• 果我有一个长鼻子,会像她一样快乐。

    If I had a long nose, I would become happy like her.


  • 如果一个愿望可以祈祷一路阳光普照

    If I had a wish that I could pray for you, I'd wish you all the way sunshine.


  • 如果腐烂一天就是允许这样

    If I have a rotten day, I am the one who allowed it to be that way.


  • 如果一个愿望可以祈祷,祝愿你一路阳光普照

    If I had a wish that I could wish for you, I'd make a wish for sunshine all the while.


  • 如果伟大的日子值得信贷积极的。

    If I have a great day, I am the one who deserves the credit for being positive.


  • 如果一个觉察动机然后选择正确时刻去觉察。

    If I have a motive to be aware then I choose the right moments to be aware.


  • 如果一个舒适童年时光不会今天

    "If I'd had a comfortable childhood, I wouldn't be where I am today," he said.


  • 如果人们更喜欢一些如果一个伴侣如果我再瘦10

    If only people liked me more, if only I had a partner, if only I weighed 10 pounds less.


  • 如果一个热气球这个世界去看许多奇妙的地方事物

    If I had a hot air balloon, I would fly around the world and see many wonderful places and things.


  • 如果一个热气球这个世界去看许多奇妙的地方事物

    If I had a hot air, I would fly around the world and see many wonderful places and things.


  • 如果一个上下文无关的语法,不能自动产生程序还是写程序

    If I have a context free grammar, it doesn't generate the programs. I still have to write them.


  • 如果一个员工天资聪慧但是态度极差,不会他们身上浪费时间的。

    If I have an employee who is magnificently gifted but has a stinking? Attitude, I would not waste time on them.


  • 如果一个员工天资聪颖但是态度佳,不会他们身上浪费时间的。

    If I have an employee who is magnificently gifted but has a stinking attitude, I would not waste time on them.


  • 如果一个担心知道如何可以帮助。他可以大家做朋友。

    If I have a worry and don't know how to do he could help me.


  • 如果愚钝网络产生一个应用程序通信主意可以尽管

    If I have a Stupid Network and I get an idea for a communications application, I just write it.


  • 意思如果生物细胞容器其中一种组分可以通过这层膜。

    It means that if I have a biological cell, or some container with a membrane through which one of the constituents might pass.


  • 如果宠物一起玩的话,保证会好好照顾甚至已经拣了只。

    If I had a pet to play with, I'd take care of it, too. I promise. I even have one all picked out, Mom.


  • 自己如果一个天生耳聋外甥非常喜欢博客介绍他吗?

    I asked myself, if I had a nephew born deaf and I love him very much, would I introduce him in the blog?


  • 如果一个星期要训练不会睡得很晚,不会朋友下午喝酒,只是训练

    If I have a week of training, I stop sleeping late, stop drinking mate in the afternoon and I train.


  • 转动E取决于多少转动自由度,如果一个直线形的分子两个转动自由度。

    Or molecules. E rotational is, now it depends how many rotational degrees of freedom there are. If I've got a linear molecule, there are only two.


  • 如果任意一点可以2个平面函数图像切开沿x方向一个沿y方向。

    OK, so, if I have a point, at any point, I can slice the graph of my function by two planes, one that's going along the x, one along the y direction.


  • 如果一个对象指针,转换指针对象上,通过基类指针调用合适成员函数

    If I have a pointer to an object cast to one of its base classes, I can call the correct member functions through the abstract base class.


  • 来到手术奠定回来多年来第一疼痛感觉如果我有一个高尔夫直肠

    When I came out of surgery, I was laying on my back for the first time in many years without the pain of feeling as if I had a golf ball in my rectum.


  • 就像知道如果一个音频名字,并放进电子邮件中去,他们机会见到前先听到的名字。

    It's like, you know, what if I just have an audio name and, you know, I put it in my E-mail and they have a chance to hear it before they meet me?


  • 如果一个选择在家学习使用电脑电视atraditional学校学习设置选择传统的设置。

    If I have a choice between studying at home using computers and television or studying in atraditional school setting, I'd choose the traditional setting .


  • 如果糟糕一天不会踌躇于此,将会原谅自己在脑后继续在恢复之路上前行

    If I have a bad day, I will not dwell on it, I will forgive myself, I will put it behind me and I will continue to move forward in my recovery.


  • 就像知道如果一个音频名字,并放进电子邮件中去,他们机会见到前先听到的名字。

    It's like, you know, what if I just have an audio name and, you know, I put it in my email and they have a chance to hear it before they meet me?


  • 就像知道如果一个音频名字,并放进电子邮件中去,他们机会见到前先听到的名字。

    It's like, you know, what if I just have an audio name and, you know, I put it in my email and they have a chance to hear it before they meet me?


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