能让孩子在游戏之间轻松快速学会记忆老师所讲述内容

    Greatly enhance the children's interest in Sinology, and it allows children to easily and quickly between the game to learn and teachers about the contents of the memory.


  • 作为玩家你们责任搞懂游戏中的各个元素功能然后学会控制它们

    As the player, it is your job to understand the game's functional elements and learn to master its controls.


  • 的交易技巧不断得到提高学会了对冲基金游戏规则

    I sharpened my skills and learned how to play the game.


  • 14家中发现破旧手册,因此学会怎么拼字游戏。他通过每天在家小时字典练习。

    He learned how to play from a tatty handbook he found lying around at home when he was 14 and trains by reading the dictionary for six hours a day.


  • 14家中发现破旧手册,因此学会怎么拼字游戏。他通过每天在家小时字典练习。

    He learned how to play from a tatty handbook he found lying around at home when he was 14 and trains by reading the dictionary for six hours a day.


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