• 如果自己:“不着”,那就欺骗自己,假装很困乏

    If you're saying to yourself, "I can't sleep," trick yourself into thinking the opposite by pretending to be sleepy.


  • 如果自己:“正在浪费时间”,这不足以控制行为采取主动一步

    If saying to yourself, "I'm wasting time," isn't enough to curb your behavior, take more proactive steps.


  • 果你对自己的国家了一些不礼貌的话,没关系,但不要这么别人的国家。

    It's fine if you say something impolite about your own country, but don't do it about someone else's.


  • 如果没有任何结果自己点什么,”亚当斯

    "If you get no results, that should tell you something," says Adams.


  • 如果你对最好兴趣,那么便是在自己撒谎了。

    If you say you're not interested in the "best," then you're lying to yourself.


  • 如果自己工作环境,然后自己工作需要这些乱七八糟的东西围绕”,那么回答是个垃圾

    If you've looked at your workspace and said to yourself "I need to work surrounded by all this mess," my reply is: rubbish!


  • 就是如果经常自己很难不可能潜意识就会接受到这种想法,的前进的道路上设置障碍

    This means that if you often tell yourself that it is difficult or impossible to acquire money, the subconscious mind will accept your words and put obstacles in your way.


  • 在心里自己如果下次乔安娜嚼口香糖的话,发誓一定冲过去订书机位置上。”

    "If Joanne cracks her gum one more time, I swear I'm going to send my stapler sailing into her cubicle," you think to yourself.


  • 有人如果不能自己能力下获得工作满意度没有尽全力去尝试

    Some say that if you can't achieve job satisfaction in your own backyard, you're just not trying hard enough.


  • 如果突然担心件事情,自己:“我会在晚上7考虑这件。”同时的“忧虑时间”里,头脑风暴有时候可以改善的顾虑。

    If a worrisome thought comes into your mind, just say to yourself “I’ll worry about this at 7 p.m.”Also, during your “worry time, ” brainstorm some ways you can fix your concerns.


  • 如果十分坚信自己,“掌控这种恐惧感,”那么,就能做到。

    If you say to yourself with perfect confidence and faith, "I am going to master this fear," and you will.


  • 但是如果自己处境承担起责任(比如一个陌生地方不到朋友),并且通过改变改善这种处境,其实有效果的。

    But it's a lot more empowering if you take responsibility and ownership of your own situation (such as having no friends in a new place) and making a change to improve it.


  • 自己做得很棒”,如果妈妈认为寄宿学校地方,是一定会这样的,“我骄傲,莉”。

    I have been at Ault for a month. I talked to myself as I imagined my mother would talk to me if she actually thought boarding school was a good idea: You’re doing great.


  • 但是有可能接触,”铜锅,“如果我离无论是碰到我,或者是我自己不小心碰到,我都会碎的。”

    "But I may come in contact with you," said the earthen pot. "If I come too close, whether I hit you or you hit me, I shall suffer for it."


  • Moselle:“如果自己有信心并且有积极的世界观,愿意接受新的解决方法发现自己容易适应高压的环境。”

    "If you're confident in yourself and positive about the world and open to new solutions, you'll find it easier to be resilient to stressful situations," Moselle says.


  • 如果质疑生活方式窃笑然后,“羊群中的浪费自己时间别人做事。”

    If you question her ways, she'll snicker and tell you, "you're just another member of the corporate cattle herd... wasting your time to meet someone else's agenda."


  • 但是证据如果看见Guguu Yimitirr语的人用手指着自己可能会自然而然地想象有意引起别人他的注意

    But one piece of evidence is telling: if you saw a Guugu Yimithirr speaker pointing at himself, you would naturally assume he meant to draw attention to himself.


  • 一个名为“饕餮客”的读者回复,“啊,人们干嘛单子指手划脚啊?如果喜欢这个排行,那自己列一个嘛!喜欢泰国菜日本料理。”

    Reader LoveFoods wrote, "OMG why are people hating? If you don't like the list, make your own! I love Thai and Japanese foods."


  • 如果越来越接近自己爱慕感到紧张,可以仰慕她们或者远远地着她们。

    If you are nervous about getting closer to the object of your affections, you can say you admire them or love them from afar.


  • 自虐如果不能控制自己这些事情,就应该确保知道自己在做什么

    I am sending this message to cutters : Make sure you know what you're doing if you can't stop yourself.


  • 所以支持者听到人们或者自己–”当初只要怎样好了”或者”如果当时这样”,我,”这样了”。

    So I want to say to my supporters, when you hear people saying or think to yourself–"if only" or "what if, " I say, "please don't go there.


  • 如果认为他们这种行为造成伤害不要去责怪他们因为毕竟他们是父母,可以他们讲道理,需要一个属于自己空间

    If you think they hurt you by read your diary, you should not blame them, for they are your parents, you must tell what you feel, and you want a space of your own.


  • 如果认为书上做标记颇益处番话的,自己书。

    If you decide that I am right about the usefulness of marking books, you will have to buy them.


  • 当然这么可能比较老套如果一个男人尊重自己父母都做不到的话,极可能以后也会这么甚至态度差。

    Sure, it might be old fashioned, but if a man doesn't respect his parents it's a pretty good indication that he won't be treating you with any more respect or integrity.


  • 如果肯定他们主动提出用他们自己马车回家的话,”伊丽莎白妈妈,“那么,这个计划好。”

    'That would be a good plan, 'said Elizabeth to her mother, 'if you were sure they wouldn't offer to send her home in their carriage. '


  • 医生:“如果打一个喷嚏的话,就会自己鲜血淹没。”

    The doctor told him, "If you had sneezed you would have drowned in your own blood."


  • 想象自己的样子,对自己说如果努力减肥,看上去大秤砣。”同时,对自己自己社交生活满意

    'Visualize yourself feeling fat, and think,' if I don't work out, I will look like a heavy thing, ' 'and be less satisfied with yourself and your social life.


  • 想象自己的样子,对自己说如果努力减肥,看上去大秤砣。”同时,对自己自己社交生活满意

    'Visualize yourself feeling fat, and think,' if I don't work out, I will look like a heavy thing, ' 'and be less satisfied with yourself and your social life.


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