• 如果包括所有分段,这个数字17%。

    If you include all ranks, 17% of players are playing Shaman.


  • 如果包括小数点符号,则确定小数点左边字符数量

    If it does include a decimal point symbol, determine the number of characters to the left of the decimal point.


  • 如果包括其他对象关系图重点及其传达的信息方面就会变得模糊

    If another object had been included, the diagram would be blurred in its focus and message.


  • 如果包括中的所有文件坚持XML架构2.0规则则架构库有效并且可以解析所有引用

    A schema library is valid if all the files included in the library adhere to the XML schema 2.0 rules, and all references are resolvable.


  • 如果包括美国欧盟在内发达国家不能负起责任那么将会严重影响到全球经济稳定,”

    "If developed countries including the U. S. and European Union don't take responsibility, it will impair the stable development of the global economy severely," it said.


  • 1包括任何持久性或者系统但是如果包括了,创建一个我们模型视图没有显示这些类。

    Figure 1 does not include any persistence or system classes, but if it did, you would want to create a view of our model that did not show them.


  • 听上去很多不过认为如果包括就像我刚才那样照镜子时候还着其它事的话这个数据也许相当合理。

    This sounds a lot, though I suggest that, if it included the sort of multitasking mirror-gazing that I was doing just then, it might be fair enough.


  • 30年前12如果包括尚未诊断的病例就是每64个孩子就有个孩子生活某个时期需要支持服务

    This is about 12 times higher than 30 years ago; including the previously undiagnosed cases, this means that one in 64 children may at some point in their lives require support and services.


  • 作者提出最大担忧太空碎片环绕地球垃圾”碎片,如果它们包括国际空间站在内的运行体相撞,将可能造成严重损害

    The greatest concern the authors raise is space debris—pieces of "junk" that orbit the earth, with the potential to cause serious damage if they collide with operational units, including the ISS.


  • 包括绿色和平组织在内土著环保组织表示如果过度开发,安第斯山脉许多地区会受到影响。

    Indigenous and environmental groups, including Greenpeace, say that many parts of the Andes will suffer if they become over-developed.


  • 然而如果研究人员以数学的方式编制份问卷他们那些反映所有相关文化熟悉概念的问题包括在内

    If, however, the researchers construct a questionnaire in an etic fashion, they want to include questions that reflect concepts familiar to all cultures involved.


  • 如果社会化医疗体系下,我们承担彼此健康保险那么我们都会密切关注彼此的健康状况,包括每个人的饮食习惯。

    If we are all to be responsible for one another's health insurance, through socialized medicine, then we are all closely involved in one another's health, including everyone's eating and drinking.


  • 除了打折如果需要的话我们促销活动包括免费剪裁服务

    In addition to the sale, we're running a promotion for complimentary tailoring if you need it.


  • 其次共事需要考虑一个如果……”的问题,包括如果想法拒绝该怎么办?”。

    Second, the people you work with need to negotiate a "What if..." agreement covering "What if my idea is turned down?"


  • 其次和一起共事商讨出个“如果……怎么办?”的协议其中包括如果我的方案否决了怎么办?”这一问题。

    Second, the people you work with need to negotiate a "What if ...?" agreement covering "What if my idea is turned down?"


  • 两位作者提出最大担忧太空垃圾——环绕地球运行的“垃圾”碎片,如果它们包括国际空间站在内的运行单位相撞可能造成严重损害

    The greatest concern the authors raise is space debris-pieces of "junk" that orbit the earth, with the potential to cause serious damage if they collide with operational units, including the ISS.


  • 合国政府间气候变化专门委员会的一份报告显示,如果到本世纪末全球气温上升超过1.5℃,贫穷国家将可能面临非常严峻的挑战,包括整个社区的消失和数百万人的过早死亡。

    A report from IPCC, the UN's climate science body, showed that if global temperatures rise more than 1.5℃ by the end of the century, poor countries will likely face very serious challenges, including the disappearance of whole communities and millions of early deaths.


  • 如果没有包括任何where子句,删除中的所有

    If no WHERE clause is included, all rows in the table are deleted.


  • 一些如果最终法案包括这样条款他们不会这样做了。

    Some now say they will not do so again, if such a provision is included in any final bill.


  • 有人认为如果这份档案包括人们自由交谈的录音,而不仅仅朗读同一篇短文更好了

    Some people think the archive would be better if it included natural speech -- people talking freely, (not just reading the same words.


  • 如果门户包括三种类型门户各个方面——或许还有一些此处没有定义功能——难度甚至可能变得更大

    If your portal incorporates aspects of all three types of portalsor perhaps some set of functionality that is not defined here — then the challenge can become even greater.


  • 如果交互模式包括选项字符项中,则可以使用该语法进入交互模式。

    It is also used to enter interactive mode if -interactive mode is included in the options string.


  • 如果数据包括LOB那么用户就必须创建lob空间

    If the data includes LOBs, then the user must create LOB table Spaces.


  • 如果计划包括扩展索引一个扫描发现EISCAN(3中高亮显示)。

    If the plan includes a scan of the extended index you will see the EISCAN (highlighted in Figure 3).


  • 不过如果历史(甚至包括萧条)能引以为的话,耐心长线投资者会获得回报

    But if historyeven including the Great Depression — is any guide, patient, long-term investors will be rewarded.


  • 接口版本需要静态构造元素属性的限定(如果需要,还包括名称空间前缀)。

    An earlier version of the interface required static construction of qualified names (including a namespace prefix, if needed) for elements and attributes.


  • 移交活动状态:“测试部署”(如果适应的话包括数据转换)已经执行吗?

    Status of handover activities: has a "test deployment" (including data conversion if applicable) been performed? Was it successful?


  • 移交活动状态:“测试部署”(如果适应的话包括数据转换)已经执行吗?

    Status of handover activities: has a "test deployment" (including data conversion if applicable) been performed? Was it successful?


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