• 吹嘘自己房子

    She boasts of having a big house.


  • 比如曾经遇到一个验光师,吹嘘自己的眼镜店提供的服务是“眼镜行业最好的”。

    I once met an optometrist, for example, who bragged to me that her store had "the best service in the industry."


  • 女士一个制鞋厂招工,吹嘘道:“如果条件可以质检不必整天站着。”

    "If you're good, you can work in quality control and won't have to stand all day," bragged a woman hawking jobs for a shoe manufacturer.


  • ProCredit银行现在非常成功吹嘘拥有220万客户帐户并且欠款额只有1.2%。

    Now wildly successful, it boasts over 2.2m customer accounts and arrears by volume of a minuscule 1.2%.


  • 萨姆吹嘘扑克牌谁都赢不了

    Sam boasted that she could beat anyone at poker.


  • 布达(Buda),一位狗的主人吹嘘的达克斯蜜蜂吃到嘴里然后出来却一点都不伤害

    In Buda, one owner bragged that her dachshund could catch a bee in its mouth, and release it unharmed.


  • 女友们吹嘘是个“激进分子”,一个地地道道的多米尼加人(虽然阿尔玛排行榜上排不上名次,可却是曾经与你拍拖过的第三拉丁美洲人)。

    She brags to her girls that you’re aradical” and a real Dominican (even though on the Plátano Index you wouldn’t rank, Alma being only the third Latina you’ve ever really dated).


  • 喜欢自我吹嘘

    She likes to advertise herself.


  • 中国表演中国粉丝们很多支持但是只是吹嘘这些甚至还紧张时候会中国演出。

    When she performs in China, the Chinese fans give her a lot of support, but she just boasts this and even said she comes to China if short of money.


  • 不断地在吹嘘男朋友有多么好,最后还我展示了照片——的男朋友。

    While studying, she kept bragging about her boyfriend and decided to show me a picture of him. It was my boyfriend.


  • 没有吹嘘,也没有炫耀,一心只求高兴骄傲,也证明长时间以来对他的信心并没有错。

    He was not bragging, not showing off. His sole motive was to make her happy, to make her proud of him, to justify her long faith in him.


  • 录音中,表示担心受到调查吹嘘自己对消息来源的控制就像在弹一部“调音精准的钢琴”,另外还向拉纳姆寻求建议

    In the tapes, she worried about being investigated, bragged that she played a source like a "finely tuned piano" and sought advice from Mr Rajaratnam.


  • 中国表演中国粉丝们很多支持但是只是吹嘘这些甚至还紧张的时候会中国演出。

    When she performs in China, the Chinese fans give her a lot of support, but she just boasts this and even said she came to China if short of money.


  • 甚至同班同学吹嘘当时身为博尔顿球员迪乌夫关系不同寻常。

    She boasted to classmates about her relationship with then Bolton footballer el Hadji Diouf.


  • 一个克涅利比亚侍女对雅典娜的技术却以为然。经常吹嘘,说假如机会雅典娜一决高下,打败女神

    Arachne by name, did not seem to think much of Athena's dexterity, for she frequently boasted that she could beat the goddess if she had the opportunity to do so.


  • 个叫阿克涅利比亚侍女雅典娜的技术却以为然。经常吹嘘,说假如机会雅典娜一决高下,打败女神

    A lydian maid arachne by name did not seem to think much of Athena's dexterity for she frequently boasted that she could beat the goddess if she had the opportunity to do so.


  • 对于杜洛埃絮絮聒聒热情表白,注意有关一部分至于拥有嘉莉的得意吹嘘没有心思去听了。

    She had listened to Drouet's enthusiastic maunderings with much regard for that part which concerned herself, with very little for that which affected his own gain.


  • 老是吹嘘那十二男孩绘画技能

    She was always gassing about her twelve - year - old boy's skill in drawing.


  • 年前公然吹嘘自己遥远精灵血统时上流社会造成了一阵骚动。

    Some dozen years ago she created an uproar in polite society when she openly boasted of distant elvish ancestry.


  • 狐狸干酪,一边走开,一边批评地不论怎么吹嘘美貌可是他还没谈论他的智慧

    Snapping it up, the fox observed, as he walked away, that whatever he had remarked of her beauty, he had said nothing yet of her brains.


  • 罗琳官方网站吹嘘隐私意识,特意指出很少接受采访,几乎从不发表公开演讲

    Rowling's website touts her privacy, noting that she rarely does interviews or public speaking events.


  • 虽然吹嘘一番- - -一般谈恋爱都会这样做,但我照顾保护

    Although I want to boast (her), it is the mind that everyone who ever have loved would know that I would like that much to take of her, love her and protect her.


  • 狐狸干酪,一边走开,一边批评地无论怎么吹嘘美貌可是他还没谈论他的智慧

    Snapping it up, the fox observed, as he walked away, that whatever he had remarked of her beauty, he had said nothing yet of her brains.


  • 狐狸干酪,一边走开,一边批评地无论怎么吹嘘美貌可是他还没谈论他的智慧

    Snapping it up, the fox observed, as he walked away, that whatever he had remarked of her beauty, he had said nothing yet of her brains.


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