• 这些聊表谢意,感谢好心帮助

    The flowers were a small acknowledgement of your kindness.


  • 把这篇文章译成英语 (引用)有的喜欢这样抱怨好心帮助连声谢谢没有

    The person who have likes to complain like this:My good heart helps him, however he connect the voice thanks to also have no.


  • 新将笑笑描述成“几乎一个正常孩子”,对安妮补充说:“相信值得好心帮助。”

    Describing Shao-Shao as "almost like a normal kid, " Yongxin added, "I believe he is worthy of your kind help. "


  • 奥尔雷德知晓这件事情之前,墨西哥州警官其他路过好心人们已帮助她们筹集共计568美金。

    Before Allred knew it, New Mexico State Police Officers were among the many stopping by helping them reach a total of $568.


  • 把所有的了,陷入绝望的境地。幸好一个好心慷慨地帮助

    He was desperate when he lost all his money. Luckily, a kind man helped him generously.


  • 感到浑身暖暖的,因为我没有想到她会这么好心帮助我——她的竞争对手。

    I felt warm all over my heart because I hadn't imagined she would be so nice to help me—her rival.


  • 好心的女士拒绝了我提出的帮助,但我知道她不是有意冒犯我。

    The kind lady refused my offer of help, but I know that she didn't mean to offend me.


  • 而当不太适合步行城市时,总会有好心司机以为或者需要帮助,于是停靠过来载我一

    When I visit less pedestrian-friendly cities, kindhearted motorists regularly pull over and offer me a ride, assuming that my car has broken down or I'm in need of some help.


  • 通过博客好心帮助麦克唐纳分类网上共进行了14物品交换,每次通过交换不断给物品升值终于年之后换到了房子

    Through his blog and thekindness of strangers, MacDonald made 14 swaps over the classifieds website, upgrading one item to a more valuable one until he ended up with a house a yearlater.


  • 尽管是出于好心任何相信自己的孩子需要过多帮助家长都可能会过于干涉孩子的成长发育

    Despite good intentions, any parent can interferetoo much with a boy’s development, in the belief that he needs more help thanhe does.


  • 随后一个好心带着这个受伤男子附近警察寻求帮助警方手铐铐住了这位原本救星,”使得受伤的男子在汽车后座上死去。

    Then, when a good Samaritan brought the man to a nearby police encampment for help, officers handcuffed the would-be saviour while the shot man expired in the back of his car.


  • 或许培训班我们有个帮助我们学到将来有用东西

    Maybe it can get us into a good mood and also helps us learn something to use for the future.


  • 感谢好心帮助不仅仅因为可能找不到店家因为当地人完全不会英语

    Grateful not only because I probably couldn’t have found it, but also because not an ounce of English was spoken.


  • 这些感触好心准备,可以家里人朋友辅导员其他出过国学生寻求帮助

    Prepare yourself for these feelings by getting support from family, friends, a counselor, or another student who has spent time abroad.


  • 移民数量经历了几十年下降之后,波兰犹太人的数量开始增加因为很多得到好心帮助幸免于难的犹太儿童开始寻根旅。

    After decades of emigration and decline, Poland's Jewish population is growing again, as children sheltered in secret by gentile families during the war rediscover their roots.


  • 第一次出去旅游很快就花光了,于是他们依靠其他好心提供帮助

    When the money quickly ran out on their first trip, they decided to rely on the kindness of other people who give them shelter, food and petrol.


  • 我们不仅仅父母感恩我们身边同学老师亲人朋友许许多多帮助我们好心也要怀着感恩

    Our gratitude to parents only not just, on our side of the students, teachers, relatives, friends and many helped us good people will with a grateful heart.


  • 安娜·玛丽亚看到篇新闻文章好心的撒玛利亚停下来帮助一个陌生人但是致死了么? ?

    Ana a Maria: Did you see this news article about the Good Samaritan who stopped to help a stranger and died?


  • 音乐一种神奇力量很大程度上,音乐能够帮助人们获得

    Music has a magical energy, and it can help people gain good mood in a great extent.


  • 但是或许培训班我们有个帮助我们学到将来有用东西

    But it's worth it. Maybe it can get us into a good mood and also helps us learn something to use for the future.


  • 活动的主办方来自四川省外贸局的一个单位他们安排行程全程作陪。他们都是好心,给了我不少帮助

    My hosts from a unit under the provincial trade bureau made the arrangements and accompanied me throughout the journey. They were kind and helpful.


  • 快点王子,快点。好心仙女们帮助。魔杖。的魔杖帮助他。

    Hurry, Prince, hurry. The good fairies help him. The magic wand. She helps him with her magic wand.


  • 如果好心有心收养他们妈妈我们附送部分皇家以及帮助绝育

    Which Hao Xinren if they can adopt the three want to spend Mother, we will be supplied part of the Royal cat food, and to help sterilization.


  • 如果好心有心收养他们妈妈我们附送部分皇家以及帮助绝育

    Which Hao Xinren if they can adopt the three want to spend Mother, we will be supplied part of the Royal cat food, and to help sterilization.


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