• 如果有人创作了一文章卖家自然告诉我们关于的事情。

    If someone has produced a new article, naturally the seller wants to tell us about it.


  • 如果潜意识告诉不要接受份工作,那就这天戳穿——注意了。

    If your unconscious is saying don't take that job, go on that date, poke that skunktake heed.


  • 相互许诺如果当中的睡莲花的叶子消失,另一个回来告诉大伙哪里了。

    They promised one another that if one of them ever went up the lily pad and disappeared, it would come back and tell the others where it had gone.


  • 有工厂破坏环境,我们可以把告诉有关部门或警察。

    If there's a factory which destroys the environment, we can tell the relative department or the police about it.


  • 我考试得了一个 C 级,她就会把交给我,让我处理我那些做错的题,并告诉她为什么。

    If I got a C in a test, she would hand it over and asked me to deal with the ones I missed and tell her why.


  • 重点保罗科埃略告诉我们如果真的十分想要某样东西,你应该拥有

    The point is that Paulo Coelho tells us that if you want something real badly, you shall have it.


  • 非常聪明的心理学家曾经告诉如果建立目标去完成,你空空感觉因为目标不是所想实现。

    A very wise psychotherapist once told me that if you set a goal, and achieve it, you are often left with an empty feeling because the goal is not what you thought it would be.


  • 告诉如果发现了什么有趣的东西,一定要知道我会尽量特殊受害人》里。

    I tell him if he finds something cool, let me know, and I'll find a way to work it into an SVU.


  • 如果苦涩告诉我我的满足又来自何处

    If a Bitter, oh tell me whence comes my content?


  • 过去的经验告诉我们如果一件事情在技术上可行的,那么可能变成现实。

    Experience certainly tells us that if something is technically possible, then it's highly likely to be implemented.


  • 如果一款媒体播放器告诉需要发送信息,这里面一定什么阴谋

    If a media player tells you it needs to send SMS messages, something is afoot.


  • 如果某个金融监管领域能够进一步研究得到助益——有这样领域——白宫可以告诉任命的人这么

    If there are areas of financial regulation that would benefit from further study-and there are-the White House can tell its appointees to do so.


  • 这个不是自夸而是因为如果我会告诉你我非常害羞,没有安全感,但我靠纯粹意志力量克服了

    I don't say this to brag, but because if you asked me I would tell you that I am very shy and insecure and overcome it by pure force of will.


  • 如果我们告诉某人我们打算修理而不是出去新的市场最流行东西,我们害怕会受到鄙视。

    And if we tell someone we're going to fix it instead of rushing out to buy the newest, hottest thing on the market, we fear that we will be met with disdain.


  • 如果去问很多个20世纪作曲家他们往往告诉你,我们喜欢的声音其实任意的,只是取决于是否我们已经习惯听到的相一致,”

    "If you talk to a lot of 20th century composers, they'll tend to tell you what we like is arbitrary and it's just determined by what we're used to hearing," he says.


  • 而工作人员告诉如果有任何东西暴露核辐射中,必须留在核电站,绝不能带出来。

    They told me that if any of my equipment was exposed, I'd be asked to leave it behind at the plant.


  • 最后男朋友讲了,只是抱着告诉我说他我,而且信任我,如果做不好只要讲就行了。

    I finally told my boyfriend about it, and he just hugged me and told me he loved and trusted me, and that if I ever have another bad dream to just talk to him about it.


  • 下面一些图片显示四种不同级别看起来是什么样的【如果奇怪蜡笔样式渲染图片,这是因为试图告诉你,这些仅仅概念模型而非最终设计】。

    Here is what these four different levels look like. [if you are wondering about my switch to crayons, it's an attempt to convey that these are just conceptual mockups, not final designs].


  • 如果我们到达告诉我们相的摩尔分数

    And if we go over here, this is telling us about the mole fraction in the gas phase.


  • 如果认为返回一个数值好的,你告诉返回是什么

    If you think it's returning a number, oh, ok, you gonna tell me what kind of thing it's returning, please?


  • 因为已经告诉你们空间单连通的,所以如果我们真的运用Stokes定理,那么我总是可以运用于任何曲线,我应该做什么呢?

    So, if we really wanted to apply Stokes theorem, because I've been telling you that space is simply connected, and I will always be able to apply Stokes theorem to any curve, what would I do?


  • CreateDatabase选项告诉LEI如果数据库存在则创建

    The create database option tells LEI to create the database for you if it doesn't exist.


  • 如果使用launchy,你编辑launchy .xml文件告诉你要使用应用程序的位置。

    If you want to use launchy, you have to edit the launchy.xml file and tell it where to find the applications you want to use.


  • 可以向别人展示如果任何一条缝旁边检测器概率函数发生变化但是并不能解释为什么会发生,告诉人们变化就是这样产生的。

    You can show that if you put a detector on either slit the wave probability function changes but that not explaining why it happens, its just saying this is the way it does happen.


  • 如果建造桥梁或是摩天大楼,你告诉在你开始之前,你确切地知道结束时会什么样我会相信你。

    If you were building a bridge or a skyscraper and you told me, before you began, that you knew exactly how it would look when it was finished - I would believe you.


  • 如果可以提供更多有关文件内容,这会非常有帮助举例来说,如果已经不同平台编写好了,而且可能是不兼容,那么您就需要一种方法告诉具体的版本哪个

    It helps if you can tell more about the contents of the file; for instance, if it could have been written on different platforms, possibly incompatibly, you need a way to tell which version is which.


  • 事实上如果软件开发工程学形式那么应该一个易于理解过程告诉我们怎样实践规范

    If software development is, in fact, a form of engineering, then there should be a well-understood process that tells us how to practice the discipline.


  • 速率只是数字告诉,在轨道上,运动的快慢,意思如果着一辆车,那么告诉你你现在得有多

    So, speed is a number. It tells you how fast you are going along your trajectory. I mean, if you're driving in a car, then it tells you how fast you are going.


  • 在此除了告诉这个事实并不想任何事,因为没有什么特别地方,只不过如果实现,您就可以做到。

    I don't want to do anything more than dangle that tantalizing fact before you, because there's nothing special about it besides the point that you can do it if you want to.


  • 如果是的也许记住事情最好方法告诉自己非常重要并决定第二测试自己是否记住了,然后好好地睡觉。

    If so, Perhaps the best way to remember something is to tell yourself it is very important, decide you're going to test yourself on it the next day, and get a good night's sleep.


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