• 美国杂志娱乐周刊发行刊带有液晶放像功能的印刷刊物。

    The first video advert inside a print title has been published inside the American magazine Entertainment Weekly.


  • 看看流行报纸比如综艺娱乐周刊》,看看最近那些电影最火。

    Read trade papers such as "Variety" and "Entertainment Weekly" to see what movies are currently selling and gaining popularity.


  • 娱乐周刊粉丝们没有误解结局吧玛丽真的死了吗?

    EW: Just so fans don't misinterpret that ending... Mary's really dead, right?


  • 相对的,娱乐周刊中一整个版面的广告每页成本只有9每份

    By contrast, a full-page colour AD in Entertainment Weekly costs about 9 cents a page per copy.


  • 娱乐周刊是不是其他人在后面集里面也不是安全

    EW: Which isn't to say the rest of the cast is safe for the next two episodes either?


  • 一百大经典荧屏形象排行榜本周一公布纪念娱乐周刊创刊20周年

    The list of top 100 characters was released on Monday to mark the 20th anniversary of Entertainment Weekly.


  • 然而报道《指环王》三部曲的一期《娱乐周刊封面上个头显得还高。

    Yet on the cover of Entertainment Weekly to publicise the Tolkein trilogy, he appeared towering over her.


  • 娱乐周刊报道本剧第二922日,也就是星期三正式开播。

    EW reports the ep will air early on in the second season, which kicks off on Wednesday, Sept. 22.


  • 26日出版的《南都娱乐周刊》爆料,刘嘉玲内地百亿富豪百孚传出暧昧恋情

    The newly-published "Southern Metropolis Entertainment Weekly" said Monday that Hong Kong actress Carina Lau is having a love affair with mainland billionaire Jing Baifu.


  • 全天用餐地点提供每日自助早餐一个优秀的a菜单点菜娱乐周刊主题之夜

    The all-day dining venue offers a daily breakfast buffet, an excellent a la carte menu, and entertaining weekly theme nights.


  • 接受娱乐周刊的采访中,该剧的联合创始人史蒂芬·法特暗示了新剧情的开端。

    In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, the show's co-creator Steven Moffat hinted at where the show will pick up.


  • 我们之前已经看到乔对詹娜影响到底多大了,”坎宁告诉娱乐周刊》说。

    "We've seen to what degree already John affects Jenna," Canning told EW. "We know they've had a past relationship."


  • 时值夏末,《娱乐周刊总编多尔顿·罗斯在这里大家分享一些电影书刊等,供大家消遣。

    Dalton Ross, managing editor of Entertainment Weekly, Shared a few of the movies, books and other diversions you should take advantage of before summer's end.


  • 娱乐周刊》:美队2里需要应对很多事情老朋友仍然活着可能好,可能不好。

    EW: the Winter Soldier really upended things for him. His old friend is still alive, maybe still out there, maybe he's good, maybe not.


  • 娱乐周刊》:美队2里需要应对很多事情老朋友仍然活着可能好,可能不好。

    EW: : the Winter Soldier really upended things for him. His old friend is still alive, maybe still out there, maybe he's good, maybe not.


  • 有知情人美国娱乐周刊杂志爆料称,在圣诞节就结束了这段持续时间为11个月的感情经历。

    Sources tell Us Weekly magazine the couple grew apart and ended its 11-month romance before Christmas.


  • 娱乐周刊访谈中,认为有些批评是没有道理——至少是对这个长期流传民间版本而言。

    In her interview with Entertainment Weekly for our new cover story, she said she doesn't think the criticism fits - at least not this version of the age-old folk tale.


  • 娱乐周刊》上的广告呈现CBS周一晚间部电视剧中的角色将通过视频宣传款面向男性百事可乐。

    The ad in Entertainment Weekly will feature characters from several Monday night offerings on CBS, as well as a video promoting a Pepsi diet cola for men.


  • 井柏然经纪人告诉南都娱乐周刊》的记者,两人是春节期间的,双方都希望能够低调地携手走下去。

    Jing's agency told Southern Metropolis Entertainment that the pair fell in love during the Spring Festival, and they hope to keep their relationship low-key.


  • 凯拉近日接受《娱乐周刊》采访几个关键问题,并吸血鬼日记》1月27回归集中即将播出的内容作了回答。

    McManus spoke to Entertainment Weekly and answered a few key questions about what's to come when The Vampire Diaries returns on January 27.


  • 娱乐周刊说,他们正在悄悄地准备B计划”,通过增加另一个经常性演员,以掩护巴顿如果无法返回

    Entertainment Weekly says they're "quietly readying a Plan b" by adding another recurring female cast member to cover for Barton if she's unable to return.


  • 往年有所不同的是,美国《娱乐周刊召集了6000名读者初步选定的各奖项候选人推荐他们喜爱的候选人。

    In a change from previous years, Entertainment Weekly recruited a group of 6,000 readers to nominate their favourites from pre-selected candidates in various categories.


  • 斯蒂芬去年给我们娱乐周刊撰稿说,你非常拥护流行一个关于LOST之谜猜想,整个小岛其实就是炼狱

    EW: Last year, Stephen, you wrote in EW that you were a big believer in the popular Lost theory that the island is purgatory.


  • 四季更加黑暗——法特告诉娱乐周刊》的记者,制作团队希望神探夏洛克》系列变得和以往完全不同。

    Season four will be darker - Moffat spoke with Entertainment Weekly saying the production team wants to take the "Sherlock" series somewhere its never been in previous seasons.


  • 感到深深的愧疚感而变得歇斯底里,”PaulWesley娱乐周刊》谈自己扮演的这个角色这些事件反应时说。

    "His guilt us so deep that he goes off the deep end," Paul Wesley says to Entertainment Weekly of his character's reaction to those events.


  • 名利场》、《新闻周刊福布斯等杂志均一向关注报道绿色专题;好莱坞月刊娱乐周刊》还将高尔选作期刊封面

    Vanity Fair, Newsweek, Forbes and Fortune magazines have run green issues and Entertainment Weekly, a Hollywood monthly, featured Al Gore on its cover.


  • 现在这部电视停播20年后,全体主演周三在“美国早上”节目中再度聚首,同时《娱乐周刊杂志其拍摄了写真。

    Now, nearly 20 years after the show went off the air, the entire cast got together for a reunion to air on "Good Morning America" Wednesday and a photo shoot for Entertainment Weekly magazine.


  • 更多详情下周公布不过施瓦辛格已经娱乐周刊透露了他们的计划杂志周四网刊上发布了更多具体信息。

    More details will be announced next week, but Schwarzenegger and Lee revealed the plans to Entertainment Weekly, which published more details on its online version Thursday.


  • 导演在接受《娱乐周刊》采访时说:“艾琳这个影片后,告诉整个影片唯一有点失真的主人公穿的短裙还不够”。

    "When Erin saw the movie, " director Steven Soderbergh told Entertainment Weekly, "she said, 'The only thing that was inaccurate was the skirts weren't short enough.


  • 导演在接受《娱乐周刊》采访时说:“艾琳这个影片后,告诉整个影片唯一有点失真的主人公穿的短裙还不够”。

    "When Erin saw the movie, " director Steven Soderbergh told Entertainment Weekly, "she said, 'The only thing that was inaccurate was the skirts weren't short enough.


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