• 某些测井仪器井场进行刻度,自然伽马测井仪器。

    Some tools, such as the gamma ray, are calibrated only at the wellsite.


  • 自然白云石石料河砂石英砂建筑石英石等等。

    Such as Natural Dolomite stone, River Sand, Silica Sand, Construction Sand, Quartz stone and much more.


  • 移植神经掌控机械手臂,能自然胳膊成为直观运动

    The movement of the mechanical arm, directed by the transplanted nerve, is as intuitive as the motion of a natural arm.


  • 最后简要分析了传统建筑在其他方面对太阳辐射利用手法,自然采光等。

    Finally, a brief analysis of the use of solar radiation has been given such as natural lighting and so on.


  • 试着一些香薰产品一些自然闹钟桌面喷泉这样专业项目它们以舒缓的声音帮助放松下来

    Try using some aromatherapy products, or some of the specialty items like nature alarm clocks or tabletop water fountains that can help you relax because of the soothing sounds they make.


  • 此外一些人年夜概感受恻隐意味着某些抛却悉数可能年夜略人们必要时年夜略的辅佐他们,自然劫难

    Others may feel that compassion means giving up everything for someone else, or simply helping people out in times of need such as a natural disaster.


  • 自然历史地理学医学陷于实际存在规定,分类区别,皆为外在的偶然事实和主观的特殊兴趣所规定,不是理性所规定。

    Natural history, geography, and medicine stumble upon descriptions of existence, upon kinds and distinctions, which are not determined by reason, but by sport and adventitious incidents.


  • NKT细胞一种具有混合功能的细胞:它们既能自然杀伤细胞般杀死入侵微生物t细胞般与抗原(能激发免疫反应外源物质)结合。

    NKT cells are hybrids: they kill invading microbes, like natural killer immune cells, but they also bind to antigens - foreign substances that trigger an immune response - like T-cells do.


  • 史密森展览中,包括56公共绘画作品,这些绘画作品许多不同主题自然休闲产业城市等组合在一起,这些作品展示了自然的美丽、城市生活,以及美国人工作和娱乐的情景。

    The Smithsonian's show includes fifty-six public works paintings. They are organized by different subjects such as Nature, Leisure, Industry, and the City.


  • 所知沉积物通过水流冰川运动自然过程输送物质沙子砾石化石碎片等。

    Sediment as you know, is material like sand, gravel, fossil fragments that is transported by natural processes like wind, water flow or the movement of glaciers.


  • 自然调查结果表明这种趋势既往的强劲但是使合作成功双方需要投入时间欣然接受意外挑战

    Nature's poll findings suggest that this trend is as strong as ever, but, to make a collaboration work, both sides need to invest time, and embrace surprise and challenge.


  • 尽管阿兹特克、玛雅印加文明未解之谜已经为人所知几个世纪,现在公众开始意识一些不寻常自然现象,这些现象发生秘鲁国家

    Although the mysteries of the Aztec, Mayan, and Inca civilizations have been known for centuries, now the public is also becoming aware of unusual, paranormal phenomena in countries such as Peru.


  • 们研究了太阳的运动,还关注了其他自然变化,气温、水和植物生长。

    They studied the sun's movement and also paid attention to other natural changes such as air temperature, water and plant growth.


  • 生活方式、自然力量减少基因变异行为还有一些促进这个进程的行为。

    Some lifestyles, and some forces of nature, act to reduce genetic variation; others act to promote it.


  • 梦到一些自然灾害地震风暴海啸火山喷发

    You dream about some natural disaster such as an earthquake, strong storm, tsunami or volcanic eruption.


  • 自然灾害洪水热带气旋龙卷风潮汐几乎每年发生在这里-同时带来不幸后果

    Natural calamities, such as floods, tropical cyclones, tornadoes and tidal bores occur here almost every year - with tragic results.


  • 数以百万女婴胎被重男轻女的父母杀害所有世界主要弊病 ——战争饥饿自然灾害——没有任何一个可以与之相提并论

    Of all the world’s major illssuch as war, hunger, and natural disastersnone can quite compare to the millions of baby girls and female fetuses killed by parents who prefer boys.


  • 伪科学是已有现象中微子错误描述自然世界

    Bogus science USES known phenomenasuch as neutrinos — to incorrectly describe the natural world.


  • 触摸屏手机大行其道,意味着对于手机来说,手指滑动轻叩或者机身的晃动这些操作在这些年已经变得点击鼠标一般自然

    THE popularity of touch-screens on mobile phones means that a swipe, tap or a flick comes as naturally these days as the click of a mouse.


  • 某些室内设计例子中颜色可以用来增加视觉吸引力木质碗柜自然色彩

    On some cases of interior design, color can be added to increase visual appeal such as the natural colors of wood of a china cabinet.


  • 委员会慷慨地建议其他此类备受瞩目杂志(自然》)或许也愿意这项改进审稿程序的升级项目。

    They generously suggest, too, that other high-profile journals, such as Nature, might like to involve themselves in such an upgrade.


  • 这些性质包括占有自然资源高质铁矿石便宜能量或者拥有高素质人才

    These attributes can include access to natural resources, such as high grade ores or inexpensive power, or access to highly trained and skilled personnel human resources.


  • 早晨纯洁之光使渴慕真理,惟有这种仰望真理之心,使我纯洁早晨,使我周围自然交响乐和谐合拍起来

    The clear, pure light of the morning made me long for the truth in my heart, which alone could make me pure and clear as the morning, tune me up to the concert-pitch of the nature around me.


  • 老子的话似乎永远正确:“道,非常道”“法道,道法自然。”

    But it seems that the words from Laozi will be always right, such as "Tao that can be described is not universal and eternal Tao", "Heaven follows Tao, Tao follows nature".


  • 初步数据显示SJ - 06f8月19日可能出现轻微的移动,这种移动像是自然因素地球大气阻力造成

    Preliminary data suggests that SJ-06F may have been nudged slightly on 19 August, and natural causes - such as the drag of Earth's atmosphere - do not seem to be responsible.


  • 许多研究证实即便限量自然透过扇窗户看到外面世界机会健康也是有益的。

    Many studies show that even a limited dose of nature, like a chance to look at the outside world through a window, is good for your health.


  • 许多研究证实即便限量自然透过扇窗户看到外面世界机会健康也是有益的。

    Many studies show that even a limited dose of nature, like a chance to look at the outside world through a window, is good for your health.


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