• 具体说到女儿童年的记忆心里留下了烙印内心深处一直渴望击败掌控命运人—母亲,我!

    Most specifically, my daughter's childhood memories and her 13 inward desire to defeat the 14 empress of 15 destiny, her mother!


  • 最终得到并不只是场神奇旅行也是对于遗失命运个人思索

    The result is not only a fascinating travelogue, but also a personal meditation on loss and fate.


  • 迷人玛丽安身上具有光辉魅力照亮每一个以及背叛的人,命运有如时间的推移、爱情流逝一般令人困扰却又无从逃避。

    The radiance and charm of the bewitching Marian sheds light on everyone she loves and betrays, her fate as troubling and inevitable as the passing of time, and the passing of love.


  • 只有裘恩海滩上发现破碎主桅是遭遇可怕命运的明证。

    Only the shattered remains of its top-mast were found on a Guernsey beach as evidence of its terrible fate.


  • 命运不确定

    Her fate remains uncertain.


  • 战后Atkins女士终身未婚)在欧洲战争废墟中苦苦跋涉,追寻记录他们命运

    After the war, Miss Atkins (she never married) trekked round the ruins of post-war Europe to chronicle their fate.


  • 不过巨人也从来没有打扰过山下富裕果园也许是因为害怕命运女神诺恩——一个奇怪女人据说山顶上,转动命运之轮。

    But neither did the giants bother the rich country of orchards below; perhaps from fear of the Norn, a strange old woman said to live on the mountain top and spin fates.


  • 所以对于吸血鬼这种文类洛奇说法是:“主人公成为自己命运缔造者,同时也是无法控制力量受害者。”

    So the vampire genre, Lodge says "allows the protagonist to be both the author of her own destiny and the victim of forces beyond her control."


  • 上帝正是这些东西再给予美丽智慧个性这些天赋成就命运

    And God used all of these things, along with the gifts of her beauty, brains, and personality, to fulfill her destiny.


  • 讽刺这些然而依旧他们命运想象空间留给,这种灵巧的写作手腕这本成功的地方。

    But it is the finesse with which she satirises these people but still leaves you caring what happens to them that is the book's great achievement.


  • 秘密地辅导农民孩子使他们某一掌握自己命运

    She also secretly tutored peasant children so that they, too, could one day obtain control of their own destinies.


  • 这是一个独特自由灵魂掌管着自己的命运那些束缚的人或事对全然无效

    A unique, free spirit in charge of her own destiny... completely immune to the forces that attempt to confine her.


  • 想起那些带着泥土的靴子双靴子无故了一番嘲弄,不仅可怜它们而且还感到,靴子主人命运多么绝望啊

    As she again thought of her dusty boots she almost pitied those habiliments for the quizzing to which they had been subjected, and felt how hopeless life was for their owner.


  • 另一点很有意思:这个版本中,似乎白雪公主已经拥有皇位,但并不是由于美德命运注定让拥有皇位来作为奖赏的。

    Also interesting: the story seems to find Snow White already in possession of the throne, rather than fated to receive it as a reward for her virtue.


  • 然后,重新仔细回忆起决定了命运的那个晚上

    Then she’d have me do a Detailed Remembering re my fateful night.


  • 数日后达芙妮专业知识小屋主人关怀改变了小象的命运开始茁壮成长起来

    In a few days, Daphne's expertise and the lodge owner's care transformed the youngster. She began to thrive.


  • 数日后达芙妮专业知识小屋主人关怀改变了小象的命运开始茁壮成长起来

    In a few days, Daphne's expertise and the lodge owner's care transformed the youngster.She began to thrive.


  • 地质学家们已经认定家乡可能重建周二洪水似乎决定了陈家坝的命运

    Geologists had already deemed her home town to be one of the places unlikely to be rebuilt, and Tuesday's flooding appeared to seal its fate.


  • 故事其实就是我母亲故事,性格善良,接受教育不多,但作为一个母亲能够改变身边命运

    My story is really my mother's story — a woman with little formal education or worldly goods who used her position as a parent to change the lives of many people around the globe.


  • 听到回答,宣布愿意一直美丽因为尊重的意愿,主宰了自己命运

    Upon hearing this, she announced that she would be beautiful all the time, because he had respected her and had let her be in charge of her own life.


  • 听到结果第一反应,我有两个:第一,真好,挣脱了豪门,获得了豪门待遇,这亦舒笔下的高端女主角才有的命运啊;第二,孩子出生,就没有完整

    This is exactly the paper fate of high-end heroine in Yi Shu's words. The other one is that she has no integrated family when her kids were born.


  • 命运般的感觉让欣喜。

    The fatefulness delighted her.


  • 最终,被抛弃人埋怨自己命运不好时,他()们常常陷入时期(prolonged periods)的忧愁(depression)绝望中

    Finally when jilted lovers are resigned to their fate, they will often enter into prolonged periods of depression and despair.


  • 悲叹自己的不幸命运

    She sighed over her unhappy fate.


  • 四万年前冰河时期,刚刚满月的陷入河里。 就在那里,主宰生物界曲折变迁的命运之神居然几近完好地保存了下来

    Barely a month old, she fell into an ice age muddy river some 40, 000 years ago, where a biological twist of fate led to her being almost perfectly preserved.


  • 决定背景定为美国最多雨小镇之一福克斯(Forks)时,无意改变了这个拥有3120人口的小镇命运

    When she decided to set her books in the town of Forks (population 3, 120) on the basis that it is one of the rainiest places in America, she inadvertently changed the town's fortunes.


  • 决定背景定为美国最多雨小镇之一福克斯(Forks)时,无意改变了这个拥有3120人口的小镇命运

    When she decided to set her books in the town of Forks (population 3, 120) on the basis that it is one of the rainiest places in America, she inadvertently changed the town's fortunes.


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