• 双手轻轻地只小鸟

    She held the bird gently in cupped hands.


  • 双手紧紧抓住栏杆

    She gripped on to the railing with both hands.


  • 双手叉腰着。

    She stood with her hands on her hips.


  • 双手

    Her hands balled into fists.


  • 双手掩面。

    She covered her face with her hands.


  • 双手抱住自己开始放声痛哭

    She puts her head in her hands and starts to bawl.


  • 现在想到一件事。”双手叉腰

    "Now I've just thought of something," putting her hands on her hips.


  • 双手合十天空感谢上帝回家

    She folded her hands, and looking up to heaven, thanked the Lord that He had brought her home again.


  • 双手孩子

    She cupped the child's face in her hands.


  • 双手掩面

    She covered her face in [with] her hands.


  • 双手交插,考虑提议

    She interlocked her fingers and considered the offer.


  • 双手捂住太阳穴,对着他的眼睛气。

    She put her hands on his temples and blew in his eyes.


  • 双手捏得紧紧的,无限凄惨地摇摇头

    She clinched her hands and shook her head bleakly.


  • 双手孩子了起来

    She gathered up the child in her arms.


  • 双手合十在祈祷

    She has her palms together, as if praying.


  • 将锁双手塑料手铐尽量地靠近过去,希望熔断它们

    She holds the plastic cuffs that bind her hands as close as she can, hoping to melt them.


  • 双手拿著一个茶匙拇指使劲好像同这块普通金属较量力气似的。

    She was holding a teaspoon in her two hands, pressing her thumbs against it as if measuring her strength against the base metal.


  • 女儿一个人走在大厅里,知道该做什么才好,双手接着成了拳头。

    His daughter paced the hall alone, not knowing what to do. Her hands covered her face, and then clenched into fists.


  • 老妇一下子变得更加干瘪了,如果有这种可能的话双手颤抖着,罐头放回货架上

    The old woman's face collapsed a bit more, if that were possible, and her hands trembled as she put the can back on the shelf.


  • 患有双重失禁,就20年前双手手指弯曲一种完全失去功能时,患上天鹅畸形

    She is doubly incontinent and the swan neck deformity which began 20 years ago in all fingers of both hands has now twisted them to a state of utter uselessness.


  • 记者兼民众自由人士的纳特·亨托夫(NatHentoff)就说道,“照情形,最慈祥的特蕾莎修女貌似可疑尤其双手铐在身后时”。

    Nat Hentoff, a journalist and civil libertarian, says that “under such circumstances even Mother Teresa would look extremely suspicious, especially if her hands were cuffed behind her back.”


  • 黛安娜枯槁双手紧抓住

    Diana grasped his face in her withered hands.


  • 抱怨双手冷冰冰

    She complained about the coldness of his hands.


  • 迅速转移目光,低头盯着自己双手

    She quickly looked away and stared down at her hands.


  • 双手因为关节炎而扭曲变形。

    Her hands were misshapen by arthritis.


  • 空中挥挥双手说,“一贯就是这个样子,是不是?”

    She threw her hands into the air. "That is just typical of you, isn't it?"


  • 双手拢作杯状窗台

    He cupped his hands and gave her a boost up to the ledge.


  • 双手开始着的那个拎柄

    Her hands began to twist the handles of the bag she carried.


  • 愿意让看到双手抖得厉害

    She would have hated him to see how her hands shook.


  • 愿意让看到双手抖得厉害

    She would have hated him to see how her hands shook.


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