• 告诉朋友说,支持丈夫尽管有报道在给别的女人情书

    She told friends she will stand by husband, despite reports that he sent another woman love notes.


  • 个故事告诉我们,如果我们想和一个人交朋友,我们应该先对他/微笑。

    The story tells us that when we want to make friends with someone, we could give a smile to him/her first.


  • 朋友谈论如果手头没有电脑那就不要忘了使用模拟的方法——打电话或者咖啡的时候告诉/看到的好的文章

    Talking to Friends: If you don’t have a computer handy, then don’t forget about the analog approach - call a friend or tell him or her over coffee about a great blog post you read.


  • 一位男子告诉朋友,“妻子发怒时会。”

    A man was telling his friends, "When my wife is infuriated, she starts Shouting."


  • 如果朋友看起来不能或是愿意寻求帮助要求一起告诉你的朋友健康安全来说很重要

    If your friend seems unable or unwilling to seek help, offer to go with him or her and tell your friend that his or her health and safety is important to you.


  • 安东尼告诉朋友,叫人好笑的相信说的话。

    And the curious thing, Antonia told her friends, was that he believed what he was saying.


  • 那就告诉,”接着说,“跟那个黑脸驼背医生谈了,保证朋友,也就是你妈妈认识的那位先生,随上船。”

    "Then tell her," rejoined he, "that I spake again with the black-a-visaged, hump-shouldered old doctor, and he engages to bring his friend, the gentleman she wots of, aboard with him."


  • 医生德鲁。昆普瑞斯是我们朋友告诉希拉里父亲遭受了严重大脑损伤,正处于深度昏迷,很有可能再也醒不过来。

    Dr. Drew Kumpuris, Hugh's doctor and our friend, told Hillary that her father had suffered severe brain damage and was in a deep coma from which, in all probability, he would never emerge.


  • 李洋朋友一起以后,朋友告诉已婚而且一名父亲

    Yang Li said she and her lover had been together for two years when he told her he was married and a father.


  • 这位名叫琳恩·斯特林的妇女告诉警方是从专门从事拆工作朋友那里得到具骨骼的,而后者曾经对表示30年前帮忙拆除底特律所学校发现的。

    Lynn Sterling told police she obtained the remains from a friend who works in demolition and who said he found them in a Detroit school he helped demolish about 30 years ago.


  • 他朋友母亲打通手机试图联系儿子后来有人接听了电话,告诉那位母亲,“放心儿子我们在一起呢。”

    The friend's mother called it, trying to get in touch with her son, and said afterward that somebody answered the phone and said, "Listen, your son is with us."


  • 书信集倒数第二封信中,汉急切的告诉前去旅行的朋友:“倘若碰巧经过查令十字84号,定代献上一吻,因我良多。”

    In the collection's penultimate entry, Helene Hanff urges a tourist friend, "If you happen to pass by 84, Charing Cross Road, kiss it for me. I owe it so much."


  • 最近朋友告诉买了一本关于年轻女性流行杂志——题目是不是你的位》。

    Recently, a friend of mine told me she bought a popular magazine targeting younger women that had the headline Is he Really the One?


  • 如果对方成为亲近朋友告诉对方有什么重要事情需要知道的。

    If you were going to become a close friend with your partner, please share what would be important for him or her to know.


  • 这个女孩告诉朋友之所以爱上是因为在不起眼时候看见了

    The girl told her boy friend the reason why she falls in love with him is that he sees her when she is still invisible.


  • 告诉自己王室亲密朋友天真的相信了。

    He told her he was a close friend of the royal family, and she was naive enough to believe him.


  • 鲍伯朋友离开另一个男人结婚时,跑去告诉身边所有女友的离开是因为对于来说不够

    When Bob's girl friend left him to marry another man, he went around telling anybody who would listen that he left her because she wasn't good enough for him.


  • 可是过没有,”,“也许艾希礼告诉明天晚上宣布觉得告诉朋友便别的人都说了,因此生气了呢?”

    "But do you suppose," he said, "that maybe Ashley hadn't told her he was going to announce it tomorrow night and she was mad at him for not telling her, an old friend, before he told everybody else?"


  • 一位男子告诉朋友,“妻子发怒时会。”

    A man was telling his friends, "When my wife is infuriated, she starts Shouting".


  • 那就告诉,”接着说,“那个黑脸、驼背医生谈了,保证朋友,也就是你妈妈认识的那位先生,随上船。”

    Then tell her, "rejoined he," that I spake again with the black-a-visaged, hump-shouldered old doctor, and he engages to bring his friend, the gentleman she wots of, aboard with him.


  • 本来答应自己决定告诉要在朋友之间一个抉择

    He promises he will tell her his decision, he will make a choice between her and his old girlfriend.


  • 作为一个叙述者告诉我们生活写给朋友亲人爱人引领我们旅行开始童年

    Janis serves as a narrator, telling us her life through the letters she wrote to her friends, relatives and lovers, leading us in a journey that starts from her childhood.


  • 男孩告诉朋友欺骗时,马上分手了。

    When the boy told his girlfriend that he had cheated on her, she broke up on the spot.


  • 告诉B朋友目前来说这困难了。但十分开心B共处。

    C tells her he wants to be her friend, but it's difficult for him right now. But he's happy he got to spend time with her.


  • 地铁,你可以给朋友打个电话告诉)你到达的准确时间

    When you board the train you can phone the person coming to pick you up and tell him or her exactly when you'll arrive.


  • 告诉朋友好看,我撒了一个善意谎言事实上的男朋友我见的最难看的。

    I told a white lie when I told Jennie her boyfriend was goodlooking. The truth is he 's just about the ugliest man I've ever seen.


  • 告诉朋友好看,我撒了一个善意谎言事实上的男朋友我见的最难看的。

    I told a white lie when I told Jennie her boyfriend was goodlooking. The truth is he 's just about the ugliest man I've ever seen.


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