• 但是商业许多其它领域一样,获得高职的妇女工作时间育儿工作需要大的灵活性

    But, as in many other areas of business, women applying for the top jobs need more flexibility with hours and childcare responsibilities.


  • 只有18%正值工龄妇女工作(相比之下,男性有65%),这是世界上女性工作最低比例之一

    Only 18% of working-age Saudi women work (against 65% of men), one of the world's lowest rates.


  • 城市地区工作的贫穷妇女积极寻求建立长期劳资关系

    Poor women working in urban areas actively seek to cultivate long-term employer-employee relations.


  • 正如学者西尔维娅·费德里奇1975年指出那样家务劳动无偿性强化了“家务劳动不是工作因此阻止妇女抗争假设

    As the scholar Silvia Federici put it in 1975, the unpaid nature of domestic work reinforces the assumption that "housework is not work, thus preventing women from struggling against it."


  • 匈牙利许多东欧国家一样,绝大多数妇女从事工作其中许多人从事中级管理轻工业工作

    In Hungary, as in much of Eastern Europe, an overwhelming proportion of women work, many of which are in middle management and light industry.


  • 食品价格抗议这些妇女自己工作场所组织起来方式,她们的职业家人采购准备食物

    Food price protests were these women's way of organizing at their own workplace, as workers whose occupation was shopping and preparing food for their families.


  • 工作妇女人数增加的同时,离婚率增加。

    Coincident with the increase in women working outside the home is the increase in divorce rates.


  • 1869年出版美国妇女》一书中,比彻姐妹推荐了一种科学家务管理方法提高妇女工作效率提升秩序

    In American Woman's Home, published in 1869, the Beecher sisters recommended a scientific approach to household management, designed to enhance the efficiency of a woman's work and promote order.


  • 究人员警告说,未来40年里,母亲将继续承担照顾孩子和家务的重任,这主要是因为清洁和做饭等家务仍然被视为“妇女工作”。

    Mothers, the researchers warned, will continue to shoulder the burden of childcare and housework for the next four decades, largely because housework such as cleaning and cooking is still regarded as "women's work".


  • 可以简单地归结为:机会缺少同样工作妇女收入仍旧男性董事会中的席位也如此。

    It could simply boil down to a lack of opportunity: Women still earn less than men working the same jobs and are underrepresented in the boardroom.


  • 宋医生那些妇女工厂工作时候吸入含有纳米颗粒烟雾

    The women breathed in fumes and smoke that contained nanoparticles while working in the factory, Song said.


  • 全世界来看,家务活照看孩子主要妇女责任无论是否一份正式工作,这种现象穷国尤其突出。

    Housework and child care the world over, but particularly in poor countries, are still seen mainly as a woman's responsibility, whether or not she also has a formal job.


  • 衡量我们工作正如各位所非洲人民健康妇女健康作为最为首先要考察的。

    As you all know, I have made the health of the African people and of women my two overriding priorities when measuring the effectiveness of our work.


  • 世界大战期间,许多妇女丈夫参战后开始工作

    Durning the War World II, many women joined the work force as their husbands went away to fight.


  • 但是美国整个劳力中,工作妇女大约占,嗯……百分之四十七吧。

    But I guess the percentage of working women in the American labor force right now is about, oh say, 47%.


  • 过我要用我们妇女非洲人民这两组人群健康方面的工作影响评判领导工作

    I have said that I want my leadership to be judged by the impact of our work on the health of two populations: women and the people of Africa.


  • 然而取得进展的同时,妇女就业参与社会工作机会并没有随之增加。

    This progress, however, has not been matched by increasing opportunities for women to work and participate in society.


  • 我们究竟该什么作为无辜者标志呢?妇女可以兵工厂里面工作或是拿着武器他们孩子也可以,甚至是老人也可以参入其中

    What marker of innocence are we to use after all? Women can work in arms factories or bear arms, as can their children. Even the old can participate!


  • 美国大约一半妇女劳动者生完小孩之内返回工作

    D in America, about half of workingwomen return to work within a year of having a baby.


  • 由于许多妇女恶劣条件下工作我们生殖角色方面遇到风险以及妇女面临的歧视贫穷使妇女健康受到威胁。

    Women's health is threatened because of the poor conditions in which many women work, the risks we encounter in our reproductive roles, and the discrimination and poverty that women face.


  • 2006年的项研究发现荷兰工作妇女中61%从事的是兼职工作德国一比例只有39%。

    A 2006 study found that 61% of Dutch women in work are part-time; in Germany it is only 39%.


  • 韩国,监督孩子学习重任妇女身上,也是为何相对而言只有少数妇女投身工作原因之一

    The job of supervising a child’s education falls to women, which is one of the reasons why relatively few women have jobs.


  • 辞去工作当了妈妈妇女永远也弄不清自己商业世界里能收获什么

    The women who forsakes a career to be a mother, but never gets over knowing what she could have achieved in the business world.


  • 以往妇女健康方面的工作注重妇女在妊娠分娩期间卫生问题

    In the past, work on women's health was focused on the health problems of women during pregnancy and childbirth.


  • 以往妇女健康方面的工作注重妇女在妊娠分娩期间卫生问题

    In the past, work on women's health was focused on the health problems of women during pregnancy and childbirth.


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